While chase_active is not equal to 0 I always see both shirt and pants white no matter what topcolor and bottomcolor are.

This both appears and seems that both topcolor and bottomcolor are both just and simply ignored and white is always used as the solid color for both shirt and pants while chase_active is not equal to 0.

There is only one scenario where I see both shirt and pants either yellow or orange is when gl_nocolors is not equal to 0.

Recently I discovered that doing fs_changegame tenebrae console command solves this problem but I don't want to use this solution at all, because this console command does more changes to both the engine and game in addition to solving this problem.

gl_nocolors is supposed to be always be equal to 0 and I want to see both shirt and pants in my favorite colors without doing fs_changegame tenebrae console command at all.

So why both topcolor and bottomcolor are ignored and both shirt and pants are always white while chase_active is not equal to 0?