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Making DarkPlaces even MORE beautiful...

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  • Making DarkPlaces even MORE beautiful...

    Dear Quake Addicts,

    I didnt quite know where to put this thread: Clients-Forum or Mods-Forum. I decided to put it here.

    Arent we quite all the same ?
    Most of us are always busy in making Quake as perfect as possible... (in our personal point of view)
    - New Textures (High Res + Parallax)
    - New Models / Skins
    - New Sounds
    - Better Lights (rtlights)
    - etc.

    Lord Havoc gave us an engine with perfect modding possibilities.

    For those of you who are still not satisfied (I was reading just the other day someone saying some effects
    are ugly in DP) here is something for you (for those who didnt already knew it).

    Part 1)
    3 years ago I had my first intensiv period of Quake Modding, as I stumbled upon this little
    unimpressive looking Text-File:effectinfo.txt
    But then my family grew bigger an I had not ime for my beloved Quake.
    Now I spend some time on it again and want to inform everybody, whoy are not already aware of it.

    "effectinfo.txt" is NOT part of DarkPlaces Client download Package, but its in DPmod.
    So grab from there and throw it in your Quake/id1/ directory (or simply use mine below).

    With this little jewel you can edit almost every little effect in DarkPlaces, like:
    - rocket trails
    - shot sparks
    - explosions
    - smoke
    - etc.

    So I started with the effects, which are in my opinion not perfect and want to share it with you:
    - Rocket trail (changed color, density and origin)
    - Grenade trail (changed color, density and origin)
    - Wizard Magic Attack effect (added color glowing and changed color, density and origin)
    - Hellknight Magic attack effect (added color glowing and changed color, density and origin)
    - Vore homing missile effect (changed density and origin)
    Added by Jorix (special thanks to him) :
    - New explosion / smoke effect (PLUS: smoke appears after explosions and disppears very slowly)

    I would be very happy, if you take this as a start and keep on editing the effects, so after some time,
    we will have a great pool of effectinfo.txt´s in this thread and Quake players can pick the ones they like
    and use them.

    Part 2)
    Around the same time I found the other little file, which is also NOT part of DarkPlaces Client
    download Package: particlefont.tga but can be found on Lord Havocs homepage.

    As you surely know, Blood in DarkPlaces is really dark.
    Even LH knows it, and I also found it on his (very long) ToDo´s list (which is also available on his homepage).

    I tried to edit the blood decal myself and am more than happy about the result.
    I didnt want to ruin LH original intention, and made the blood just a little more red and lighter.
    Just so much, that it looks realistic.

    Simply throw my particlefont.tga in your Quake\id1\particles folder (if it doesnt exit, create it)
    and see if you like it.

    Because of the size limit in this forum I uploaded it to quakestatic (link below)


    I know, that screenshots tells you more than 1000 words.
    So i tried to make some.

    Remember: Screenshots are not perfect in showing dynamic effects !

    It is more than easy to try the effects on your own computer.
    Its just extracting the below attachments. That s all.
    Please give me some Feedback.

    Thank you Lord Havoc for your great DarkPlaces Engine and
    your steadfast, patient support to me !!

    Without it, I wouldnt have been able to do this.

    Original DP: Modified by me:

    Original DP: Modified by me:

    Original DP: Modified by me:

    Original DP: Modified by me:

    Original DP: Modified by me:

    Original DP: Modified by me:

    Original DP: Modified by me:

    New Vore homing missile: ,

    Jorix new fantastic explosion / smoke (step 1 to 4):
    One: two: three: four:

    Download from quakestatic: (because of size limit in this forum)

    Updated effectinfo.txt 2010-07-19
    with new Vore´s homing missile trail, Jorix´s fantastic explosion / smoke,
    bouncing sparks (for shotguns and nailguns) and new impact effect for Wizard and Hellknight attacks.

    Updated effectinfo.txt 2010-10-11
    In this final version I added the glowing slime pit decal from Wizards
    (screenshot see post #18 in this thread),
    a burned decal from Hellknights and many small tweaks.
    I also integrated some of jakub1 beautiful effects (some slightly modified).
    This is my final version.

    Enjoy it.

    Warm Regards,
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Seven; 10-11-2010, 05:52 AM.

  • #2
    Nice before and after pics. Should really help someone looking to modify the effectsinfo file to get an idea of what to do.

