ya i havent updated that website in a while and just post new versions on the forums.... that link above has the newest.
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Metal Monstrosity
What engine should I use with this map, and with Quoth, in general? I tried Qrack, and wouldn't run. I eventually used DirectQ, but it doesn't have all the bells and whistles. I'm looking for something other than darkplaces.
Edit: just read r00k's post above...
Best Quake map ever (IMO)! I never play Quake (quoth) but, when I saw the screenshots I had to give this one a go. You have some serious talent, sock. Excellent work!
heads up: (typos in bold)
"One Quoth tech style monster that has gained notoriety amount(around) the Quake community is the flying monster called Bob."
"The r_speed/wpoly counts are extremely high, thou(though) not as high as the map 'something wicked' by Tronyn."
I'm not trying to correct you, just give you a heads up if you wanted to clean it up. And now you know at least one person read the entire thing.
I can't seem to get the sky to display properly in qrack. It just looks all white.
Edit: Here's a picture
If I noclip to a certain distance, I can see some of the skybox. I tried fiddling with r_farclip by increasing it to 16384, but that made what little of the skybox i saw go away.
Also, why are the enhanced rocket trail particles so pixelated?Last edited by PapaSmurf; 06-03-2014, 06:00 PM.
Originally posted by PapaSmurf View PostWhat engine should I use with this map, and with Quoth, in general? I tried Qrack, and wouldn't run. I eventually used DirectQ, but it doesn't have all the bells and whistles. I'm looking for something other than darkplaces.
Edit: just read r00k's post above...I'm pretty sure that sock always tests his maps in Fitzquake/QuakeSpasm.
Originally posted by PapaSmurf View PostI can't seem to get the sky to display properly in qrack. It just looks all white.
Edit: Here's a picture
If I noclip to a certain distance, I can see some of the skybox. I tried fiddling with r_farclip by increasing it to 16384, but that made what little of the skybox i saw go away.
Also, why are the enhanced rocket trail particles so pixelated?
set gl_fogdensity to 0.03 (default is 0.153) and it should be visible... the map is so BIG that the skybox is just out of range of the default value..
also based on your screenshot please use vid_force_aspect_ratio (test 0 or 1) in your config.
This will make your 2d hud items adhere to your monitor's aspect ratio. not the ratio of the console resolution.
The images in your ScreenShot look vertically challenged.Last edited by R00k; 06-03-2014, 07:03 PM.
gl_fogdensity didn't help with displaying the skybox correctly. I can only see a side of the skybox once I get far enough away from it (like when using noclip)
vid_force_aspect_ratio didn't do anything for me. I'm not sure what you think its supposed to look like. Keep in mind that I like to make the hud big as if it were 320x200
try turning off gl_fogenable. I can see the skybox just fine. if my fog density is too high all i see is white....did u make a folder in /quake called metmon then put the pak0 in there, then run -game metmon -quoth -mem 128
i dunno, what else is wrong.
Originally posted by R00k View Posttry turning off gl_fogenable. I can see the skybox just fine. if my fog density is too high all i see is white....did u make a folder in /quake called metmon then put the pak0 in there, then run -game metmon -quoth -mem 128
i dunno, what else is wrong.
glqrack -mem 128 -heapsize 64000 -game metmon -quoth +exec sp.cfg +map metmon
It doesn't look like fog is what is causing it, since the sky becomes visible when I get further away, not when I get closer. And when it does become visible I see one whole panel of the skybox, for example, in that picture I posted you see two side panels of the skybox being displayed, but not the top panel, the bottom panel. I will try fogenable.
gl_fogenable 0 fixed it.Last edited by PapaSmurf; 06-04-2014, 08:24 AM.
its a great map which you should definitely give a try.
only thing when using darkplaces is to use parameter '-game quoth' instead of '-quoth' like it says in readme.
but i could run it fine in DP.are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
> then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread
The latest Qrack version gives me this error when I try to load the map.
This is a a fresh Quake install with only Qrack and Quoth. I'm using Windows 7 64bits Ultimate with a AMD HD series graphics card.
The line of command: glQrack.exe -width 1920 -height 1080 -bpp 32 -heapsize 64000 -game metmon -quoth +map metmon
Edit.: just found out that I got this error with any quoth map!Last edited by vegetous; 06-21-2014, 11:54 AM.
try -mem 128 instead of -heapsize 64000
theres also a newer version http://www.quakeone.com/qrack/dist/Qrack_4497.zip
Skyboxes not working in this map for me too!
