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Darkplaces Error Reporting Thread

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  • Hey Seven, glad to see you back! What have you been up to these past two months? I was beginning to fear something bad had happened to you...

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    Epsilon just put out a recent build at Christmas
    I didn't know Xolve made a new Epsilon build. Still, if it was done correctly it shouldn't cause errors with the latest DP builds.

    Originally posted by Henry View Post
    Smith respects the original mod authors at least.
    Oh come on, this controversy regarding Epsilon is ridiculous! Xolve has provided the various mods' readmes and acknowledged all due credit in his own readmes. Where's the perceived disrespect?

    Originally posted by Henry View Post
    And you have other people creating contents and demonstrating engine features like (...) Haze the Great and mushi for fte.
    I wasn't aware of that. Considering the shit-ton of works for DP and the proportional lack of works for FTE available here, I thought no-one cared about FTE. I'm interested in this engine and would like to find stuff made for it. Do you have links for Haze and Mushi's works, and maybe others'?
    ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
    ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


    • Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
      I wasn't aware of that. Considering the shit-ton of works for DP and the proportional lack of works for FTE available here, I thought no-one cared about FTE. I'm interested in this engine and would like to find stuff made for it. Do you have links for Haze and Mushi's works, and maybe others'?
      Mushi's efforts culminated in this
      Note that it includes Haze's stuff, and should be a cross between Epsilon and nQuake. Hopefully I've not broken anything since then...
      Also as this is offtopic (having nothing to do with Darkplaces although I guess error reports almost qualify), you should continue this subconversation elsewhere...
      Some Game Thing


      • Thanks Spike!
        ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
        ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


        • Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
          I didn't know Xolve made a new Epsilon build. Still, if it was done correctly it shouldn't cause errors with the latest DP builds.
          Yep, he has a recent Epsilon build, and the only thing outdated in it is SMC. But he ripped out and doesn't include most of SMC, not liking many of the changes. He only really includes a bare portion of an older SMC for weather effects, and the reflect overload.

          If you run the latest Epsilon as packaged, it works. However, the latest DP builds break two things:

          1. A texture script from Reflect Overload, which is fixed elsewhere.
          2. Some of the map effects (steam coming up from the lava, window beam, etc) stop working with his included autoexec.cfg, config.cfg, effectsinfo.txt settings. I wiped his files and made my own config files and got the map effects working again eventually. I need to spend more time identifying which setting specifically breaks these effects with recent DP builds. Once I have more specific info, I'll post a bug report for it.

          I also noted that when I was outputting to a log file that there used to be messages that the folders it wanted to use where not writable (even though they were) and DP wasn't using it. So it put autoexec.cfg, my saves, etc. directly in the folder I was running DP from. But now with the latest builds, it is putting them in my user profile and not the main DP folder.

          C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\my games\darkplaces\id1

          For those opposed to looking at log files, reading them is how you find bugs like these and fix them.


          • Hello. Downloaded darkplaces recently, and I have some problems with it.

            Game reacts weirdly to alt-down. Sometimes it loads quicksave (if I bind c to quickload), sometimes it shoots (if ctrl is binded to shooting), sometimes it does nothing (as I hope it would always do). I use alt-up alt-down to change volume, so it's highly inconvenient for me.

            Game keeps rebinding keys I'm trying to unbind. I'm unbinding ctrl, and after restarting it shoots again.

            Game rewrites my config file. I'm trying to make it carefully edited, but game keeps rearranging lines by itself.

            I'm a wannabe programmer, and I hope to understand the source code one day, so the more technical details you throw at me - the better. At the moment I'm curious where the keyboard handling is happening in the source code, and where the main() is. Maybe I'll try to compile it later, maybe I'll be lucky with that.



              Oh my god.
              Dude,lets party!
              Bring some food and drink.I got Arcane Dimensions 2.666!?!


              • Originally posted by vibok View Post
                Hello. Downloaded darkplaces recently, and I have some problems with it.

