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New Radiant Gamepack for Q1 maps

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  • New Radiant Gamepack for Q1 maps

    Seeing how tyrutils has been updated with so much neat stuff, it only made sense that I included it in my gamepack.

    I went a different way with the gamepack this time. Lots and lots of stuff has been stripped out. This is JUST for making maps. No QC development environment and all that. This pack MUST be put directly in C:\. There is a 5 step read me in the root QRad folder. If you don't read it, this will never work for you. The steps are simple ones. 2 of the 5 steps is just dumping ID1 folder and engine of choice in the QRad\Quake directory. Another step is telling you to enjoy. That leaves 2 measley steps. 1 of those remaining steps is telling you to choose Virtuoso from the game selection menu when you start radiant. Now you just have one step and you should read the read me to learn what it is.

    The build menu has been updated to include a tyrutils example. I DID NOT remove the other compilers from the gamepack. Technically, you have every Q1 map compiler that I am aware of and the build menu/game pack is already set up to use any of them.


  • #2
    excellent stuff. Downloading now!

    Ok im probably missing something simple here, but your readme says to edit "C:\QRad\radiant\\default_build_me nu.xml" but there is no "radiant" folder in your zip?

    edit: Wait, the netradiant folder was hidden..... :/
    Last edited by AndehX; 05-09-2015, 11:05 AM.


    • #3
      @hidden folder - fuck I knew I was forgetting something. Sorry about that. I hide these things cause notepad++ wont include hidden folders in the project tree. Sometimes I forget to unhide them cause, nothing is hidden to me on my system. Sorry again. Please note that in order to make these packs I have to make a fully working pack and before releasing it I have to delete/reset a bunch of stuff so it will be "blank" for the user. It's like, build it all the way up and then tear it halfway down again. It's easy to miss a step... one of them being unhiding folders.


      Why must this pack be put in C

      Well, that's really simple. I could have contoured the config files with relative paths and then every time you go to save anything it will throw errors that are actually lies, cause as soon as you click "ok" for the error, it saves anyway.

      The other alternative was to have you open a chain of files and change the paths manually. You still can do that but I don't feel like answering all those questions. All that being said, the logical solution was to just force a root directory.

      It may not be the ideal solution but hey, this shit is free.


      Some other notes:

      I tested this with a slew of engines and fitzquake085.exe hates this for some reason. It refuses to run the map. I'm sure you could get around this by not using my run map option from the radiant build menu and instead loading the map manually. Then again maybe fitzquake085 hates tyrutils compiled maps. Who's to say? I just know it doesn't work and I even tried a gamefix switch.

      proxy.bat is your final commandline. I have some default stuff in there like 1366x768 window. You can change that if you want just don't change my %num stuff. Those vars are injected into the bat by radiant. Work around that stuff. My conwidth switch in proxy.bat is based on conwidth = (resolutionWidth/resolutionHeight) * 480 (where 480 is a static conheight across all resolutions). If you change the width and height values in the bat, you should pop out a calculator and use the above formula to change conwidth too.

      Don't fuck with the orange

      Originally posted by proxy.bat
      cd /d %~dp0
      %1 -game %2 +map %~n3
      -width 1366 -height 768 -conwidth 853 -conheight 480 -window
      However, I will explain the orange to you

      The first line changes the current working directory to the one the bat is in (which is also the one your engine is in)
      %1 becomes ex: darkplaces.exe
      %2 becomes virtuoso
      %~n3 becomes the name of your map without the file extension. That's what ~n does, strips file extensions.

      The only purpose of this file is to allow you to run your map from the radiant build menu via the RUN MAP option. If you are running your map some other way then you don't even need this file. Radiant does not support running Q1 maps from the editor so the logical work around was to rape the build menu for it's command line injection. If you would like the cmd shell to disappear once the engine is loaded add the word START before %1

      Originally posted by proxy.bat
      cd /d %~dp0
      START %1 -game %2 +map %~n3 -width 1366 -height 768 -conwidth 853 -conheight 480 -window

      If you have any questions about that 32 point compass in my build menu look at the BSP1 build example. It's a compass for setting sunlight so you so you don't have to use numbers that may mean nothing to you.
      Last edited by MadGypsy; 05-09-2015, 02:17 PM. Reason: consolidate my posts


      • #4
        So I've got it all setup, but after compiling, all my textures are missing in game. Tried putting the wads in "virtuoso" "virtuoso/maps" "id1" and "id1/maps" but nothing seems to work. Probably just be being stupid, but Im not having this problem with my standard Quake 1 setup on my other drive...


        • #5
          @no wads

          Did you add the wad to worldspawn?

          0)put any and all wads you want to use in Quake\virtuoso\
          1)select a brush
          2)press n
          3)make sure you are on worldspawn entity
          4)Wad File: [C:\QRad\Quake\virtuoso\nameOf.wad]
          4 alt (hmap2)) [C:\QRad\Quake\virtuoso\*.wad] or maybe just [*.wad] i forget which but the wildcard is shorthand for all wads

          in order to use multiple wads with compilers other than hmap2 you need to semi-colon separate wad full paths
          C\somePath\myWad1.wad ; C:\somePath\myWad2.wad etc...

          don't use spaces before and after the semi colon though. I just put those there so you can easily read the example.

