QuakeOne Thread | Download
The Death Lair is the latest single player release from Trinca. It is a rock-solid action oriented map. If you want 30 minutes of killing monsters and having 2 Hell Knights in front of you and a Fiend behind you, this is your map.
Some of Trinca's past works include: City of Angels, Tomb of Chak Toh Ich'ak, Freaky Base.
Hell Knight and Knight
d1554573r stopped by after a long hiatus and posted what appears to be a new Hell Knight skin. Requires DarkPlaces for full effects. Check out the Quake Reforged thread for more such perpetual skin development (thread link).
Evolutions ...
Quake Injector 2. Megaman and Spirit have released the Quake Injector 2 update, which automatically installs and plays Quake single player releases and works with any engine.
DirectQ 1.8.666 RC2. MH has released a new version of the Direct3D 9 engine DirectQ (site and download link). This engine not only can play humongous maps like Warpspasm, A Roman Wilderness of Pain and Soul of Evil Indian Summer -- but likewise is a truely capable client for playing on NetQuake servers.
Other stuff: Rook has a new Qrack beta out, version 2.010. ProQuake has undergone and continues to undergo several revisions and a new Remake Quake release is out. An upcoming news update within the next week will focus more on Remake Quake.