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Ent File cvar not Working Right

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  • Ent File cvar not Working Right

    Hi. I recently found a nice map by the same guy who made Beyond Belief on Quaddicted called ARMA2. I downloaded it and wanted to make some RTlights for it as well as an ent file to start. Problem is, the sv_saveentfile cvar doesn't function properly with this map and does nothing. The RTlights edit tool works, but it doesn't save anything when I press Q. I've never had this issue-especially with all official map releases. What can be done to fix this, if anything?
    Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.

  • #2
    I don't know what OS(Win/Mac/Linux variant) you are using but... in my Linux distro DP creates a .darplaces directory in Home that's hidden. Inside there it creates other directories corresponding to mods run as well as id1. So, when I save entities it saves the .ent file in the .darkplaces/id1/maps directory and when I press "q" to save rtlights files it's in the .darkplaces/lightedit directory!

    I don't know if this helps you or not, just showing how it worked for me on "arma2". I turned some lights flouro green and made one pulse slowy, saved and then tracked down the file and loaded it up.

    - damage
    Name's damage_inc, and killing is my business. Don't worry though, it's nothing personal! Oh wait... maybe it is


    • #3
      Damage is correct with linux. For windows you can find those files here:

      C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\darkplaces\id1\maps\

      As for "r_editlights""1" I was able to make my RTlight file with no problem with ARMA2 map. Also was able to use sv_saveentfile without error. Both files show up in the above folder. They also load fine. Could you explain more about what is happening and what you mean by it's not working right?


      • #4
        I'm running windows 7 on a 64 bit machine. I've been using that cvar for months and it's never failed on me before. It just suddenly stopped saving ent files COMPLETELY when I typed it in the console. The same thing happened to my rt lights edit tool. It stopped saving any file whatsoever when I pressed q. I know the files need to appear in the maps folder, but they don't. They don't appear anywhere at all. Basically my problem is that the save function of these two features has been neutralized completely. I don't know what the problem is because it just happened randomly without reason.

        EDIT: Never mind. I did a system search and I found the files were being saved to some weird folder I knew nothing about that wasn't even in my quake directory...

        Found it in C:\Users\Me\Saved Games\darkplaces\id1\maps

        Don't know why DP randomly decided to do this. Although the issue is resolved, if anyone knows why this happened, your input would be appreciated.
        Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.


        • #5
          It's not suppose to save in the Quake folder. Like I posted above that is exactly where I would expect them to be.

          C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\darkplaces\id1\maps\
          Unless you are saying that ME isn't your username?

          EDIT: Also here are I think all of the available commands you can use with r_editlights

          r_editlights : enable/disable editing mode
          r_editlights_cursordistance : maximum distance of cursor from eye
          r_editlights_cursorpushback : push back cursor this far from surface
          r_editlights_cursorpushoff : push cursor off surface this far
          r_editlights_cursorgrid : snap cursor to grid of this size
          r_editlights_quakelightsizescale : imported quake light entity size scaling
          r_editlights_help : this help
          r_editlights_clear : remove all lights
          r_editlights_reload : reload .rtlights, .lights file, or entities
          r_editlights_save : save to .rtlights file
          r_editlights_spawn : create a light with default settings
          r_editlights_edit command : edit selected light - more documentation below
          r_editlights_remove : remove selected light
          r_editlights_toggleshadow : toggles on/off selected light’s shadow property
          r_editlights_importlightentitiesfrommap : reload light entities
          r_editlights_importlightsfile : reload .light file (produced by hlight)
          Edit commands:
          origin x y z : set light location
          originx x: set x component of light location
          originy y: set y component of light location
          originz z: set z component of light location
          move x y z : adjust light location
          movex x: adjust x component of light location
          movey y: adjust y component of light location
          movez z: adjust z component of light location
          angles x y z : set light angles
          anglesx x: set x component of light angles
          anglesy y: set y component of light angles
          anglesz z: set z component of light angles
          color r g b : set color of light (can be brighter than 1 1 1)
          radius radius : set radius (size) of light
          colorscale grey : multiply color of light (1 does nothing)
          colorscale r g b : multiply color of light (1 1 1 does nothing)
          radiusscale scale : multiply radius (size) of light (1 does nothing)
          sizescale scale : multiply radius (size) of light (1 does nothing)
          style style : set lightstyle of light (flickering patterns, switches, etc)
          cubemap basename : set filter cubemap of light (not yet supported)
          shadows 1/0 : turn on/off shadows
          corona n : set corona intensity
          coronasize n : set corona size (0-1)
          ambient n : set ambient intensity (0-1)
          diffuse n : set diffuse intensity (0-1)
          specular n : set specular intensity (0-1)
          normalmode 1/0 : turn on/off rendering of this light in rtworld 0 mode
          realtimemode 1/0 : turn on/off rendering of this light in rtworld 1 mode
          r_editlights_edit shadows 0 = turns off shadows to save speed and processing time
          r_editlights_edit color 0 0 1 = will make a light red
          r_editlights_edit color 0 1 1 = will make a light yellow
          r_editlights_edit color 1 0 1 = will make a light purple
          r_editlights_edit color 0.3 0.3 0.3 = will make a light dimmer whilst keeping the lights radius
          r_editlights_edit radius 150 = small light
          r_editlights_edit radius 320 = medium light
          r_editlights_edit radius 475 = largeish light
          r_editlights_edit radius 550 = large light
          r_editlights_edit radius 650 = pretty huge light
          r_editlights_edit radius 900 = huge light
          r_editlights_copyinfo (saves properties of current light)
          r_editlights_pasteinfo (applies saved properties to a light)
          r_editlights_edit normalmode 1 (causes a light to be visible in normal rendering, without the world dynamic lights option)
          r_editlights_edit diffuse 0 (causes a light to emit no diffuse light)
          r_editlights_edit specular 0 (causes a light to emit no specular light)
          r_editlights_edit ambient 1
          Last edited by PrimalLove; 09-16-2014, 10:13 PM.

