The VISPATCH tools don't seem to want to run on my Windows7 rig. Is there someway to simply download the pre-patched files and throw them into my directory? It doesn't appear as thought I can get any kind of transparency from my water in DarkPlaces without doing this.
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Vispatching Guide
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Originally posted by morari View PostThe VISPATCH tools don't seem to want to run on my Windows7 rig. Is there someway to simply download the pre-patched files and throw them into my directory? It doesn't appear as thought I can get any kind of transparency from my water in DarkPlaces without doing this.
I found this link to and it works for me. Hope this is the right file.dfsp*spirit
my FPS maps
Just like to add as well that Quake actually wasn't designed for translucent water. The original software Quake didn't have it, and it was hacked into GLQuake at a later date. The intention of this hack was to provide a feature that's "not very robust but cool to look at". Check out your "glquake.txt" file also, and remember that GLQuake was nothing more than an experiment on the way to Quake II (hence the fact that there are so many problems with it).IT LIVES!
Get hmap on lordhavoc's download page here:
LordHavoc's DarkPlaces Quake Modification
There's even batch files that automate the process.e|------------------------0---------------
thanks for the guide, I was confused with the various vispatch utils, but now all is clear
I am getting this on hipnotic pak:
Code:hmap2 by LordHavoc and Vic based on id Software's quake qbsp, light and vis utilities source code 2 threads WARNING: CutNodePortals_r:new portal was clipped away WARNING: CutNodePortals_r:new portal was clipped away writing hip1m2.prt 0.00 seconds elapsed
Last edited by keropi; 05-10-2011, 05:02 AM.In time, Fire will fade ... and only Dark will remain
Thanks Seven!
I wish I had seen it before, I vised my maps already
The ROGUE ones took the most time LOL
I will use yours just to be sure!thanks again!
edit: I just checked my visd maps and yours... they have different crc32 LOL , I used hmap2 build_20100113 , I find it strange we get different crc's unless the rebuilt bsp's store extra information that is irrelevant to the map but differs from computer/os/whatever to another computer/os/whatever...
Last edited by keropi; 05-10-2011, 11:37 AM.In time, Fire will fade ... and only Dark will remain
keropi, did you relight the map as well in hmap2? If you did, you probably forgot to add the option -relight when doing so, cause if you do not use that option it will write .lit and .dlit data into the .bsp files instead of seperate .lit and .dlit files. Thus generating a different crc.
Anyway, i love hmap2, it has nice options like:
hmap2 -vis -ambientslime (-ambientslime enables the unused slime sound channel (not supported by most (all?) quake engines, normally slime uses the water channel))
hmap2 -light -extra8x8 (antialiased lighting, even slower and better than -extra4x4) -relight (make a .lit and .dlit (for fast per-pixel lighting without shadowing) file for an existing .bsp without modifying the .bsp)