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Mark V Issues

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  • Mark V Issues

    1º Issue - How to turn off Aim Assist?

    As you can see in the video, I was aiming at the top of the stairs, but by the time I pressed the button, there were already some enemies on the ground, so the game decided that the rocket should go there, instead of where I was aiming!

    Already tried to set sv_aim to 0 with no effect.

    Mark V cfg:

    // Mark V
    bind "TAB" "impulse 10"
    bind "ENTER" "+jump"
    bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
    bind "SPACE" "+jump"
    bind "+" "sizeup "
    bind "," "+klook"
    bind "-" "sizedown "
    bind "." "+mlook"
    bind "0" "impulse 21"
    bind "1" "impulse 1 "
    bind "2" "impulse 2 "
    bind "3" "impulse 3 2 "
    bind "4" "impulse 4 3 2 "
    bind "5" "impulse 5 4 3 2"
    bind "6" "impulse 6 5 4 3 2"
    bind "7" "impulse 7 6 5 4 3 2"
    bind "8" "impulse 8 6 5 4 3 2 "
    bind "9" "impulse 20"
    bind "=" "sizeup "
    bind "[" "impulse 10"
    bind "]" "impulse 12"
    bind "`" "toggleconsole "
    bind "a" "impulse 8"
    bind "c" "+movedown "
    bind "d" "impulse 3"
    bind "e" "+movedown"
    bind "f" "+showscores"
    bind "q" "+moveleft "
    bind "s" "+back  "
    bind "t" "messagemode"
    bind "w" "+moveright "
    bind "x" "impulse 5"
    bind "~" "toggleconsole "
    bind "CTRL" "+attack"
    bind "ALT" "+strafe"
    bind "SHIFT" "impulse 6"
    bind "PAUSE" "pause "
    bind "LEFTARROW" "+left "
    bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right "
    bind "UPARROW" "+forward "
    bind "DOWNARROW" "+back "
    bind "PGUP" "+lookup"
    bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"
    bind "END" "centerview"
    bind "F1" "help"
    bind "F2" "menu_save"
    bind "F3" "menu_load"
    bind "F4" "menu_options"
    bind "F8" "stop"
    bind "F12" "screenshot "
    bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
    bind "MOUSE2" "+forward"
    bind "MOUSE3" "+zoom_in"
    bind "MOUSE4" "togglemenu"
    bind "MWHEELUP" "impulse 10"
    bind "MWHEELDOWN" "impulse 12"
    _cl_color "204"
    _cl_name "player"
    _cl_sky ""
    _hd_folder "hd"
    _snd_mixahead "0.1"
    bgmvolume "1"
    capturevideo_codec "auto"
    capturevideo_console "0"
    capturevideo_fps "30.0"
    capturevideo_hack "0"
    capturevideo_mp3 "0"
    capturevideo_mp3_kbps "128"
    cfg_unbindall "1"
    cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"
    cl_autodemo "0"
    cl_backspeed "400"
    cl_bob "0"
    cl_bobcycle "0"
    cl_bobside "0.02"
    cl_bobsidecycle "0.9"
    cl_bobsideup "0.5"
    cl_bobup "0"
    cl_forwardspeed "400"
    cl_item_bobbing "0"
    cl_maxpitch "90"
    cl_minpitch "-90"
    cl_movespeedkey "2.0"
    cl_pitchspeed "150"
    cl_rollangle "0"
    cl_sidebobbing "0"
    cl_sidespeed "350"
    cl_truelightning "0"
    cl_upspeed "200"
    cl_yawspeed "140"
    con_verbose "0"
    contrast "1.55"
    crosshair "2"
    cutscene "1"
    external_music "1"
    fov "100"
    gamma "0.7"
    gl_flashblend "1"
    gl_polyblend "1"
    gl_subdivide_size "128"
    gl_texture_anisotropy "1"
    gl_triplebuffer "1"
    host_maxfps "72"
    host_sleep "0"
    host_startdemos "1"
    in_freelook "1"
    in_keymap "1"
    in_system_enhanced_keys "1"
    joystick "1"
    lookspring "0"
    m_filter "0"
    m_forward "1"
    m_pitch "0.022"
    m_side "0.8"
    m_yaw "0.022"
    nomouse "0"
    pq_bindprotect "0"
    pq_download_http_locs "0"
    pq_moveup "0"
    qmb_active "1"
    qmb_blood "1"
    qmb_bounceparticles "1"
    qmb_bubbles "1"
    qmb_clipparticles "0"
    qmb_disableblood "0"
    qmb_explosionlightcolor "0"
    qmb_explosions "1"
    qmb_explosiontype "2"
    qmb_flames "1"
    qmb_gunshots "1"
    qmb_inferno "1"
    qmb_lavasplash "1"
    qmb_lightning "1"
    qmb_rocketlightcolor "0"
    qmb_sparks "1"
    qmb_spikes "1"
    qmb_tarbaby_explosions "1"
    qmb_telesplash "1"
    qmb_trail_grenade "1"
    qmb_trail_hellknight "1"
    qmb_trail_lavaball "1"
    qmb_trail_normal_gib "1"
    qmb_trail_rocket "1"
    qmb_trail_scrag "1"
    qmb_trail_spike "1"
    qmb_trail_vore "1"
    qmb_trail_zombie_gib "1"
    r_clearcolor "2"
    r_lavaalpha "1"
    r_lerpmodels "1"
    r_lerpmove "1"
    r_mirroralpha "0.2"
    r_oldwater "1"
    r_particles "1"
    r_quadparticles "1"
    r_slimealpha "0.7"
    r_stains "1"
    r_viewmodel_fov "90"
    r_viewmodel_offset "0"
    r_viewmodel_quake "1"
    r_viewmodel_ring "1"
    r_viewmodel_size "0"
    r_wateralpha "0.500000"
    r_waterripple "0"
    r_waterwarp "1"
    saved1 "0"
    saved2 "0"
    saved3 "0"
    saved4 "0"
    savedgamecfg "0"
    scr_clock "-1"
    scr_conalpha "1"
    scr_conscale "1"
    scr_conspeed "300"
    scr_conwidth "0"
    scr_crosshairscale "1"
    scr_menuscale "1"
    scr_originalquake2d "0"
    scr_sbaralpha "0"
    scr_sbarcentered "1"
    scr_sbarscale "1"
    scr_scaleauto "1"
    scr_showfps "0"
    sensitivity "0.9"
    sndspeed "11025"
    sv_aim "0"
    sv_altnoclip "1"
    sw_sky_load_skyboxes "1"
    v_gunkick "0"
    v_kickpitch "0"
    v_kickroll "0"
    v_kicktime "0"
    v_polyblend_lite "0"
    v_smoothstairs "1"
    vid_fullscreen "0"
    vid_hardwaregamma "0"
    vid_height "1080"
    vid_multisample "0"
    vid_refreshrate "60"
    vid_sound_thread "1"
    vid_stretch "0"
    vid_vsync "0"
    vid_width "1920"
    viewsize "110"
    volume "0.7"
    Fórum QuakeBrasil

