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Finally ... February Update: 4 of 4

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  • Baker
    Originally posted by ooppee View Post
    *sends PM off to Solecord informing him of this 1.2mb GIF* jk
    Nice big update I wouldn't use the idea of:
    *Month Name* update x of x
    You do what you can do. Curveballs are part of life. The best of plans and all that jive.

    In the end, it isn't whether or not things go according to plan but rather than you eventually get the ship into port

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  • LambentHammerBurst
    *sends PM off to Solecord informing him of this 1.2mb GIF* jk
    Nice big update I wouldn't use the idea of:
    *Month Name* update x of x

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  • Baker
    started a topic Finally ... February Update: 4 of 4

    Finally ... February Update: 4 of 4

    Seven's Shader Animated Box Models

    There was some strong sentiment in the thread that a visualization should be shown on the news page. The animated box models are perhaps one of the most creative uses of DarkPlaces features seen to update the look of items in the game. Seven has been a major breath of fresh air to the community in both contribution and passion and is an MVP by any measurement, please consider posting a thanks in the thread. Read more in the thread ...

    NewDM Server:

    Monster has taken Canadian*Sniper's NewDM mod and added numerous enhancements including voting, bots and game balance tweaks -- like Pent holders receive slight damage. It runs 140 maps (download). Additionally, there is a new server --- -- running the Junker mod (tripwires, guided rockets, etc.).

    Remake Quake Demo 2 Review
    Tronyn Reviews @ Quaddicted

    The on-going Remake Quake project by GoldenBoy, ijed, Supa, Lardarse, MH and many others is an attempt to make "Quake++" or as some would describe as what a Quake 1.5 would have been in made in the late 1990s. Sleeping shamblers that awake, a grapple that lowers you down, Ogres with a primitive language, cut-scenes. Read Tronyn's Review of Remake Quake Demo 2. For a bonus, read the review of Demo 1. When Demo 2 came out, admittedly I did not have time to even play it immediately, assess the features or get a good screenshot so the news item was a vague rush-job.

    Engine X: Update

    The semi-insane Engine X has an important update. Not a big update as is in the works. Just an important bug-fix. It still does have some minor bugs here and there. A far more ambitious update awaits ... Read thread for details. Thanks to Mr. Burns and FreQency for the continued enjoyment of the engine -- I should have just shipped out a bug-fix in October instead of trying to add too much in a single update.

    Undergate Re-Release

    The 104 map super-gateway map, the Undergate, has been repackaged. The original distribution was made in a very chaotic 2006 environment with immature engines. We have a wide range of mature Quake engines now and that old download is mighty crusty. So the distribution has been streamlined.

    Apparently, this is an immortal work showcasing classic works of the single player community [including all major works whose readme.txt file wasn't uber-gay like "don't distribute this map"] since over the last 5 years the thread keeps being bumped.

    All Your Q3 Mapper Are Belong To Us

    ShadoW is programmed by nature to make maps. He has made another Quake DM map -- Deep Scars. It is awesome. He is a legend in the Quake III community and beyond. Now we know why. It is important to note that I easily owned Raef [Amiga] 1-0 on this map this morning while he was AFK. That's just the kind of conscientious guy I am!

    Enough News For Now! Sheesh!

    The last time was backed up for 2 months doing news, news and more news was August when like 18 [or maybe it was 4 ] map authors simultaneously made extremely block-buster awesome single player map releases.

    Unless there is something Earth-shattering, we are resuming the normal news schedule of once every month or two. That being said, check out Turtlevan's awesome synchronized movie showing how awesome DarkPlaces looks compared to stock GLQuake (with ProQuake being the example -- jerk!) and Polarite doing what is nigh impossible in multiplayer NetQuake -- back-to-back direct air rockets! Of course this is normal for Polarite like beating American players on an American server 53-0, but that is besides the point.

    [Meanwhile, Baker hopes Solecord doesn't murder me for embedding a 1.2 MB animated GIF in a post. Hey! We can all hope, right? Update: Now using a more optimized 190KB version by MH, with an honorable mention going to MadGypsy for a smaller, but Flash-based version.]
    Last edited by Baker; 03-06-2011, 12:32 PM.