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Guide: Setting Up A Public Server

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  • aftershock
    I'm considering setting up a server, but a lot of this information seems out of date and links are broken.

    I think I need to know what sort of hosts will give very low pings and what I need. I guess I can't use these game host companies because they setup for you automatically and I need to be able to get direct access to remote setup the server.

    What quake server to use CRMOD and runequake seem to be the two that exist now.

    I'm also interested in the idea of Quakeworld and possibly protocols that FTE use to give better performance with slightly higher pings for people connecting using FTE.

    I want to set it up in DC to give lower pings around there. I see we already have some servers in NY.

    I'd like to see how long I can get the pings for people near DC. I don't quite know what is possible, but something around 5 to 15 ms would be the target.

    I'm sure I've got a lot more questions, but want to start somewhere.


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  • PrimalLove
    Originally posted by R00k View Post
    lol ya they have started sign-ups in my area
    since id be using an older pc i think id have 1 server with 16 slots and
    add a votable option to load ca ctf or dm. or something crazy random zombie mod
    Wha? If you have Foie gras first of all that shit is expensive. Second of all don't tell PETA or they will try to shut you down! Tho there is a farmer in Spain named Eduardo Sousa who produces foie gras humanely by allowing his ducks to migrate there and eat a shit ton of figs and nuts. fattens the liver right up for some amazing bright yellow foie gras! Mmm.... I can taste it now... If only I had the money....

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  • R00k
    lol ya they have started sign-ups in my area
    since id be using an older pc i think id have 1 server with 16 slots and
    add a votable option to load ca ctf or dm. or something crazy random zombie mod

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  • PrimalLove
    Ah nice! Should I need to guess what mod? Also you are getting google fiber?!!!!

    (Throws as much hate as possible towards r00k) Take that you vile creature!

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  • R00k
    i was thinking next year when i get google fiber (1000mbs/s ie 1Gb/s)
    i should host a linux Quake server.

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  • slackhead
    Originally posted by PrimalLove View Post
    Give me an idea of where you are trying to go? If you just want it compatible with the most amount of people possible then i'd say don't use any mods other than your server side ones.
    This ^ is what I think. I will keep it playable for the most amount of people then, and anything else I do with it will be server side.


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  • PrimalLove
    Maybe a bit more information? Basically they have server side mods and mods both client and server need. In the case of Qouth both would need the assets folder loaded correctly in order to play the maps correctly. They could still join but would be missing assets and gameplay elements. You'd just have to decide what type of server you are running. If you ran it with Qouth you'd certainly have the ability to play over 90% of the maps on Quakeinjector but you would need to find the source for it to add your current server features like MOTD, etc. I am not even sure they have the source for that available.

    Otherwise it is better you just run quake vanilla with your current server side additions you already have like MOTD and Voting. It also just depends on what you are trying to do with your server. Give me an idea of where you are trying to go? If you just want it compatible with the most amount of people possible then i'd say don't use any mods other than your server side ones.

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  • wicked_lord
    Originally posted by slackhead View Post
    What are the most reasonable -game flags that we can assume people use with their clients?

    As I've been looking over coop maps with Quake Injector I'm finding some that need quoth or some other mod running. Is it best to stick to bare metal and avoid those maps/mods? What about the mission packs? Is it safe to assume that people have rogue and hipnotic in their client flags?
    Im sure PrimalLove can help you on this as he is a kleshik coop lover.

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  • slackhead
    What are the most reasonable -game flags that we can assume people use with their clients?

    As I've been looking over coop maps with Quake Injector I'm finding some that need quoth or some other mod running. Is it best to stick to bare metal and avoid those maps/mods? What about the mission packs? Is it safe to assume that people have rogue and hipnotic in their client flags?

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  • R00k
    Most importantly use the -dedicated command-line parameter. Followed by the number of players you wish to have on the server. Max value is 16. Also, setting +deathmatch 1 or +coop 1 to determine a game mode. Or as mono quickly illustrated, use the -game parameter which points to the folder name of the mod you wish to use. If u just want normal quake DM then dont use the -game parameter.

    Some other things like, -zone or -mem might be required depending on the mod u are using. Read the docs that came with the mod....

    edit: actually if you read the 1st post on this thread you'd find...

    Actual Setup: #5 A Command Line

    In a LAN game, a command line might go like this:

    c:/quake/wqpro.exe -game crmod –dedicated 16 –condebug –heapsize 32768 –zone 1024 +map dm6

    In the above:

    0.) wqpro.exe is the ProQuake dedicated engine, basically an improved WinQuake.
    1.) -game crmod is an example where c:\quake\crmod is where the progs.dat and other mod files reside.
    2.) -dedicated 16 is an example where the server is setup to allow 16 players to connect
    3.) -condebug generates a qconsole.log text file of events on the server, a server log.
    4.) -heapsize 32768 is a memory allocation of 32 MB. -mem 32 could be substituted with some engines.
    5.) -zone 1024 is another memory allocation of 1 MB for alias memory.
    6.) +map dm6 is the map the server starts on.
    But on a public hosted server, particularly Linux, it usually gets just a bit more complicated.

    z:/servers/myaccount/sqpro –game xctf –dedicated 8 –noipx –condebug –heapsize 32768 –
    zone 1024 –ip –udpport 26000 +map e1m7

    1.) Your folder on the server in this case might be something like z:\servers\myaccount
    2.) In this example, sqpro is the Linux ProQuake binary.
    3.) -ip is the IP address to use for the connection
    4.) -udpport 26000 is the connection port. 26000 is the most desired port, the Quake default, meaning that clients can connect without indicating the port #. In this example, someone could connect typing CONNECT, but with other ports they would need to type CONNECT (you'd want to get a DNS for the IP alias, but you often won't have that when you are doing initial setup.)

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  • monoz
    c://quake/proquake.exe -game ctf - dedicated 16 -condebug -zone 1024

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  • malobvelom
    Setting up a dedicated Proquake Server

    The guide links dont seem to be working. can anyone tell me how to set up a dedicated proquake server? Any help would be appreciated


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  • BeastmasteR
    The guide links redirect to the homepage. Can someone take a look into this?

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  • Neil
    centos is basically redhat enterprise, id say you'd be fine running proquake on it.

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  • Baker
    Originally posted by Cobalt View Post
    Baker: I know I asked about this in another thread, but cant locate it. Will this guide work if you use Proquake on a server using CentOS, which is a Linux Derivative? Anyone?
    Here are the links:

    QuakeOne Guides - How to Have a Successful Public Server

    QuakeOne Guides - Server Setup Configuration

    I have no idea about your OS, but assuming the binary you are using runs you'd think you are in the clear.

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