yes, it can run standalone q3 mods, however its not very well tested for q3, and mods will take the brunt of that. if you want q3 specifically, its currently still better to stick with q3-only engines.
client gamecode is linked to protocol. protocol is linked to server gamecode. using csqc with q2 or q3 protocols/serverside-gamecode will not work, even if you hacked the engine to try loading it, the game data would not be directly accessible and would require a whole new set of builtins. q2 less so, but q3's gamecode and protocol are strongly linked thanks to the gamecode providing all sorts of prediction and other stuff - if the cgame and [s]game don't match then all bets are off.
there is a single exception in that fte servers can potentially allow q3 clients to connect to q1 gamecode. this is basically totally untested, and would require some very specific custom q3 gamecode for it to actually work. providing compatible models would be an even bigger nightmare. so its probably best to consider this a misfeature and ignore that I even mentioned it. mixing and matching isn't always for the best.
menu.dat or q3ui are much less strongly linked, but also much less interesting to mix.
client gamecode is linked to protocol. protocol is linked to server gamecode. using csqc with q2 or q3 protocols/serverside-gamecode will not work, even if you hacked the engine to try loading it, the game data would not be directly accessible and would require a whole new set of builtins. q2 less so, but q3's gamecode and protocol are strongly linked thanks to the gamecode providing all sorts of prediction and other stuff - if the cgame and [s]game don't match then all bets are off.
there is a single exception in that fte servers can potentially allow q3 clients to connect to q1 gamecode. this is basically totally untested, and would require some very specific custom q3 gamecode for it to actually work. providing compatible models would be an even bigger nightmare. so its probably best to consider this a misfeature and ignore that I even mentioned it. mixing and matching isn't always for the best.
menu.dat or q3ui are much less strongly linked, but also much less interesting to mix.