          Here is a visual example and proof that it works perfect. This example is using 2 completely different wads. "map" was compiled with tyrutils which can be evidenced by the small amount of dirt in the corners. I set up my gamepack anew straight from the zip I uploaded, followed my own instructions and slapped this test together. There is 0% of mistakes in my upload beyond the hidden radiant folder.
          Last edited by MadGypsy; 05-09-2015, 02:12 PM. Reason: consolidated my posts


          • #6
            Notes on customizing the build menu via radiants "customize" option:

            I have explained this all before but I can't remember where so, I'll slam this out real quick.

            If you click Build / Customize you can add/remove switches to any of my example builds. There are some things to note about this though.

            1) As soon as you make the changes click save before doing ANYTHING else. Radiant is fickle and will literally drop your changes. I mean don't even close the customization window til you have saved.

            2) Once a change is made you are no longer using radiant\\default_build_menu.xml. A copy is made and stored in radiant\settings\1.5.0\\. THAT becomes the build menu from then on and forever until you manually delete the build_menu.xml in radiant\settings\1.5.0\\

            3) You can actually change the directory the clone build menu is stored in. You need to open radiant\settings\1.5.0\\local.pref and look for this line (it's close to the top)

            <epair name="BuildMenu">C:/QRad/netradiant/settings/1.5.0/</epair>

            You can change that path to whatever you want. If it doesn't exist is fine. If you customize the default_build_menu via radiant menu it will create it. If it exists it will use it and if it doesn't exist it will fall back on the default_build_menu.xml.

            Note that when you customize the build menu via the radiant menu the clone it spits out will be ugly as shit... an explosion of xml all on one line with escape characters instead of the real ones. (ex < becomes &lt; - " becomes &quot; - > becomes &gt; etc,etc,etc). I'm not even sure how the hell it is still xml after that but radiant doesn't seem to mind.

            You may not mind either if you simply never edit it by hand and instead always use the radiant menu. Personally I like to manually modify the original default_build_menu. This method isn't for everybody and if you don't get how the xml is being used you could do more harm than good. Neither method is superior to the other cause, if it works, it works.

            The main thing to keep in mind is the secret crap that is happening in the background (ie menu being cloned and stuck somewhere completely arbitrary). As long as you know what and where, you will never be stuck in a situation where you go to manually edit the default and find that nothing you did got added to the radiant build menu. Also note that you have to close radiant BEFORE you edit this file manually or at least close radiant before you save it.


            related: Never never never turn on bsp monitor while using radiant for q1 mapping. That shit only works with q3map2. Older radiants used to come with that on by default, essentially breaking q1 mapping before you even get started. I remember it took me a long ass time to hunt that down as the culprit, and it took me even longer to figure out what settings file to change to turn it off by default. People that weren't using the build menu to compile would have never noticed. And maybe this is why many radiant users made their own compile bats to begin with. That one setting (bsp monitor) wrecks everything immediately.

            For purposes of being very thorough: If you ever design your own gamepack for Q1 mapping, in the FILE (not folder) make sure there is a line that says


            essentially saying that it is true (1) that there will be no bsp monitor.
            Last edited by MadGypsy; 05-09-2015, 02:21 PM.


            • #7
              Oh I should probably tell you that all compilers and their documentation (where provided) can be found in C:\QRad\netradiant\\compilers. In the case of xt\ there was no xt_light compiler so I just used the stock one found in Map1 as this was the closest thing to the rest of the xt compilers. I'm pretty sure xt is short for experimental and it probably isn't a good idea to even seriously use these compilers. I just included them because they exist.


              • #8
                Finally got round to fixing the missing textures issue.

                I worked out that I needed to type the full path to the wad in worldspawn. In my standard Quake/Radiant setup, I only needed to type the name of the wad, not the entire path.


                • #9
                  Yeah, I think it depends on where you put the compilers and which compiler you are using.


                  • #10
                    Does anyone have a working link to this?


                    • #11
                      You might ask someone in this thread.

                      Func_Msgboard: TyrUtils V0.11

                      Madgypsy participated in that thread about a week ago sharing FileDropper links.

                      (FileDropper sux!! It stays there like 4 days and is gone).
             - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                      So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                      • #12
                        I keep seeing guests on various radiant threads I have made (like this one). If y'all are looking for one of my radiant gamepack projects, you can find the most recent version right here. That link will never expire.

                        This version includes

                        TryUtils 0.15.4
                        All of the tyrutils entity options are included with description in the entity inspector
                        I believe my gridz.wad is still included
                        my game controller map should still be in there
                        somewhere in there is an .fgd that mimics the .ent
                        build menu blah blah blah

                        There are numerous little things hiding in that package. I'm not going to bother to describe or help you find them in this post cause I'm not even sure anyone is looking for it. All I know is in the last 3 days I have seen numerous guests on these threads by me. If you have questions ask them here and I'll answer them.

                        There will probably never be an update to this. Only thing I am using radiant for these days is to quickly lay brushes for the most basic map layout before I export as .obj and do the rest in blender. This means that I am not even using the compile tools, build menu... none of it. I've maintained this project all the way up to the most recent version of our most recent compilers. Someone else can update it from this point if it is important to anyone. I will leave the google drive link available forever though. Feel free to mirror it, claim you made it, whatever. This project is dead to me.

                        edit: AndehX's last post claims you have to type the full file path of the wad in the wad field of worldspawn. This is no longer necessary. Just ~ somewad.wad;someotherwad.wad
                        Last edited by MadGypsy; 05-10-2016, 06:04 AM.

