Beyond Belief Retrospective
Matthias Worch, a.k.a. Langsuyar, is doing a Twitch retrospective of his
old levels, including the well-known Quake episode "Beyond Belief."

These are classic Quake 1 levels. Matthias has worked on games like Unreal and Dead Space 2.
Don't miss it!
The times are:
Saturday, Jan 3, 2pm PST
Sunday, Jan 4, Noon PST
(PST = GMT -8.)
On Twitch.
Beyond Belief download link @ Quaddicted discussion thread
Matthias Worch, a.k.a. Langsuyar, is doing a Twitch retrospective of his
old levels, including the well-known Quake episode "Beyond Belief."

These are classic Quake 1 levels. Matthias has worked on games like Unreal and Dead Space 2.
Don't miss it!
The times are:
Saturday, Jan 3, 2pm PST
Sunday, Jan 4, Noon PST
(PST = GMT -8.)
On Twitch.
Beyond Belief download link @ Quaddicted discussion thread