For a 16-year old game ... tons of development activity going on and I know I missed a few things in this recap ...
Quakespasm 0.85.7
Release Thread | Official Site | Feedback Thread
Quakespasm 0.85.7 has been released. Quakespasm runs on Windows/Linux/Mac and started as multi-platform FitzQuake 0.85. Quakespasm has several notable features like session-to-session console history and support for demo playback across maps. Along with DirectQ, Quakespasm is viewed as stable and convenience feature-rich classic-style engine.
Unnamed Total Conversion Mod
Mod with no name. Looks interesting. Total conversion.
BSP Editor Now Open Source
BSP Home Page | Release Thread
goldenboy has facilitated the open sourcing of the BSP Quake Editor, which is a modern Quake level editor. The BSP Quake Editor has a number of fans, including R00k.
Func_Msgboard Thread
TrenchBroom is a new Quake level editor for Mac OS X released in the last couple of weeks by SleepwalkR. TrenchBroom reportedly will be a GPL v3 open source project.
Engine Stuff ...
Spike has implemented a "6 Degrees of Freedom" move type in the FTEQW engine. "Classic" DirectQ is coming to an end, making way for DirectQ becoming a Direct3D 11 project. Meanwhile, XBox 360 controller support is making a return to DirectQ.
Modding Stuff ...
The release of a Quakeworld mod by Woodpecker From Mars leads to an interesting discussion about the difficulty multiplayer mods have. And a thread 'Become a Quake Modder' by Madgypsy on how to get started with Quake modding has generated quite a bit of interest. A discussion about modeling erupted in relation to a PSP modding thread.
Quakespasm 0.85.7
Release Thread | Official Site | Feedback Thread
Quakespasm 0.85.7 has been released. Quakespasm runs on Windows/Linux/Mac and started as multi-platform FitzQuake 0.85. Quakespasm has several notable features like session-to-session console history and support for demo playback across maps. Along with DirectQ, Quakespasm is viewed as stable and convenience feature-rich classic-style engine.
Unnamed Total Conversion Mod
Mod with no name. Looks interesting. Total conversion.
BSP Editor Now Open Source
BSP Home Page | Release Thread
goldenboy has facilitated the open sourcing of the BSP Quake Editor, which is a modern Quake level editor. The BSP Quake Editor has a number of fans, including R00k.
Func_Msgboard Thread
TrenchBroom is a new Quake level editor for Mac OS X released in the last couple of weeks by SleepwalkR. TrenchBroom reportedly will be a GPL v3 open source project.
Engine Stuff ...
Spike has implemented a "6 Degrees of Freedom" move type in the FTEQW engine. "Classic" DirectQ is coming to an end, making way for DirectQ becoming a Direct3D 11 project. Meanwhile, XBox 360 controller support is making a return to DirectQ.
Modding Stuff ...
The release of a Quakeworld mod by Woodpecker From Mars leads to an interesting discussion about the difficulty multiplayer mods have. And a thread 'Become a Quake Modder' by Madgypsy on how to get started with Quake modding has generated quite a bit of interest. A discussion about modeling erupted in relation to a PSP modding thread.