I hope someone can help me. I installed WorldCraft 3.3 to c:\program files\worldcraft, installed the QuakeAdapter properly AND set up WC to all the dirs! It compiles fine and runs the darkspaces engine with my map NP at all! But, while compiling the only bad message is "WARNING: No valid wadfiles in worldmodel" and the map has no textures.
As I said its all set up compiles and runs, WADs are in the wads dir, but file->run compiles and then I get no textures. My darkspaces directory is on the e: drive tho so maybe thats a prob? Please help someone lol
As I said its all set up compiles and runs, WADs are in the wads dir, but file->run compiles and then I get no textures. My darkspaces directory is on the e: drive tho so maybe thats a prob? Please help someone lol