    Very nice - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


    • #3

      I think its worth to mention it, because it would be too sad if you missed this info:

      Lord Havoc released a new final version of DarkPlaces on 2010-04-08.
      From this build on, there is a new (better) way to calculate / display shadows.
      He calls it High-Quality-Shadowmapping (and that´s exactly what it is !)

      It is not turned on by default, so please use this command:
      r_shadow_shadowmapping 1

      I tried to take pictures of it. You will see, that the shadows edges are no longer cutting sharp.
      Now they are kind of "washed out", what makes the visual much better.

      normal shadows: , High Quality shadows:

      Have fun.


      • #4
        good job seven...the text file worked with nice results ingame, i still havent been able to extract the tga file though.

        thanks as well for the r_shadow_shadowmapping 1 comment...this setting added like ten fps and makes the shadows look far more natural.

        thanks Jorix/seven...nice job on the effects.
        i love the explosion and all the other tweaked out settings like shell hits.

        these look so good havoc should include it with dp.

        got me playing again but the problem is the monster models look bad.

        look at the head...i tend to turn off the game when i see this kind of thing.
        Last edited by seanstar; 07-17-2010, 10:18 AM.


        • #5
          I like your wizard magic changes most, it improves them a lot.
          I have been playing with this file too a while ago. The most significant change is that after every explosion dust clouds float around for a while.
          I also played around with some other things like the teleport flash. Included in the file (but disabled by renaming it) is an other more star trek like beam.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Jorix; 07-12-2010, 12:21 PM.


          • #6
            hi seven,
            thanks for these enhanced effects. blood decals look definitely better with this new brighter particlefont. as for the rest of the changes of yours - i like it and i only have two questions:
            1. darkplaces has this "shell" around explosions. is there a way to turn it on while using effectinfo.txt? i quite like that old explosion efect and now it is off, no matter if i turn it on/off in the option menu.
            2. this in not a question... maybe just suggestion - qrack has really good particle effects, especially enforcer's laser shots and fire (torches etc..) are much better compared to the standard darkplaces. so if you don't know what to do next, you can try to "emulate" some of these eyecandy effect :-).


            to Jorix: i've just tested your version of particleinfo.txt and the explosions look great. with hdr on... darkplaces in its full glory.
            Last edited by jakub1; 07-12-2010, 01:43 PM.
            my projects so far:

            Travail retextured ___/___ Knave HD textures
            Tronyn in high definiton ___/___Abyss of Pandemonium HD textures
            Nehahra rtlights and other experiments


            • #7
              @ seanstar

              I am glad you like it.
              Just tested the new download Link for particles.tga. Extracting works fine with winrar and winzip.
              Maybe you still use my old link (with splitted volume ?)
              Please try downloading it again.
              And a special warm hug goes out to you for this little PN + mail, I received !

              @ Jorix

              This is what I am talking about.
              The more people share their work on this little beauty, the more usage others have.
              Thank you for your version. I will check and compare it, to find out whats new/different.
              Because you didnt comment your lines, I will try to figure out whats behind it.

              @ jakub1

              You mean, you had an effect, which was determined after you put effectinfo.txt in your id1 folder ?
              And you didnt change anything in options ?
              Thats strange...
              Does it appear again, when you delete effectinfo.txt ?
              Please try it with the "original" effectinfo.txt from the DPmod.
              I didnt see any changes after using the original /unchanged effectinfo.txt from DPmod.
              And my modifications to it only handles the trails (as described in first post)
              Your second suggestion: I never used qrack, cause of lack of time (also described above, why).

              Best wishes,
              Last edited by Seven; 07-12-2010, 02:00 PM.


              • #8
                explosion shell - in standard quake run via darkplaces /not with dpmod/ there is this transparent explosion shell as a part of the explosion effect. you can can turn it on/off in menu. it's different with dpmod - the shell is part of the explosion only while wearing quaddamage - probably to add a feeling of the bigger explosion. when i copy particlesinfo.txt into id1 directory and lunch standard quake, that shell is gone in all cases regardless of the menu setting or quaddamage and there is only this new explosion effect based on yours txt file. that's all ... my mistake .. i can't mix the old and new effect.
                my projects so far:

                Travail retextured ___/___ Knave HD textures
                Tronyn in high definiton ___/___Abyss of Pandemonium HD textures
                Nehahra rtlights and other experiments


                • #9
                  @ Jorix

                  as I worked on your effectinfo.txt to understand exactly what you did, i noticed this:
                  Your file seems to be from an older DPmod build, as all the quaddamage, blood and nexuiz values are missing.

