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map jam 4: retro-jam 1

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  • map jam 4: retro-jam 1

    MapJam 4: Retro-Jam 1

    Sock has secretly organized another twitter-exclusive map-jam.
    this map-jam has as the name implies an oldschool quake feel to it

    makers of the maps in this pack include ericw, mfx, skacky, scampie and sock

    Download mapjam 4: retro-jam 1

    Updated version of MFX's map (increased ammo on hard&NM)
    Updated version of Skacky's map (fixes a load/save bug)

    quaddicted page

    func_ release thread
    Last edited by talisa; 11-25-2014, 11:43 AM.
    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

  • #2
    Hello everyone! My map was unfair on hard/nightmare skill. i.e. you ran out of ammo.

    Get a fixed version here..

    the file contains the .bsp and .lit files, just put them in /quake/retrojam1/maps/.

    Note that the maps folder has to be created first!!




    • #3
      updated the news-item to include a link to your fixed map MFX
      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


      • #4
        Thanks Talisa



        • #5
          I keep seeing here and there that quake one is dead. Yet these badass maps keep turning up with fresh new content on almost a weekly basis...keep it up fellas!
          'Replacement Player Models' Project


          • #6
            quake dead? quake will never die

            hows progress on anything you're making currently btw dutch?
            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


            • #7
              Hello again everybody!

              Skacky just released an updated version of his map as well, fixed a load/save bug and some skipped faces..


              Sorry for all the confusion..


              • #8
                hmm mayhaps it an idea to create an updated zip which includes the updated maps in the pak-files?
                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                • #9

                  Ground to a halt. Lol. My new job has insane hours and a long commute, it's hard to find time to do anything else. Once the schedule settles in though I hope to continue, but probably not at the scope I had before.
                  'Replacement Player Models' Project


                  • #10
                    aww... sucks to hears your job is taking up all your time and you have no time left for quake modding

                    hope you can find time to continue on your work some time soon
                    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                    • #11
                      Pack looks great! I'll get into it shortly!


                      • #12

                        I tried getting onto Quaddicted to download another injector... Mine keeps giving some kind of java error..
                        Any one tried to go there recently..?


                        • #13
                          quaddicted loads just fine for me
                          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                          • #14
                            just finished playing through all the maps

                            quite fun maps, great fancy-looking structures and good gameplay.
                            maps were a tad short, but thats expected from a mapjam i guess.

                            overall very good and fun maps, great work once more from all map-creators involved in this mapjam <3


                            found an error through in skacky's map during my playthrough of it.
                            in this room with the shambler and the altar.r

                            there's an error with the secret button behind the altar

                            the inner-walls around the button seem to mistakingly have the sky-texture on them
                            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by lentmain View Post
                              I tried getting onto Quaddicted to download another injector... Mine keeps giving some kind of java error..
                              Any one tried to go there recently..?
                              Try checking out this thread I started when I was having issues, it might help.


