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  • #61
    What is going on.

    Ok, I'm getting a crazy glitch happening with both of my mission packs. When I hit new game and it loads up my player is seemingly stuck in a wall and is not even in the correct start position. What is causing this? I have even removed everything from my mission pack folders and I still get the same results.
    Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


    • #62
      walk us through your process of loading MP1 or MP2, give as much details as possible

      launching via shortcut? steam? and command line parameters , any of those?
      the more details you provide the more likely someone is to figure it out for you
      Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


      • #63
        Alright, for example on hipnotic I copied the darkplaces.exe and changed it to darkplaces.exe -hipnotic. That loads the game up. I may be doing it wrong I don't know. The demo at the start menu runs fine and when I hit new game it loads up and my guy is literally just stuck in the wall trying to walk on his own and not even in the correct start location. I can't do anything to move what so ever.

        Here is a video of what is happening while loading hipnotic:

        My PAK files are from the original game disc not steam or downloaded.

        The contents of my hipnotic folder is:
        Starter Kit - multiskin+multimodel HIPNOTIC monsters Seven V4.55.pk3

        Does it appear that I may just be missing a vital component for the MP to properly run?
        Last edited by Krymzon 45; 06-29-2014, 10:43 PM.
        Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


        • #64
          from what I gather the spawn point is messed up. There is a chance your game discs for MP1 and MP2 are corrupt somewhere,where ever, the spawn point is located in some file.

          As a temporary fix until I've had an epiphany or someone nail/hammer on the head, type noclip

          and walk out of the wall, noclip again to turn it off. Hope this helps, gotta go woop a PZ in RocketArena now or atleast try
          Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


          • #65
            this is caused by using ent-files for ID1 but not for the mission-packs.

            because the start-maps of both mission-packs are also simply called 'start'
            darkplaces will load the ent-files it finds in ID1 folder from start-map of normal quake

            add sv_entpatch 0 to autoexec.cfg in hipnotic and rogue folders will fix this.


            ive also made ent-files for both hipnotic and rogue myself
            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


            • #66

              Thank you for the info, will try this out.
              Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


              • #67
                No lights

                Alright I have all the rt lights files in my id1 folder but I cant use them. In the options menue where they can be turned off and on there is no change and the names of them are darkened from the rest. Is there some kind of command or something I have to type in for the .pk3 to be picked up in the game or something?
                Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                • #68
                  what brand GPU do you have? ati, nvidia or an onboard intel one?

                  because darkplaces uses openGL and onboard intel GPU's doesnt support that

                  and if you happen to have one of those, that might explain why you cant use certain feature, cuz they require a GPU which supports openGL
                  are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                  > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                  everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                  • #69
                    I figured it out.

                    It turned out that I had a setting accidentally turned on that disables the Rt light feature. Everything is working like a charm now.
                    Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                    • #70
                      glad you got it figured out
                      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                      • #71
                        Nice compilation of works in one place talisa.


                        • #72
                          Just wondering...

                          I have been seeing screenshots of Quake 1 with DOOM 3 weapons. Is this legit or possible? Also I was wondering if there was a mod or somthing that actually showed the players hands holding the shotguns and whatnot. That would be great with the visible legs feature.
                          Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                          • #73
                            thanx xage

                            on topic of doom3 weapons:
                            this was something done by someone who left the forums long ago,
                            and they didnt release it cuz doing so was not allowed cuz of copyright

                            about hands holding the weapons:
                            orion has once made a version of the original low-poly shotgun which adds a hand to it:
                   - Remix models
                            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                            • #74
                              Hello. How this community has changed since my exit five or so years ago, but it is nice to see people are still working hard on it. For those that don't know me I'm Romi I worked with LordHavoc on the real time lighting in Darkplaces. My .rtlights pak was pretty much the defacto for a very very very long time. I see there are some modified .rtlights here based on my work and do appreciate the original credit. I'm looking forward to trying out some of these additional mods and thank you for compiling this list. I'll be sure to add it to my links on my youtube videos. Keep up the great work everyone, it is nice to see the game is still getting love. I have slightly updated .rtlights of my own that I have tweaked here and there over time. Nothing major, just a few fixes here and there due to data entry errors or performance issues that are no longer relevant on current hardware. I will see if I can get them updated so others can enjoy those changes.


                              • #75
                                Hey romi, great to see you back! I look forward to your update and any other work you may have to contribute!


