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    Nice work g_b!


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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    the sun rises and sets in multiplayer Q1's ass, woops my bad !

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  • R00k
    how about tools to make .lit files
    or texture tools like texmex
    rtlights ?

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  • MadGypsy
    not a mapping tool
    I'll admit I didn't know exactly what CATOOLS was but, I was pretty sure it had nothing to do with mapping. I've done exhaustive searches of Q1 map compilers and catools never came up.


    If any of you know of some extra progs(source) or map compile tool that I should include in my radiant gamepacks please feel free to let me know about them. To avoid overlap, here is what I already have.

    1) standard CSQC source that I got from LordHavocs site
    2) clean QC
    3) All the most current map1 and map2 compilers that were upgraded from bengt jardrups original compilers
    4) hmap2
    5) newskip

    hmmm maybe I should include frikbot in a passive way.

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  • talisa
    great first news-item GB

    even though most of the stuff in the post isnt to recent,
    its still nice to see these items getting the attention they deserve after all!


    also thanx for featuring a lot of the items that ive made in the past in your news-post

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  • R00k
    Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
    CATOOLS.exe builds custom map-menu's for CA+ and CAx , as far as I know r00k uses CATOOLS for CAx and that is a modern supported by author multiplayer MOD.
    Um, Thanks for the props Mindz, BUT, catools is basically a single purpose hex editor, specifically for CAx.
    It searches the progs.dat for a string of characters ("lt!g") and includes upto 8 padded spaces to overwrite map names. This allows admins to add custom maps to the warplist. It only does that, no mapping. It is not a mapping tool.

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  • dr_mabuse1981
    idk if you guys know Jackhammer:

    Jackhammer: My Favorite Level Editor group - Mod DB

    It already supports Quake 1 and 2, Halflife and soon Q3BSP too
    Its based on VHE and also has a few Radiant features.

    Plus it can show your models (MDL, MD2, HLMDL) in the editor which is

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    I would want it included for the sake of multiplayer Q1 rests in the hands of r00k, a excellent multiplayer mod author. He can whip together a proof of concept in no time, thats nothing to sneeze at.

    Mappers/other Stuff's that make 'new content arousal' for multiplayer quake are thin at best non existent at least?or is it the other way around?

    I can't stand show and tell, I know it drives a lot of the community here but I'm to put it bluntly, ready for a new multiplayer social climate. the atmosphere is stale in multiplayer.

    everything inside the atmosphere has to go except for out of box support for q1 servers (the maps being GPL'd ensure even a custom mapset with texture support thats legal is a starting point. a legal Quake is what I most desire to spend my time on and theres a niche group that suffers huge neglect thats multiplayer. r00k is Atlas, and he's tired of endlessly being forced to shoulder the globe that is Multiplayer Q1.

    He's surrounded by phenomenal talent in every department, but instead we have 'read your own book' club. Everyone here has a passion for Q1, its time in my opinion we had a opensource project that aimed for a common goal. While everyone still has the 'doin shit in Q1' steam, utilizing that steam rather than it just being an infinite number of individual projects, I can't imagine what kind of monstrosity of a behemoth project when propped up by the talents here @ could achieve. The people here could author the next massive hit in opensource gaming, but we'd never know it until everyone wore a shirt saying 'I'm standing next to Talent,let's copulate our talents' themes and it became obviously apparent.

    I was so stoked for RMQ, and the possibility it could inject a modern interest in Quake1.

    Darkplaces caters strictly to a singleplayer crowd it seems rarely to benefit outside mp coop / RQ Coop.

    CATOOLS.exe builds custom map-menu's for CA+ and CAx , as far as I know r00k uses CATOOLS for CAx and that is a modern supported by author multiplayer MOD.

    It is infinitely important that multiplayer catch a slice of anyones attention anywhere they are willing to devote some attention TO it. I the lowly multiplayer Quaker humbly beg any modern badass of modding Q1 do that exact thing. Rally the troops, stop the flexing and taunting and rally the troops.

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  • MadGypsy
    @GB - I agree with you in many ways. I just also disagree with you disagreeing with me

    @such as seeing the compiler output in realtime in its natural environment

    I can see all that stuff too. You maybe forget that the build menu is nothing but an xml command line and for Q1 mapping I have build process monitoring off. This means that the build menu for my packages is the same thing as your bash script. I can rewrite any bash script you create identical in the build menu and get the same results. Really the build menu does 6 things that your bash script can't.

    1) Selecting customize allows you to change specific elements of specific builds without having to open a bash and find the line(s) you want to modify.
    2) The build can be run straight from radiant menu
    3) You = 30 maps - 30 bash / ME = infinite maps - 1 build menu
    4) Multiple builds can be defined and selected specifically with nothing but a press of the LMB. These are all in one menu as opposed to misc bash files stored in random locations.
    5) If you customize the build menu from the radiant menu the customized version gets saved to another location and the pointer to the default build menu is automatically changed. This means it is impossible to destroy your build menu because your original never gets touched.
    6) Your bash script works on linux. The build menu works on anything that will run radiant.

    For Q3 mapping build process monitoring is left on and you still get all of the specific map information because radiant is designed to report Q3map2 statistics. There is no gain from using a bash apart from learning how to write a bash/bat. Doing it the build menu way will have you modifying the same switches that you would have to in a bat. Meaning, a person still has to learn how to initiate the compilers and engine with the proper switches for their needs.

