FFA1 RQ results are in!
Congratulations to Solecord on his win!

Great games to all those who took part!
The gaming was INTENSE and CHAOTIC to put it short and sweet.
Noesis has found a new home, and for a short minute the project was thought to be dead in the water.
Thanks to Gnounc for informing the community of the change of hosting!
Thanks to Golden_Boy for informing us that no one really died (whew!)
You can find Noesis HERE from now on.
Dutch dropped an update to his WIP RiftQuake which adds some bitchin violence and gore to the original Quake game.

Just look at the above single image...
grasp how much work has gone into bringing the game we love to a whole new level of carnage!
That's not all though, make sure to check the WIP Thread for RiftQuake to get the full scoop!
Several community members have collaborated to release Definitive Frikbot Waypoints Mappack for the Frikbot!
Many thanks to the various members of the community who have contributed to this in the past and the present.