Which is your favorite?
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Best original Starburst flavor?
Red is fav, yellow is least fav.
The starburst friend test:
If a friend has a bag of starbursts (preferably low, and almost completely consumed) and you ask to share one you can gauge the level of your friendship if they give you
a) none
b)they pretend to give you one, but it ends up being a ball of lint or empty wrappers
c) one, but only a lemon or least desired flavor
d)a small handful, but they take the time to hunt out and give you their least desired flavors (lemon, orange),
e) a handful, indiscriminate on flavor
f) the whole bag, because they were tired of eating them.
Choices a-e are worst to best, and f doesn't count because they were disposed of.
No... this isn't meant to be taken 100% seriously.
The red ones were the most favoured in our playground. Mind you back then they were called Opal Fruits
They even had a minty version for the health nuts...
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News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT
Do we have another landslide poll here?
Tell you what, send me your red starbursts!
Poll has it. If you don't like red starburst then you're a TERRORIST!
Plain and simple.