It's almost 2016 and the Quake community keeps releasing new single player maps for us all to enjoy! Below I put together a list of 5 new maps that came out over the past month from Quake community members DeeDoubleU and Nadzia (Narnar). As always you can download them and many other great maps over at Quaddicted.
An Image from Secret by DeeDoubleU.
Secret by DeeDoubleU - Released on November 14th
Finally by Nadzia - Released on November 18th
Ascension by DeeDoubleU - Released on November 25th
In the Foetid Vault by Nadzia - Released on November 25th
Katedra by Nadzia - Released on December 5th
An Image from Secret by DeeDoubleU.
Secret by DeeDoubleU - Released on November 14th
Finally by Nadzia - Released on November 18th
Ascension by DeeDoubleU - Released on November 25th
In the Foetid Vault by Nadzia - Released on November 25th
Katedra by Nadzia - Released on December 5th