1º Issue - How to turn off Aim Assist?
As you can see in the video, I was aiming at the top of the stairs, but by the time I pressed the button, there were already some enemies on the ground, so the game decided that the rocket should go there, instead of where I was aiming!
Already tried to set sv_aim to 0 with no effect.
Mark V cfg:
As you can see in the video, I was aiming at the top of the stairs, but by the time I pressed the button, there were already some enemies on the ground, so the game decided that the rocket should go there, instead of where I was aiming!
Already tried to set sv_aim to 0 with no effect.
Mark V cfg:
// Mark V unbindall bind "TAB" "impulse 10" bind "ENTER" "+jump" bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "+" "sizeup " bind "," "+klook" bind "-" "sizedown " bind "." "+mlook" bind "0" "impulse 21" bind "1" "impulse 1 " bind "2" "impulse 2 " bind "3" "impulse 3 2 " bind "4" "impulse 4 3 2 " bind "5" "impulse 5 4 3 2" bind "6" "impulse 6 5 4 3 2" bind "7" "impulse 7 6 5 4 3 2" bind "8" "impulse 8 6 5 4 3 2 " bind "9" "impulse 20" bind "=" "sizeup " bind "[" "impulse 10" bind "]" "impulse 12" bind "`" "toggleconsole " bind "a" "impulse 8" bind "c" "+movedown " bind "d" "impulse 3" bind "e" "+movedown" bind "f" "+showscores" bind "q" "+moveleft " bind "s" "+back " bind "t" "messagemode" bind "w" "+moveright " bind "x" "impulse 5" bind "~" "toggleconsole " bind "CTRL" "+attack" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "SHIFT" "impulse 6" bind "PAUSE" "pause " bind "LEFTARROW" "+left " bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right " bind "UPARROW" "+forward " bind "DOWNARROW" "+back " bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "END" "centerview" bind "F1" "help" bind "F2" "menu_save" bind "F3" "menu_load" bind "F4" "menu_options" bind "F8" "stop" bind "F12" "screenshot " bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+forward" bind "MOUSE3" "+zoom_in" bind "MOUSE4" "togglemenu" bind "MWHEELUP" "impulse 10" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "impulse 12" _cl_color "204" _cl_name "player" _cl_sky "" _hd_folder "hd" _snd_mixahead "0.1" bgmvolume "1" capturevideo_codec "auto" capturevideo_console "0" capturevideo_fps "30.0" capturevideo_hack "0" capturevideo_mp3 "0" capturevideo_mp3_kbps "128" cfg_unbindall "1" cl_anglespeedkey "1.5" cl_autodemo "0" cl_backspeed "400" cl_bob "0" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_bobside "0.02" cl_bobsidecycle "0.9" cl_bobsideup "0.5" cl_bobup "0" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_item_bobbing "0" cl_maxpitch "90" cl_minpitch "-90" cl_movespeedkey "2.0" cl_pitchspeed "150" cl_rollangle "0" cl_sidebobbing "0" cl_sidespeed "350" cl_truelightning "0" cl_upspeed "200" cl_yawspeed "140" con_verbose "0" contrast "1.55" crosshair "2" cutscene "1" external_music "1" fov "100" gamma "0.7" gl_flashblend "1" gl_polyblend "1" gl_subdivide_size "128" gl_texture_anisotropy "1" gl_triplebuffer "1" host_maxfps "72" host_sleep "0" host_startdemos "1" in_freelook "1" in_keymap "1" in_system_enhanced_keys "1" joystick "1" lookspring "0" m_filter "0" m_forward "1" m_pitch "0.022" m_side "0.8" m_yaw "0.022" nomouse "0" pq_bindprotect "0" pq_download_http_locs "0" pq_moveup "0" qmb_active "1" qmb_blood "1" qmb_bounceparticles "1" qmb_bubbles "1" qmb_clipparticles "0" qmb_disableblood "0" qmb_explosionlightcolor "0" qmb_explosions "1" qmb_explosiontype "2" qmb_flames "1" qmb_gunshots "1" qmb_inferno "1" qmb_lavasplash "1" qmb_lightning "1" qmb_rocketlightcolor "0" qmb_sparks "1" qmb_spikes "1" qmb_tarbaby_explosions "1" qmb_telesplash "1" qmb_trail_grenade "1" qmb_trail_hellknight "1" qmb_trail_lavaball "1" qmb_trail_normal_gib "1" qmb_trail_rocket "1" qmb_trail_scrag "1" qmb_trail_spike "1" qmb_trail_vore "1" qmb_trail_zombie_gib "1" r_clearcolor "2" r_lavaalpha "1" r_lerpmodels "1" r_lerpmove "1" r_mirroralpha "0.2" r_oldwater "1" r_particles "1" r_quadparticles "1" r_slimealpha "0.7" r_stains "1" r_viewmodel_fov "90" r_viewmodel_offset "0" r_viewmodel_quake "1" r_viewmodel_ring "1" r_viewmodel_size "0" r_wateralpha "0.500000" r_waterripple "0" r_waterwarp "1" saved1 "0" saved2 "0" saved3 "0" saved4 "0" savedgamecfg "0" scr_clock "-1" scr_conalpha "1" scr_conscale "1" scr_conspeed "300" scr_conwidth "0" scr_crosshairscale "1" scr_menuscale "1" scr_originalquake2d "0" scr_sbaralpha "0" scr_sbarcentered "1" scr_sbarscale "1" scr_scaleauto "1" scr_showfps "0" sensitivity "0.9" sndspeed "11025" sv_aim "0" sv_altnoclip "1" sw_sky_load_skyboxes "1" v_gunkick "0" v_kickpitch "0" v_kickroll "0" v_kicktime "0" v_polyblend_lite "0" v_smoothstairs "1" vid_fullscreen "0" vid_hardwaregamma "0" vid_height "1080" vid_multisample "0" vid_refreshrate "60" vid_sound_thread "1" vid_stretch "0" vid_vsync "0" vid_width "1920" viewsize "110" volume "0.7"