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Qrack Setup Questions/Answers

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  • Still waiting on that next Qrack release... *twiddles thumbs*

    Fuck Skyrim.


    • okay.

      So ... I have massive problems with all Quake exe's. Haha I'm using wqpro451 right now which is probably gonna end up being where I stay anyways but I can't even launch glQrack. It immediately stops working before it's even launched. Windows error - Looks for solution - nothing.

      I dunno... my GL all white until I add.... -no8bit to cmd line... but mouse is uber slow.... even using -dinput... weird man...


      • What version of Qrack, what version of your OS, what kinda gfx card?

        Try DirectQ or Quakespasm, they seem to be pretty acceptable by most machines.

        I did boot up wqpro maybe 6 months ago and was supprised how fast it ran ||


        • i had the same issue until r00k sent me a gfx card....

          you using a xp machine from 2000?

          I now have nice win7 64 bit

          qrack is the shit, r00k tries to get everyone to use different clients so he can just play instead of coding
          I support:
 ..... of Course!
          Qrack - Thank You r00k
          Yayo Industries - Thank you frenzy
          Zero CTF - Thanks mono


          • True Rook does indeed recommend more than his engine because of folks like me nagging him all the time never satisfied with having the fastest opengl client that looks good as well.Most peolple don't even realize that Qrack had fog and rain long before DakPlaces did.I am not saying that it looks better or anything,just that for the footprint it is hard to beat aqnd who can argue with getting over 5000 fps?Only me
            May be too intense for some viewers.
            Stress Relief Device
            ....BANG HEAD HERE....


            • The download link for Qrack is broken.
              Someone send me a windows build please!
              May be too intense for some viewers.
              Stress Relief Device
              ....BANG HEAD HERE....


              • Originally posted by bluntz View Post
                The download link for Qrack is broken.
                Someone send me a windows build please!
                FULL HD TEXTURES 1GB QRACK 2.012-GL (build 3864) by R00k.

                Full-Basic-Special configs file setup here!

                [ame=]s7e7 - YouTube[/ame]
                Last edited by Mom; 07-13-2013, 09:36 PM.


                • Thanks M,
                  And I thought I was the only one running Qrack in HD.
                  May be too intense for some viewers.
                  Stress Relief Device
                  ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                  • I just realised Today you are [CROW] Ph03n1x hehe.
                    (oooops... may be not hehe)

                    [ame=]s2e4 - YouTube[/ame]



                    Last edited by Mom; 07-14-2013, 12:14 AM.


                    • [QUOTE=Mom;136796]I just realised Today you are [CROW] Ph03n1x hehe.
                      (oooops... may be not hehe)

                      [ame=]s2e4 - YouTube[/ame]

                      Yes Mark it is me....
                      Took you long enough, beeeeooossssssshhhhhh!
                      May be too intense for some viewers.
                      Stress Relief Device
                      ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                      • So you the one testing Qrack with R00k... I'm trying to make a manual with details about config only need a place... do you know them??



                        • Originally posted by Mom View Post
                          So you the one testing Qrack with R00k... I'm trying to make a manual with details about config only need a place... do you know them??

                          Well that build you sent me to has 427. Which one?
                          In fact there are more that are not listed but are hidden but I am not allowed to tell you those...
                          I mostly use the Linux build so am quite out of date on his new stuff and not much help.
                          Last edited by bluntz; 07-15-2013, 11:24 AM.
                          May be too intense for some viewers.
                          Stress Relief Device
                          ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                          • v2.013
                            (build 415:
                            Changed key bind names for "PRTSCN" and "SCRLK" to represent the actual key labels.
                            fixed colored deadbodies; added new command gl_color_deadbodies to toggle.
                            gl_mipmap_lightmaps toggle so lightmaps are mipmaped or not.
                            Added fitzQuake protocol 666 support.
                            Added support for Sock's mod In The Shadows.
                            fixed chase_transparent with chase_active 2
                            fixed slist menu, autodownloads new server list everytime the menu is loaded. kept the 'servers' command for those console junkies.
                            fixed nomonsters cvar to freeze only monsters not time.
                            Fixed: Alias commands are not stuffed to the client when watching demos.
                            added: "cl_bobfall"
                            added: "cl_bobfall_scale"
                            added: "con_clear_input_on_toggle"
                            added: "con_clear_key_state"
                            added: "in_raw_allbuttons"
                            added: "r_outline_surf"
                            added: "r_showbboxes"
                            added: "sys_highpriority"
                            added: con_notify_position, allows u to move the chatlines vertically on the screen.
                            fixed: draws chatlines on-screen if in menu, or scrolling back thru the console buffer.
                            fixed: shaft with cl_truelightning 0, while walking up stairs.
                            added: scr_drawautoids to label players during demos
                            fixed: increased lightmap speeds using 24bit uploads with GL_RGBA8 and GL_BGRA/GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV.
                            added: vid_force_aspect_ratio cvar, to force the console text and 2d images to use the monitor's native aspect ratio instead of the aspect ratio of the custom resolution
                            Here's a new version for anyone to test :

                            also added some keyboard shortcuts like ctrlX will erase the current console input
                            not sure i documented this but holding ctrl and scrolling the wheel mouse makes text bigger or smaller, ctrl0 resets it back to default....
                            some other tid bits i cant remember will have to diff sources to get a full list of new things.
                            Last edited by R00k; 07-15-2013, 11:44 AM.


                            • The Monster Sprites are kewl!
                              May be too intense for some viewers.
                              Stress Relief Device
                              ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                              • i wondered why hd qrack had that retarded ogre texture. a joke or something?
                                My Avatars!
                                Quake Leagues
                                Quake 1.5!!!
                                Definitive HD Quake

