"Effect Enabled" Powerups
OoPpEe has recently released "Effect Enabled" Powerups for his favorite powerup models in Quake. The result: getting beautiful glows around the models! So now in maps where the Quad didn't give a glow, you now get a nice purple glow! The Ring of Shadows gives a yellow glow! The Pent also gives off a yellow glow and is on fire (in DP only)! The Biosuit - he gave a little green glow. Sadly these were the only colors he could give them as these effects are presets and used for other projectiles. The yellow glows are - Rocket or Death Knight projectile effect. Green - is Scrag's effect. Purple - Vore's effect. Checkout the form thread here, as there is still more to see!
OoPpEe has recently released "Effect Enabled" Powerups for his favorite powerup models in Quake. The result: getting beautiful glows around the models! So now in maps where the Quad didn't give a glow, you now get a nice purple glow! The Ring of Shadows gives a yellow glow! The Pent also gives off a yellow glow and is on fire (in DP only)! The Biosuit - he gave a little green glow. Sadly these were the only colors he could give them as these effects are presets and used for other projectiles. The yellow glows are - Rocket or Death Knight projectile effect. Green - is Scrag's effect. Purple - Vore's effect. Checkout the form thread here, as there is still more to see!