                Game reacts weirdly to alt-down. Sometimes it loads quicksave (if I bind c to quickload), sometimes it shoots (if ctrl is binded to shooting), sometimes it does nothing (as I hope it would always do). I use alt-up alt-down to change volume, so it's highly inconvenient for me.

                Game keeps rebinding keys I'm trying to unbind. I'm unbinding ctrl, and after restarting it shoots again.

                Game rewrites my config file. I'm trying to make it carefully edited, but game keeps rearranging lines by itself.

                I'm a wannabe programmer, and I hope to understand the source code one day, so the more technical details you throw at me - the better. At the moment I'm curious where the keyboard handling is happening in the source code, and where the main() is. Maybe I'll try to compile it later, maybe I'll be lucky with that.

                Your config.cfg file gets edited at startup because of the default.cfg file (or autoexec of course).
                You can change load orders inside your quake.rc file.

                To avoid your issue you could always put an empty default.cfg into your mod folder. That will override/suppress any default.cfg in darkplaces.

                That issue/behaviour is engine independent by the way.

                Have fun,


                • Hello,

                  Just a quick heads-up:
                  A new Beta build from Darkplaces has been released recently. Fixing bugs.
                  Lord Havoc is listening to all bugreports that are sent to him... trying to fix them.

                  As posted earlier, always keep an eye on the history log file here

                  Thank You LordHavoc

                  Best wishes,


                  • anybody know if there is a way to fix this?

                    most if not all level-geometry thats behind these textures just simply dissapears from view

                    this is from mapjam9, and it happens with all the kgr textures that have transparency.
                    ive checked and it also happens with the original textures, and it also seems to happen in quakespasm


                    if it helps in any way, im using the 2016-09-22th build of darkplaces,
                    and the quakespasm build that i tested it with is the ADmod build
                    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                    • Hey Tal! I can ask at Func_ on your behalf if you want. Is this happening in a specific map?
                      ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                      ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                      • it happens with all of the {kgr textures that are used in mapjam9, the metal beam textures which have transparency
                        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                        • Hello talisa,

                          There is no issue on my side.
                          The {kgrxxxx textures work fine in Darkplaces.
                          The original from the mapjam9 pack as well as replacement textures for them.

                          These are examples how the original mapjam9 looks in Darkplaces:

                          With a different replacement texture they can look like this:

                          By the way, the map area from your screenshot looks like this for me:

                          There seems to be something wrong in your setup ?

                          Darkplaces supports alpha textures with the "{" letter at the beginning (be sure to use color 255 for internals, or an alpha layer for externals).



                          • hmmm..... it seems that the maps in the download of mapjam9 that i had were corrupted.

                            just to make sure it wasnt anything in my setup, i grabbed only the files from the steam download of quake,
                            threw quakespasm in the steam quake-folder, dropped quoth and mapjam9 in there, loaded up the same map.... and the issue was still there

                            so i decided to re-download mapjam9 and extracted the files into the jam9 folder letting them override all files from the previous download,
                            and now everything is ok, the correct textures show up and there are no more issues with level-geometry dissapearing behind the {kgrXXX textures

                            so somehow the map-files from my previous download of mapjam9 were corrupted. everything is fine now though after a re-download


                            regarding DP and alpha-textures:
                            yeah that was the part that most confused me, because ive made HD textures with alpha before
                            and never before saw that same issue in any maps that had replacement textures with transparency in them

                            so i was flabbergasted why i suddenly had those issues in the mapjam9 maps....
                            and it turned i wasnt doing anything wrong out but somehow the maps i had were corrupted
                            Last edited by talisa; 08-14-2017, 03:05 PM.
                            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                            • Hello,

                              A new Beta build from Darkplaces has been released 20170829.

                              Thank You LordHavoc

                              Best wishes,


                              • Thanks for the heads-up, Seven!
                                ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                                ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪

