You can open a map, select what you want, and do "copy" (ctrl-c).
Then you open the other map and do "paste" (ctrl-v). You can also do paste to camera. Experiment. Be aware that you should keep everything aligned to the grid! You can do that by selecting stuff and pressing Ctrl-G.
If something doesn't go well, press Ctrl-Z to undo, choose a smaller grid and try snapping again. The smallest useable grid size in Q1 is 1 unit.
Another method to do terrain is Entar's Canyon Terrain generator. It can output to .map.
Blender does have a .map exporter somewhere, but you must make sure the imported terrain gets snapped to the grid. The grid is the law.
Then you open the other map and do "paste" (ctrl-v). You can also do paste to camera. Experiment. Be aware that you should keep everything aligned to the grid! You can do that by selecting stuff and pressing Ctrl-G.
If something doesn't go well, press Ctrl-Z to undo, choose a smaller grid and try snapping again. The smallest useable grid size in Q1 is 1 unit.
Another method to do terrain is Entar's Canyon Terrain generator. It can output to .map.
Blender does have a .map exporter somewhere, but you must make sure the imported terrain gets snapped to the grid. The grid is the law.