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Feb 4 2015 news

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  • Feb 4 2015 news

    Ambient Occlusion in Quake

    I didn't think I would ever see that, but here it is...

    ericw added dirtmapping (AO) to Tyrann's Quake map compilers a while ago.
    You can read about what Ambient Occlusion is here.

    Monster sculpts

    s13n1 is continuing his line of remodelled Quake monsters with a Scrag.

    Map Jam 4

    Another map jam has completed over at func_msgboard, with maps by FifthElephant and Rapowke.
    The theme was "Low Gravity Runic."

    Swimming Quakeguy

    [ame=]Quake player swimming tests - YouTube[/ame]

    Cobalt recently posted a video of a Quake player model with
    proper swimming animations in the Tekbot_CTF thread.

    RetroBlazer needs programmer

    Darkplaces-based indie game RetroBlazer is looking for someone
    to help with QuakeC and CSQC programming tasks.

    Q2 Cafe mapping contest

    The Quake 2 cafe are holding a large mapping contest for Quake's "little brother."
    They're also looking for people to rate and judge the maps.
    You've got to sign up until Feb 15th if you want to participate.

    Warez alert

    Someone was recently caught distributing a Google Drive link to a "free Quake".
    That download contains warez and the person has been banned from
    We do not tolerate this kind of thing.

    Quake is just $9,99 on Steam. Collect some bottles or mow someone's lawn and it'll be yours!
    No need for warez.

    And remember to practice Safer Fragging(tm) at all times!

    Last edited by golden_boy; 02-04-2015, 11:26 AM.
    Scout's Journey
    Rune of Earth Magic

  • #2
    Nice post GB. MOMma don't like no Warez.
    Last edited by xaGe; 02-04-2015, 12:34 PM.


    • #3
      time to recompile some maps with the new AO lighting ||


      • #4
        Rook will it make a big difference in lighting quality? It would be interesting to see a comparison between a map compiled with and without it.

        Originally posted by R00k View Post
        time to recompile some maps with the new AO lighting
        NEVERMIND I went over to func_ to look for myself! So YES I see it makes a difference..
        Last edited by xaGe; 02-04-2015, 09:55 PM.


        • #5
          Might have to move/remove some of the light entities in a map editor to get a better effect. But who knows.
          Scout's Journey
          Rune of Earth Magic

