Update: I was content to let this issue fade away, but a certain someone is stirring the pot at Besmella with
A certain someone at Besmella knocks on CheapAlert
"CheapAlert's eQuake protest"
Ironically, if you look at the comments, there are a fair percentage of comments supporting CheapAlert's position that eQuake should go clean.
I'm no saint and have directed that I know already bought Quake and even have posted links in forums and such, but I don't think sites should have links to an illegal download on their homepage like Besmella does.
I think that taking cheap shots at CheapAlert's point of view to get attention makes pointing out that link fair game. People should be able to have their opinions respected and not get mocked.
A certain someone at Besmella knocks on CheapAlert
"CheapAlert's eQuake protest"
Ironically, if you look at the comments, there are a fair percentage of comments supporting CheapAlert's position that eQuake should go clean.
I'm no saint and have directed that I know already bought Quake and even have posted links in forums and such, but I don't think sites should have links to an illegal download on their homepage like Besmella does.
I think that taking cheap shots at CheapAlert's point of view to get attention makes pointing out that link fair game. People should be able to have their opinions respected and not get mocked.