Massive performance drop when lights / torches are flickering - is there a fix or a way to stop the completely?
This is pretty niche port, but maybe someone here knows the reason this could be happening and help me solve it!
I'm using
this port:
which is based on n0n3m4's QI4A, which is a port of darkplaces.
The game runs fine without realtime lighting except sometimes the fps drops a lot, the worse case in at the entrance map for episode 2, where there are 2 torches, it drop to 5 fps
Interestingly, if realtime lighting is enable, it shoots UP to 15, but the game averages around 30 with realtime, so it's still not very playable.
However, if the console is open at that scene, and the game 'pause' stoppng the flickering of torches, it shoots up to 60 again
also if you slowdown the flicker with the slowmo 0.2 or something cvar, the fps also increases.
what can be causing this? I'm a novice, but I tried most documented graphic-related cvars for darkplaces to try to figure it out, but to no avail.
Please help, all 5 of us playing quake on gear vr would really appreciate it.
This is pretty niche port, but maybe someone here knows the reason this could be happening and help me solve it!
I'm using
this port:
which is based on n0n3m4's QI4A, which is a port of darkplaces.
The game runs fine without realtime lighting except sometimes the fps drops a lot, the worse case in at the entrance map for episode 2, where there are 2 torches, it drop to 5 fps
Interestingly, if realtime lighting is enable, it shoots UP to 15, but the game averages around 30 with realtime, so it's still not very playable.
However, if the console is open at that scene, and the game 'pause' stoppng the flickering of torches, it shoots up to 60 again
also if you slowdown the flicker with the slowmo 0.2 or something cvar, the fps also increases.
what can be causing this? I'm a novice, but I tried most documented graphic-related cvars for darkplaces to try to figure it out, but to no avail.
Please help, all 5 of us playing quake on gear vr would really appreciate it.