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Locating Missing files and fixing dead links

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  • Locating Missing files and fixing dead links

    Hello everyone! I've been absent for years from the Quake scene, and I feel like I missed the party around here. There are SO many once great files on this forum that are now missing and/or dead links. Someone out there MUST be holding on to these files that can share them with the rest of us! In particular, here are some files I'm trying to track down that I cannot find:

    Seven's SMC 5.6 (Yup, this huge project has no working link I could find online)

    Seven's Rapture fixes:

    Zerstorer Reforged:

    There are a lot more files missing than just these, but I'll start with these for now...

  • #2
    Hello Lightning_Hunter,
    I´m collecting this files too.
    Feel free to download or link to my webspace. I have a ton of files here and when I have time I upload it to my site!

    Regards w@
    Last edited by webangel; 09-04-2023, 12:05 PM.


    • #3
      Awesome, thanks for responding! I saw the SMC 5.6 that you uploaded, but do you have the source code? The original SMC came with the source code, but I don't see it in your uploads. I actually already have the mod itself but need the source code! Thanks, Webangel.


      • #4
        Sorry - I think I dont own the source files. Let me see when I have some free time...


        • #5
          Originally posted by webangel View Post
          Sorry - I think I dont own the source files. Let me see when I have some free time...
          That's a shame! I know the source came with the original .rar file that contains all the other files you uploaded. It was a pretty large file. I wish I had kept it!


          • #6
            I ask Seven via email if he could send me the sources!

