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FTE QW engine.

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  • Some questions about this engine I'm currently enjoying a lot:

    - How do I enable HD skies?
    - How do I raise lightmaps level when I enable the RTlights?
    - Where I can find HD particle torches like the ones I've saw in some screenshots?
    - Where I can find pretty liquids like water, slime, lava etc..? When I enable some effects the liquids appear totally transparent
    Make Quake Great Again


    • high res skies should have eg a sky4_solid texture and a sky4_alpha texture.
      skyboxes would normally be enabled via the 'sky' worldspawn key, although you can override it with r_skybox, but that can be a bit awkward to manage. there's a 'skygroup $skyboxname $mapname1 $mapname2' command that you can use from a config for per-map things, but that's probably excessive for most users.

      if you have world shadows enabled, you can set the r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps cvar to 1 or whatever in order to retain lightmap levels as they were (or values between 0-1 to scale accordingly, depending on your rtlight file). again this isn't per map, so its a bit annoying. it'd be good to have such a setting in the rtlights file, but there's no such override yet.

      the screenshots-with-torches that you refer to were likely of the afterquake package. that package has custom menus including a particles menu. that package also includes purplehaze's various custom effects, which can be selected via that menu.

      r_waterstyle controls a few shader properties for water. there's no fog (partly because there's no singular plane from which water fog should be generated, grr dm3), and no specular, so water is basically transparent other than for the reflection+refration effect.
      it is possible to provide some tint argument, or you could write entirely your own glsl code (base it off fte's 'altwater.glsl' to get the reflection+refraction stuff as a base).
      this is a somewhat complex thing to do.
      Some Game Thing


      • Originally posted by Spike View Post
        high res skies should have eg a sky4_solid texture and a sky4_alpha texture.
        skyboxes would normally be enabled via the 'sky' worldspawn key, although you can override it with r_skybox, but that can be a bit awkward to manage. there's a 'skygroup $skyboxname $mapname1 $mapname2' command that you can use from a config for per-map things, but that's probably excessive for most users.

        if you have world shadows enabled, you can set the r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps cvar to 1 or whatever in order to retain lightmap levels as they were (or values between 0-1 to scale accordingly, depending on your rtlight file). again this isn't per map, so its a bit annoying. it'd be good to have such a setting in the rtlights file, but there's no such override yet.

        the screenshots-with-torches that you refer to were likely of the afterquake package. that package has custom menus including a particles menu. that package also includes purplehaze's various custom effects, which can be selected via that menu.

        r_waterstyle controls a few shader properties for water. there's no fog (partly because there's no singular plane from which water fog should be generated, grr dm3), and no specular, so water is basically transparent other than for the reflection+refration effect.
        it is possible to provide some tint argument, or you could write entirely your own glsl code (base it off fte's 'altwater.glsl' to get the reflection+refraction stuff as a base).
        this is a somewhat complex thing to do.
        Thanks for the reply
        Make Quake Great Again


        • Is it normal that the lighting is like that when I enable both the Realtime Lighting?

          Attached Files


          • you can try tweaking the bloom, or just disabling it.
            r_bloom 0.2 or so should be more tolerable, or just use 0.

            alternatively you could tweak all the bloom cvars and end up with something really screwy like:
            Some Game Thing


            • Originally posted by Spike View Post
              you can try tweaking the bloom, or just disabling it.
              r_bloom 0.2 or so should be more tolerable, or just use 0.

              alternatively you could tweak all the bloom cvars and end up with something really screwy like:
              This is strange: with r_bloom 0.2 the bloom gets more intense, I tried every single r_bloom command and that bright light doesn't go away.

              It doesn't do it everywhere in the levels but only in some spots.
              Another thing which one is better OpenGL or Direct3D 11? I get higher FPSs in D3D.


              • try r_hdr_irisadaptation 0?

                fte's d3d renderers do tend to get higer framerates, but at the same time they don't support all the same feaures like rtlights, water, or post processing.
                they're also less well tested, so don't be surprised by glitches or crashes, but they should be fine with vanilla-like maps/mods.
                Some Game Thing


                • Originally posted by Spike View Post
                  try r_hdr_irisadaptation 0?

                  fte's d3d renderers do tend to get higer framerates, but at the same time they don't support all the same feaures like rtlights, water, or post processing.
                  they're also less well tested, so don't be surprised by glitches or crashes, but they should be fine with vanilla-like maps/mods.
                  r_hdr_irisadaptation 0 doesn't work but it's ok: I don't want to abuse your kindness and most likely is something on my end that's not working properly.

                  Yeah, I get much better framerate under Direct3D but is also more glitchy, oh well, my rig is rather old (Phenom2 X4 955 + Radeon HD 6950) so I need to stick with D3D to get better performances.
                  Is it possible to use custom particles like these in FTEQW?
                  Thanks for your help.


