
No announcement yet. Turns 1

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  • Turns 1

    One year ago today, was launched.

    It wasn't fully refined at the time of the launch, and it was prompted by the sudden closure of the Singed.Net site and server on March 6, 2006.

    When the site went live, over 100 registered in the first week (due to the support we received from other Quake sites, like Quake Terminus, QuakeDev, Inside3D, Func_Msgboard, etc.) and within the first month there were 3,000 posts in the forum.

    The idea for the site first came in May 2005 when blew up (a site revolving around the Widomaker server) and it almost went live in mid-July 2005, but the CMS was not able to handle enough concurrent users.

    After some attempts with other CMS systems that ended up being insufficient, the project to make this site sort of stalled a few times and for a while it looked like it would never happen.

    The QuakeOne site itself was mostly the work of Solecord, with Yellow being the communications guy and most of the content/downloads/Quake info done by me, with a lot of support and other help from a lot of others including MindzfieldX, Rook, Bam and countless others too numerous to mention. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...

  • #2
    I brought quakeone a present but since it's not a person I think I'll keep it


    • #3
      well all i can say is..
      i'm glad is here!
      it rocks!
      keep up the good work guys!