My cfg:
Code:// Generated by Qrack // Key bindings bind "TAB" "impulse 10" bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "/" "impulse 10" bind "0" "impulse 21" bind "1" "impulse 1 " bind "2" "impulse 2 " bind "3" "impulse 3 2 " bind "4" "impulse 4 3 2 " bind "5" "impulse 5 4 3 2" bind "6" "impulse 6 5 4 3 2" bind "7" "impulse 7 6 5 4 3 2" bind "8" "impulse 8 6 5 4 3 2 " bind "9" "impulse 250" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "\" "+mlook" bind "`" "toggleconsole " bind "a" "impulse 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1" bind "c" "+movedown " bind "d" "+moveup" bind "f" "flashlight" bind "q" "+moveleft " bind "s" "+back " bind "t" "messagemode" bind "w" "+moveright " bind "x" "impulse 5 4 3 2" bind "~" "toggleconsole " bind "CAPSLOCK" "impulse 7" bind "PAUSE" "pause " bind "UPARROW" "+forward " bind "DOWNARROW" "+back " bind "LEFTARROW" "+left " bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right " bind "LALT" "+rj" bind "RALT" "+rj" bind "LCTRL" "+impulso" bind "RCTRL" "+impulso" bind "LSHIFT" "impulse 6" bind "RSHIFT" "impulse 6" bind "F1" "help" bind "F2" "menu_save" bind "F3" "menu_load" bind "F4" "menu_options" bind "F5" "menu_multiplayer" bind "F6" "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick" bind "F9" "easyrecord" bind "F10" "quit" bind "F11" "zoom_in" bind "F12" "screenshot " bind "INS" "+klook" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+forward" bind "MOUSE3" "impulse 8; +attack" bind "MWHEELUP" "impulse 10" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "impulse 12" // Variables _cl_color "17" _cl_name "vegetous" _config_com_baud "57600" _config_com_irq "4" _config_com_modem "1" _config_com_port "0x3f8" _config_modem_clear "ATZ" _config_modem_dialtype "T" _config_modem_hangup "AT H" _config_modem_init "" _snd_mixahead "0.1" _vid_default_mode "0" _vid_default_mode_win "3" _windowed_mouse "1" ambient_level "0.3" bgmvolume "1" capture_dir "D:/Jogos/Quake_rack/capture" cfg_savevars "1" chase_active "0" chase_transparent "1" cl_autofocus "1" cl_backspeed "335" cl_basespeedkey "1" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_bobfall "0" cl_bobfall_scale "2" cl_checkForUpdate "1" cl_crossx "0" cl_crossy "0" cl_deadbodyfilter "0" cl_echo_qversion "1" cl_forwardspeed "335" cl_gibfilter "0" cl_gun_fovscale "1" cl_gun_idle_movement "0" cl_gun_offset "0" cl_itembob "0" cl_keypad "1" cl_levelshots "1" cl_lightning_zadjust "16" cl_maxfps "75" cl_muzzleflash "1" cl_proquake "1" cl_sbar "0" cl_sbar_drawface "1" cl_sbar_style "0" cl_sidespeed "335" cl_teamflags "1" cl_teamskin "1" cl_truelightning "0" cl_upspeed "335" cl_web_download "1" cl_web_download_url "downloads.quake-1.com/" cmdline " -width 1920 -height 1080 -bpp 32 -mem 256 -noforcemparms -game metmon -quoth +map metmon " con_textsize "4" crosshair "1" crosshair_static "1" crosshairalpha "0.6" crosshaircolor "196" crosshairimage "crosshair" crosshairsize "7" fov "115" gl_anisotropic "8" gl_bounceparticles "1" gl_caustics "1" gl_clear "1" gl_clip_muzzleflash "1" gl_consolefont "charset-1" gl_contrast "1.9" gl_coronas "0" gl_damageshells "0" gl_deathblur "0" gl_decal_blood "1" gl_decal_bullets "1" gl_decal_count "1024" gl_decal_explosions "1" gl_decal_quality "0" gl_decal_sparks "1" gl_decal_viewdistance "256" gl_decals "1" gl_decaltime "30" gl_detail "0" gl_externaltextures_bmodels "1" gl_externaltextures_models "1" gl_externaltextures_world "1" gl_fb_bmodels "1" gl_fb_models "1" gl_flametype "0" gl_flashblend "0" gl_fogblue "0.65" gl_fogdensity "0.03" gl_fogenable "1" gl_foggreen "0.55" gl_fogred "0.6" gl_free_world_textures "1" gl_gamma "0.65" gl_hurtblur "0" gl_interpolate_animation "1" gl_interpolate_transform "1" gl_laserpoint "0" gl_lavasmoke "1" gl_loadlitfiles "1" gl_loadq3models "0" gl_max_size "16384" gl_mipmap_lightmaps "0" gl_motion_blur "0.333" gl_nightmare "0" gl_overbright "0" gl_part_blobs "1" gl_part_blood "1" gl_part_explosions "1" gl_part_flames "1" gl_part_flies "1" gl_part_gunshots "1" gl_part_lavasplash "1" gl_part_lightning "1" gl_part_muzzleflash "1" gl_part_sparks "1" gl_part_telesplash "1" gl_part_trails "1" gl_particle_count "8192" gl_powerupshell_size "0" gl_powerupshells "0" gl_rain "0" gl_shiny "1" gl_smoothfont "0" gl_subdivide_size "128" gl_texCompression "0" gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" gl_triplebuffer "1" gl_vertexlights "1" gl_waterblur "0.5" gl_waterfog "1" gl_waterfog_density "1" hostname "Brainiac" joystick "0" lookspring "0" lookstrafe "0" m_di_buffered "1" m_di_bufsize "16" m_directinput "1" m_filter "1" m_forward "1" m_look "1" m_noforcemparms "1" m_pitch "0.022" m_rate "125" m_raw_input "0" m_side "0.8" m_smooth "0" m_yaw "0.022" pq_armor "[R]:[Y]:[G]" pq_fullpitch "0" pq_haverl "I have RL" pq_moveup "1" pq_needrl "I need RL" pq_needrox "I need rockets" pq_noweapons "no weapons" pq_pent "pent" pq_quad "quad" pq_ring "eyes" pq_scoreboard_pings "1" pq_smoothcam "1" pq_teamscores "1" pq_timer "1" pq_weapons "SSG:NG:SNG:GL:RL:LG" pr_builtin_find "100" r_bloom "0" r_bloom_alpha "0.3" r_bloom_darken "4" r_bloom_diamond_size "8" r_bloom_fast_sample "0" r_bloom_intensity "1" r_bloom_sample_size "256" r_celshading "1" r_drawflame "1" r_drawviewmodel "1" r_drawviewmodelsize "1" r_dynamic "1" r_explosionlight "1" r_explosiontype "1" r_fastsky "0" r_fastturb "0" r_glowlg "1" r_grenadetrail "1" r_interpolate_light "0" r_lavaalpha "1" r_novis "1" r_outline "1" r_outline_surf "0" r_particle_count "2048" r_particle_scale "1" r_particle_type "0" r_powerupglow "1" r_rocketlight "1" r_rockettrail "3" r_shadows "1.10" r_simpleitems "0" r_skybox "dusk" r_skyscroll "1" r_skyspeed "2" r_telealpha "1" r_turbalpha_distance "512" r_uwfactor "512" r_uwscale "2" r_wateralpha "1" registered "1" saved1 "0" saved2 "0" saved3 "0" saved4 "0" savedgamecfg "0" scr_bloodsplat "0" scr_centerprint_levelname "1" scr_centersbar "0" scr_conspeed "900" scr_printstats "0" scr_printstats_length "0.5" scr_printstats_style "1" scr_sbaralpha "0.1" sensitivity "3" skill "2" slist_filter_noplayers "1" sv_sound_land "demon/dland2.wav" sys_disableWinKeys "0" sys_highpriority "0" v_gunkick "0" v_viewheight "0" vid_borderless "0" vid_bpp "32" vid_config_x "800" vid_config_y "600" vid_conheight "200" vid_conwidth "320" vid_force_aspect_ratio "1" vid_fullscreen "1" vid_height "1080" vid_mode "188" vid_refreshrate "60" vid_stretch_by_2 "1" vid_vsync "1" vid_width "1920" viewsize "100" volume "0.7" //----------------------------- // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE! vid_bpp 32 vid_restart vid_conwidth "320" vid_conheight "200"
lower your r_farclip value, (4096) or try a higher gl_fogend value to match
or change gl_fogdensity to 0.0135 instead.Last edited by R00k; 06-26-2014, 12:22 PM.