                  • @judicator

                    yes yes, FTEQW definitely supports custom particle-effects just like darkplaces


                    check this special FTEQW HD-compilation out for example:

                    it also includes custom particle-effects
                    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                    • Very thanks for the link Talisa, I love FTEQW even more now! I play with inverted mouse, how do I enable it in FTEQW? I can't find it in the options menu
                      Make Quake Great Again


                      • m_pitch -0.022
                        its on the old menus, just not the new menus. something that I guess I need to fix some time.
                        Some Game Thing


                        • Hi Spike,

                          I have a little time free this weekend, which is rare for me, and I was just contemplating giving FTE a test as a potential Netquake engine and wondered if you would be so kind as to fill in a few blanks for me (a complete FTE newbie)? I fully appreciate that FTE is a QuakeWorld engine and has been designed primarily with that in mind, and I don't for one minute expect everything to work perfectly but it would be interesting to see how it compares from the viewpoint of and old Netquaker like me.

                          So with that in mind...
                          1. Does FTE have the ability to record demos and also to export them in to AVI/MPEG/Some other video format files in the same way that Qrack can and Proquake used to do (cough, Baker, cough )
                          2. Does the test command work in the same way it does on Netquake? (I only ask as I use used Polarites groovy little server scripts to quickly find out who is on a given server)
                          3. Does the test2 command work in the same way it does on Netquake?
                          4. Can FTE utilise the in game netquake server list provided by Efess on this site in the same way Proquake does?
                          5. Can FTE Autodownload maps from one of the European file repo's (such as the Damage server in the UK at
                          6. Are there any known issues when connecting to Netquake servers to play the following mods:
                            RQuake Coop? (connect
                            Painkeep? (connect
                            RuneQuake? (connect
                            NewDM? (connect
                          7. I know you and Seven made some in-roads in to trying to get SMC to work on FTE. How far did that get?
                          8. I remember you saying FTE can connect to Netquake servers but there was a specific command that had to be used via the the console. Was it Nqconnect? e.g. to connect to the UK Rquake netquake coop server would I use ngconnect ?

                          I know you must be a busy man so if you don't have the time or inclination to come back to me I understand.

                          Kind regards

                          Last edited by Mr.Burns; 09-05-2016, 08:53 AM.
                          "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
                          WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

                          News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


                          • @Mr Burns

                            You could actually answer a bunch of those questions with a series of quick tests. I'm not trying to be "jerky" to you, if it sounds that way (especially since you are one of the few people here that is too respectful to ever be mean/rude to). I'm just stating the truth. You could easily test a bunch of those questions with little effort, especially 1, 4, 5 & 7.

                            I will add that my best guess is that #1 is without question supported. That seems pretty fundamental to me and I would actually be really surprised if FTE doesn't do that. I'd also be willing to bet that SMC is not fully supported. I could name a few reasons why I think this (and I could definitely be wrong). Engine exported .ent files comes to mind as a starter reason. DPExtensions is another, although Spike told me something once that implied that DPExtensions may at least be semi-supported (of course I could be wrong/misunderstood with this as well).
                            Last edited by MadGypsy; 09-05-2016, 10:28 AM.


                            • 1. recording NQ games is apparently not supported right now. playing them back (or capturing them with eg: capturedemo) will work though.

                              2. test+test2 commands do not exist. for quakeworld servers you can just use the server browser for things like that, but the nq protocols are a lot more fiddly.

                              3. see 2.

                              4. the server browser does use that as one of its sources, yes.

                              5. set cl_download_mapsrc, then it should.

                              6. none that come to mind, but I don't really play deathmatch other than to test stuff. I really wouldn't be surprised if there was something that doesn't work as desired, especially if mods expect various client console commands to exist and function in an exact way.
                              Actually, I think there might be an issue with aliases getting wiped at map change, if a mod tries to be efficient and assumes that stuffcmded alises are permanent. You can just reconnect as a workaround but that'll suck in coop.

                              7. SMC has a number of quirks that depend upon engine-specific behaviour. There's a few cvars that you can tweak to alieviate this, but the two that come to mind right now are sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinks 0 (which makes the particles significantly less abusive); dpcompat_makeshitup 2 (which makes fte ignore half of your shaders and then add extra effects to them, which should _mostly_ solve invisible monsters and stuff but is in no way guarenteed). There's also an issue with the QC moving (resized) monsters slightly into the ground resulting in them being unable to move, which can be worked around with smc's 'soldier_size 0' etc cvars, but there's a lot of such cvars that need to be cleared in order to disable the problem.
                              It is very likely that there are other issues/differences, but only those 3 things come to mind right now. I wasn't too adventurous when it comes to tweaking cvars to enable extra smc stuff beyond the defaults.

                              8. just use the connect command, but be sure to always specify the port (you can change the default port from 27500 by changing cl_defaultport, but meh).
                              the nqconnect command does still exist and always assumes port 26000, but is otherwise redundant.
                              Some Game Thing


                              • HEllo Spike, I have a "big" question:
                                How is possible to get OpenAL working with fte?
                                the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.