    You're like an advocate for the caveman way when it has no advantages over the intended way. What if you found an old map but lost it's compile script? You'd have to spin a new script and could potentially forget what switches were used. All I'd have to do is open it in radiant and select a build. Chances are, whatever build I used is stored in the menu, ready to go.

    While you were writing build menus, I was compiling maps. I'd wager that's a more efficient use of time.
    Nope. Cause you are a mapper and I was a radiant modder. Your work led to maps. My work led to the ability to create them without having to fix the tool you are going to build them with. Your bash scripts help anyone using a linux machine. My build menus help everybody period.

    The point here isn't for you to agree that the build menu is the way to's to stop trying to pretend that it's broken or inferior to your bash method. There is nothing you can do in a bash that I can't do cleaner in the build menu cause they are essentially the same thing. The build menu is genius. These guys figured out an xml way to universalize commands over various operating systems. That's the difference here, man. Your way only works with one OS and if you collaborated with someone that isn't using linux they're gonna have a bunch of crap to do just to start, which can also lead to mistakes/oversights/errors as they convert your bash to bat.

    It's a lot more than just circumventing a broken build menu
    It's not broken and never was. Build Process Monitoring = false was the only thing necessary to make Q1 maps compile. This stops radiant from trying to delegate the build and allows the XML to run everything natively. That's it. That's the big secret. no BPM = regular ole compile. I can even tell you every single place you can set that var:

    1) games/ - no_bsp_monitor = "1" ~this is where you would set it if you have never started your gamepack
    2) settings/1.5.0/ - false ~ this is where you would set it by hand after a first start on your gamepack
    3) edit/preferences/build - enable build process monitoring [uncheck] - this is where you would set it within radiant

    I know too much about this to continue to argue it, brother. Your way is not superior or even comparable for that matter.

    @ca tools
    Should I include that?
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 07-30-2014, 01:05 PM.

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  • golden_boy
    @MG: no.

    Using a script to compile maps in a terminal has actual advantages, such as seeing the compiler output in realtime in its natural environment. And a terminal offers a bunch of goodies on top of that. I STILL prefer compiling with a bash script. It's a lot more than just circumventing a broken build menu.

    And it has another side to it: Learning to not fix what ain't broken and knowing when to not bother about some issue and just do it another way are important skills in game development. There are many roads that lead to Rome. No need to bust a leg when there is an easy way to get the same result. While you were writing build menus, I was compiling maps. I'd wager that's a more efficient use of time.

    Give a man a whale, and he'll never know what fish tastes like.

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    CA+/CAx multiplayer mod tool that is, catool

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    do you include catools?

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  • MadGypsy
    Programming and housebuilding are not comparable
    Sure they are. Both require knowledge, skill and tools. The tools are the focus here and notepad is a handsaw...or maybe even a stone tied to a stick, attempting to be a hammer. In either situation you want the best tools you can get your hands on but at the same time you don't want to have to assemble the tools. That's what radiant and QC become, an adventure in assembling tools. I personally believe that the assembly part is where most people say "fuck it".

    I get that you want people to use your software
    None of it is my software. Your method of teaching radiant involved attempting to explain a bash compile script that circumvents the allegedly broken build menu. My method simply fixed the build menu. When I release a gamepack I'm essentially just giving you a working Q1 build/run map environment. The extras aren't all that extra - for instance, I usually include some engine and I also include pretty much every compiler. The build menu is tied to the compilers so there is no way around that. The engine I include is more like a highlight of "this is where you put the engine". Past that I included a couple of wads of flat colors and grids.

    The only thing "ready made" is your ability to start mapping, not to mention that there is no actual documentation on how to write build menus or customize radiant. A trip through my gamepack can provide a lot of answers. On top of that, I know damn near everything there is to know about any file that is externally editable in Radiant. In that, you get pro code/settings. Even you know less about that than I do (I am speaking specifically of the backside of radiant). I could make radiant work with any game that has some kind of .map compiler, I don't care what game it is.
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 07-30-2014, 01:51 AM.

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  • ArrrCee
    Originally posted by golden_boy View Post
    We have discussed this before MG. We'll have to agree to disagree.

    Programming and housebuilding are not compareable. It is entirely possible to write an entire Quake mod in notepad without any trouble.

    I get that you want people to use your software, but there is really no point in starting this discussion again.
    Well sure, Notepad is fine and dandy and can get you there but I would also suggest downloading sublimetext or Notepad++ to start with if for nothing else, the styles! Setting colors for all of your code is so useful it's hard to go back once you use it!

    Plus, Notepad++ is free so why not use it?

    Good post btw Golden_Boy, don't think I'm picking on you -- just one coder to another. =)

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  • RL Clown
    Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
    Thanks again G_B, I commend your efforts here. You rock! I wasn't sure what to expect from your first News article but holy shiet. If I expected bologna on two slices of bread, I ended up with a T-Bone steak slathered in A1 sauce,and for that I thank you again. Now to find a fork and steak knife
    That's a great way to put it! Thank you for your answers (people)! From my understanding, modding is an adventure. I can't wait to pack my bags and start hiking!

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