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Arcane Dimensions V1.5 -update

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
    Long videos are fine. With shorter videos, considering the massive size of the largest AD maps, you'd have to split them into multiple segments for each map. There's a total of 30ish maps in AD. If you don't want to dedicate the next 50 Quake Grave episodes to AD, you'd better make long videos. Foggy Bogbottom and Leptis Magna alone are at least 90-100 minutes romps each. Besides, it's not like you haven't posted longer vids before...
    Well, that was sort of my point. I've posted both long and short vids and no one really comments on the length of them. However, hearing someone say it took them all day to watch, it's a little telling.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ArrrCee View Post
      no one really comments on the length of them.
      Maybe because it doesn't really matter? The length of the videos is adapted to the length of the maps and that's how it should be.

      hearing someone say it took them all day to watch, it's a little telling.
      Telling in what sense? In the same sentence, Phenom also said he enjoyed these longer videos. The question is: why did it take him all day?
      ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
      ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


      • #18
        Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
        Maybe because it doesn't really matter? The length of the videos is adapted to the length of the maps and that's how it should be.

        Telling in what sense? In the same sentence, Phenom also said he enjoyed these longer videos. The question is: why did it take him all day?
        It matters because if people prefer longer videos to shorter ones then I would focus on creating longer videos.

        It's telling because if it takes someone all day to watch a video, it could be because of a few different factors. But what it says to me is that even if the video is long, people don't mind coming back to it later.

        The trends on youtube are strange so it's interesting, as someone who creates videos, to see what people like/want.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ArrrCee View Post
          then I would focus on creating longer videos.
          That's good for AD or other huge maps but it wouldn't make sense for smaller 15-minute-long levels. What I like about your channel is that you don't restrict yourself to playing the behemothian masterpieces but also tackle the smaller and/or not-so-great stuff.
          ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
          ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


          • #20
            Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
            That's good for AD or other huge maps but it wouldn't make sense for smaller 15-minute-long levels. What I like about your channel is that you don't restrict yourself to playing the behemothian masterpieces but also tackle the smaller and/or not-so-great stuff.
            Thanks for the feedback buddy, that does help to hear.


            • #21
              Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
              Telling in what sense? In the same sentence, Phenom also said he enjoyed these longer videos. The question is: why did it take him all day?
              Reason being I am so busy with my work and family and I put them in higher priority over watching YT videos and playing games.

              While it does break the immersion on a lot of longer videos I watch since I have to usually watch them in sections I don't really mind if the videos are longer if they're engaging or it feels like the video creator actually cares about his/her viewers, everyone likes to feel that they're a part of something.

              typically watching a 10-20 minute video is no problem for me and I can usually squeeze in one while I upload/down a few thousand files or whatever task at my job which gives me the option to watch a progress bar for an extended period of time.

              and optimally for me videos that are between 7-10 minutes I have no problems watching in one sitting.

              I'm concerned if the video creator is getting the credit if I have to pause a video or close it out and return at a later time, after all why make videos unless you want people to watch them right?

              I'm the type of YouTube user who treats my 'likes' like my money, it has to be earned or spent on something worth spending on, I'll drop a like on any video that fits this criteria and I've even passed on liking a video here and their if I didn't feel the video's quality wasn't on par and it felt like the video creator was "phoning it in that day". In the end it's all to help the creator create better videos and me being a YT video creator myself fully understands this... If YT video creators are just given likes "just because" then it would give them a false sense of "my sh!t don't stink" and could possibly lead them to trying less causing the quality of their video to fall.

              Why I say all this? ... I just see a lot of YT videos that are nothing but clickbait & false information which hurts the image of YT even if it's not on a grand scale.

              To all the quality YT creators cheers!

              To the clickbait happy, yellow arrow pointing at nothing in their thumbnails, using false information just for more views video creators I hope they change their ways.

              ArrrCee Makes good content, does his research, informs users about a lot of stuff that the viewer won't even be seeing in the video and comes across as a genuine person, so the browser tab stays open so I can see what he's sharing! Can his channel be better? Of course! Does he work hard on making it better? It looks like it.

              Glad I found his channel!

              +That and it's fun to watch him attempt some of the jumps which I'd be able to do in my sleep But he'll tell you that he's not the best player and it's not about that!

              There's about 3 channels I'm subscribed to out of 100+ which I have issuing likes to on my mind as I watch, The Quake Grave is one of them and I just found out about his channel about a month ago.

              I just realized how off topic my post was, I apologize Talisa!
              Last edited by Phenom; 12-15-2016, 12:42 AM.
              Quake One Resurrection

              Great Quake engine

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              • #22
                Yeah, I think we can all agree that family supersedes entertainment when you're a responsible dad.

                This is not Func_Msgboard. The rules are a bit more relaxed here, especially if it's to provide such constructive feedback. I'm sure Talisa won't mind.
                ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                • #23
                  All I can say is thank you for the kind words Phenom!

                  I definitely try to make good content and stay away from anything clickbait. And of course, as long as you are enjoying it, I'll keep making them!


                  • #24
                    Here is Part 2!



                    • #25
                      A brand new egyptian-themed (so, that's the flavor of the month?) AD map by the man Sock himself has just been released! Download here: Func_Msgboard: New Q1SP (AD) Nyarlathoteps Sand Castle

                      Also, a medium-sized lava/dungeon map by Giftmacher was released 3 days ago. Grab here: Func_Msgboard: New Q1SP(AD) - Tomb Of Fenrir

                      You're welcome.
                      Last edited by Mugwump; 01-11-2017, 09:31 AM.
                      ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                      ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪

