Feedback Update: "p.s. was fun as hell to play!" -- Rev

Download: The Bloody Slipgates (unzip to quake\e1m1red; cmdline: add -game e1m1red)
Link: Official Site
Definitely in the top 3 mods released in the last 12 months and probably the best casual play experience released in recent history. REQUIRES INTENSIVE MAP EXPLORATION -- NEWBIES NEED NOT DOWNLOAD THIS. One of the most satisfying mods of all time, it takes single player and throws an ingenious twist into the mix -- but on a remade and reinvented map E1M1RED with countless dastardly modifications.
Released by Lardarse for Quake Expo 2008 but crashed shortly thereafter -- so it was never true "news" and was already intended to be. This mod is hated and despised by purists, so you know it is inventive -- the complaint is that this mod breaks a sacred rule of Quake by not being quite linear.

Definitely in the top 3 mods released in the last 12 months and probably the best casual play experience released in recent history. REQUIRES INTENSIVE MAP EXPLORATION -- NEWBIES NEED NOT DOWNLOAD THIS. One of the most satisfying mods of all time, it takes single player and throws an ingenious twist into the mix -- but on a remade and reinvented map E1M1RED with countless dastardly modifications.
Released by Lardarse for Quake Expo 2008 but crashed shortly thereafter -- so it was never true "news" and was already intended to be. This mod is hated and despised by purists, so you know it is inventive -- the complaint is that this mod breaks a sacred rule of Quake by not being quite linear.