    Lots of Quake related stuff

  • #2
    Btw.: the game play was recorded using FTE, the demo used was recorded with Mark V

    Command line: [ -width 1920 -height 1080 -bpp 32 -heapsize 128000 -game jpqm9 +map jpqm9 +exec config.cfg ]
    Log file: ..\Quake\quake_markV/jpqm9/qconsole.log
    Sat Mar 27 20:23:48 2021
    DirectX 8 Mark V Windows (Build: 1007)
    Exe: dx8_mark_v.exe (1553 kb)
    Exe: 23:07:43 Nov 25 2016
    Caches: ../AppData/Roaming/Mark V/caches
    UDP4 Initialized: INADDR_ANY,
    IPv6 Initialized: []
    Exe: 23:07:17 Nov 25 2016
    125.0 megabyte heap
    Fórum QuakeBrasil

    Lots of Quake related stuff


    • #3
      Actually sv_aim 1 (or higher) turns off auto aiming. Seems counter-intuitive, but "aim" is short for "no(auto)aim".

      Fun fact: NetQuake default for this used to be 0.93, in Quakeworld it was even set to 2.
      Authentic Models Pack
      OriOn's ID1 Model Fixes for MP1+2
      LIT/VIS files for Quake addons


      • #4
        Originally posted by NightFright View Post
        Actually sv_aim 1 (or higher) turns off auto aiming. Seems counter-intuitive, but "aim" is short for "no(auto)aim".

        Fun fact: NetQuake default for this used to be 0.93, in Quakeworld it was even set to 2.
        Thank you NightFright!

        Just one observation, this is not counterintuitive, it's plain fucking stupid!
        Fórum QuakeBrasil

        Lots of Quake related stuff