                  Exactly like jakub1: I LOVE your new explosion / smoke behavior !!

                  I didnt even try to make screenshots, because this effect is too dynamic and must be seen live.

                  For the interested peoples out there:
                  I commented Jorix modified lines and implemented them into my "effectinfo.txt"
                  (please find it attached below)
                  So that you have the chance to have all effects together (comented to separate it) in one file.
                  For those, who are not able to merge the 2 files by themselves.

                  I hope you dont mind.
                  Of course I added special credits to you.

                  Have Fun.


                  Updated effectinfo.txt in post #1
                  Last edited by Seven; 07-14-2010, 03:34 PM.


                  • #10
                    I'm glad you like it, of course you can use it in your file.
                    I must have removed some dpmod specific thing from my version, don't know why really.
                    It seems you didn't notice the tarbaby explosion specific smoke, because it has a blueish color smoke that makes the air look a bit toxic/polluted with tarbaby dust after a tarbaby explodes.
                    The other changes are some minor changes to things like gunshot effects, the wizard and knight magic, the teleport effect (2 versions) and blood. But I don't remember exactly what I changed, it's a while ago that I changed it.
                    Last edited by Jorix; 07-13-2010, 12:45 PM.


                    • #11
                      Thank you for your permission Jorix.

                      While studying your effectinfo.txt I noticed, that you have a deep understanding of how the values work.
                      I had to struggle a lot in modifiying mine in the beginning and had to reload Quake maybe 100 times to understand what
                      all the values are for. In the end I was kind of lucky to get my modification done.

                      I use a Comparism program: Beyond Compare to see your edits.
                      But I am sorry, there is no change in Blood or gunshot values (which you mentioned above).
                      I sure found the Wizard and Hellknight Magic changes, but as you said yourself, they are not so spectacular.
                      Thank you for your hint with the Tarbaby (Because all the values are identical to Explosion I didnt
                      notice the slight change in color-code)
                      I will correct it at once and add it to post #1 (beginning of this thread).
                      I also left your teleport changes out, because in single player (it his hardly visible).

                      Best wishes and thank you again,
                      Last edited by Seven; 07-14-2010, 03:35 PM.


                      • #12
                        manual for scripting?

                        hallo, i'm trying to create my own version of effectinfo.txt and i have the same problem as seven - to understand what all that variables do i had to lunch quake again and again and again... the worst part is that in some cases it didn't help at all. is there anywhere some manual for particle scripting or at least list of te_* entities? i'm using effextinfo from nexuiz - there are a lot of effects, a lot of data tu study. most of the effects work in dp even without any change.
                        my projects so far:

                        Travail retextured ___/___ Knave HD textures
                        Tronyn in high definiton ___/___Abyss of Pandemonium HD textures
                        Nehahra rtlights and other experiments


                        • #13
                          To understand which values are possible and what they do I looked at the source of darkplaces. In cl_particles.c of the darkplaces source you can see some lists of values and what they should do.
                          Of course I also tested a lot of options to see how things would work out in the end.

                          The teleport effect is visible in single player, if you turn around after teleporting in, or if the teleporter is in sight of the end location. And also when looking at demo files from others that are multiplayer or recammed. Monsters can also teleport in and out.
                          Last edited by Jorix; 07-14-2010, 04:03 AM.


                          • #14

                            I added the following:
                            - Hellknight Magic attack colored lightning
                            - Wizards magic attack colored lightning
                            - Vore homing missile trail modification

                            You will find new amazing screenshots in my first post, as well as the updated effectinfo.txt.

                            I even tried to catch Jorix wonderful explosion / smoke in screenshots.
                            Check them in Post #1

                            @ jakub1

                            I also updated my comments in the effectinfo.txt
                            They now explain all the stuff I edited and what these variables mean.
                            This maybe help you as a first step.

                            Best regards,
                            Last edited by Seven; 07-15-2010, 03:50 PM.


                            • #15
                              I did some new effects for effectinfo.txt like fire, torches, smoke, sparks and other effects for a custom mod, I'm doing. I'm not posting them here as there is QuakeC code behind it, but the new effects are awesome!

                              Thanks for this file, I'll study it these days, and see if I can add something new to it.

                              getButterfly - WordPress Plugins

