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A man-sized cybernetic scorpion with nailguns for claws and melee sting attack. Also known as the Scourge.

This is one pissed cyborg scorpion. With 2 nail-guns attached to him, and a deadly stinger on him, you better be able to run. The Centroid doesn't move that quickly, but can strafe and rotate fast. Watch out!

The Centroid, is a scorpion that fires nails. While slow, it strafes quickly and fires low to the ground, presenting a threat in open areas.







"These technological giant scorpions are armored and terribly angry. Instead of the pliers arms are welded directly
to the body. Do not get too close or I'll pluck in your face.
— Quake 1 Manual

  • Name: Centroid, Scorpion;
  • Attack: Breaks bones with tongs;
  • Information: The Centroid, is a scorpion that fires nails. While slow, it strafes quickly and fires low to the ground,
    presenting a threat in open areas.;
  • File Position: Quake/Hipnotic/progs/scor.mdl;






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