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The Definitive Frikbot Waypack

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  • The Definitive Frikbot Waypack

    Definitive Frikbot Waypack updated to version 2.0 on May 24th, 2011!

    The Frikbot Waypack has been updated to Version 2! This version adds support for about 110 additional maps, bringing the total amount of supported maps to nearly 500! Highlights in this release include support for many large 32-player maps, lots of great DM series such as APDM1-5, Dranzdm5-8, Impdm1-5, IKSPQ1-4, Naked1-7, rcdm1-10, skis1-5, soedm1-6, XL1DM1-7, and many more. Some of the newer maps released in the last year are also in this version, including Zaka's latest map, "Naughty". You can find 24-bit textures for this map below. I updated a few older waypoints, and made all the filenames in this pack lowercase (someone mentioned this being an issue with a particular Quake engine in the last release). Follow the same directions in this post as last time, and download the updated Waypack and corresponding Mappack in the links below!

    The Definitive Frikbot Waypack

    After a year worth of work, version 2 of the Definitive Frikbot Waypack is out! Get ready for hours of bot fragging fun!

    This pack adds bot support for nearly 500 user created Quake maps, all extensively tested and perfected by the biggest bot perfectionist (me). It is for use with the Frikbots. Around 280 of these were created from scratch, while the rest were improved by me. When I say improved, I mean that I basically spent so much time updating waypoints by other authors that it probably would have been easier creating them from scratch. I was very meticulous about making sure each and every map had the best bot support possible. I didn't slack off in any one map! For this very reason, I have titled this pack the Definitive Frikbot Waypack. You will not find a more comprehensive archive of Frikbot waypoints - all of them the very best quality. Nothing has been left out, so stop your waypoint searching here.

    Supported Maps
    There is no way I'm going to list all of the maps here, but I'll just say that all the most popular ones are there - including many of the new releases! Aerowalk, the ztn series, Ultrav, the pope series, plpak series, dapak series, ukpak series, Misdm series, fragtown series, efdm series, and much more. There are some rare maps supported in this archive that many people have probably never heard of!

    PainKeep Support
    All the official Painkeep maps have been given special attention with this release. Although the waypoints were originally created by Monster, I felt that they needed much more work. I spent hours improving these waypoints. In the case of pk6, I spent 6+ hours improving/testing just the one map! The very last video at the bottom is from this map. All Painkeep maps have this kind of bot support with this release.

    Make sure to grab the Frikbots merged with Painkeep here to play using the painkeep mod. You can also play the Painkeep maps without the painkeep mod - they just won't have the new weapons. The bots will understand the maps both ways.

    Where To Download The Maps
    In correspondence to the waypoint pack, I have compiled an archive of all the maps and uploaded them separately. I did this to make it very convenient, so you don't have to go searching for download links to all 500 maps. Some of these maps are rare and almost impossible to find anyway. You don't have to download the mappack if you simply want bot support for a handful of maps in your Quake folder, which is why I uploaded them separately. The Waypoint pack is only about 800kb, while the Mappack is over 100MB. I highly recommend downloading the mappack if you want to experience all if it though!

    -Download the and, and extract them both to your Frikbot mod folder. Make sure to use folder names, so that everything goes to the right locations.

    -In the \maps folder where you extracted everything, you will notice there are 47 .ENT files, along with QBSP.exe and "ENT patches.bat". Run the ENT Patches batch file to modify 47 maps to work better with the Frikbots.

    NOTE: I didn't want to upload any modified .BSP files in order to respect the mappers, so I included the ENT patch as an alternative. Basically, there are some maps that don't work right with the Frikbots unless you modify their ent files. If you don't run "ENT patches.bat", then 47 of the supported maps will have some major issues, or not work at all with the Frikbots. This is mostly due to mappers including waypoints for other bots in the .ent files, which screws up the Frikbots. I did include some minor fixes to various maps in these patches, such as better playerstarts for the Fragtown series.

    -That should be it! I included a maps.cfg file that has all the maps with this release. If you want hours upon hours of bot fragging fun, I recommend you turn on random map rotation, and let the game surprise you with a new map every time a match is over! This is the main reason I created this pack!

    Download Links

    NOTE: This pack does not currently support QuakeWorld. There was simply too much work involved in converting all 500 waypoints. I don't think QW even supports that many maps, anyway. It should work with every other engine, however.
    The Waypoint Pack
    The Mappack

    Mappack Mirrors:
    None Yet. Hope to have some soon!

    Various 24-bit Texture Packs

    Here are some high-res texture packs to complement a few of the maps in this pack. Download them if you want to spruce up the appearance of a few maps.

    Schloss 24-bit Textures
    Skull 24-bit Textures
    Dad 24-bit Textures
    Dad2 24-bit Textures
    Doomed 24-bit Textures
    Tuhnu2 24-bit Textures
    Cmt1b 24-bit Textures
    Naughty 24-bit Textures


    Some videos I recorded to show off the navigation of the Frikbots with this pack. You will see the bots make mistakes in the game of course (Frikbots aren't perfect), but this shows what you are downloading, nonetheless.

    Cmt1b: Shows the bots navigating the map pretty well.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Cmt1b[/ame]

    Spirit1dm2: The bots navigate Spirit's new map that just came out.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Spirit1dm2[/ame]

    Ztndm6: The bots get all the secrets in this popular Ztn map. They even use the secret teleporter!
    [ame=""]YouTube - Ztndm6[/ame]

    Efdm12: The frikbot collects 3 very hard to obtain power-ups in a minute.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Efdm12[/ame]

    Agent: The bot Rocket Jumps into an air-vent to obtain a hard-to-reach Pentagram.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Agent[/ame]

    Ztnbase: Great navigation on this large base map by Ztn.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Ztnbase[/ame]

    Damaul2: The bots grab all items in this massive level!
    [ame=""]YouTube - Damaul2[/ame]

    Pk6: This last video simply shows a bug I manipulated with the Frikbots to get them to perform a 2-button sequence in this Painkeep map. The part where the bot gets stuck on the wall was where the bug was abused. Basically, I tricked them into only going for the buttons if the Rocket Launcher room is not yet open. Once the room to the RL is open, they no longer go for the buttons. Play this map for yourself, and you will see them get that RL room open in about 3-5 minutes on their own (with about 4-6 bots in the map).
    [ame=""]YouTube - Painkeep 6[/ame]
    Last edited by Lightning_Hunter; 05-24-2011, 11:10 PM.

  • #2
    Nice. I will add this to the Frikbot DM server I am running.


    • #3
      You are running a server? It seems to me this will be the only thing you need to run it then!

      Unless you created some waypoints specifically for your server, everything is within this pack. Before I set out to release this, I searched the net for every possible waypoint, updated it, and included it in this archive.

      Edit: And don't forget about the maps.cfg I included with the mappack! It seems to me that you could have your server randomly choose a map out of 400 each match.


      • #4
        Damn that must have been a ton of work! good stuff! I'm sure many people will appreciate this.. I know I do


        • #5

          Downloading now.

          EDIT: Wow, now I'm really impressed. They can even go up those crates at LG on spirit1dm2! And they rocketjump to get stuff! Even the q3a bots fail to do that! oO
          Last edited by dfsp_spirit; 01-26-2010, 06:02 AM.
          my FPS maps


          • #6
            Originally posted by dfsp_spirit View Post
            Wow, now I'm really impressed. They can even go up those crates at LG on spirit1dm2! And they rocketjump to get stuff! Even the q3a bots fail to do that! oO
            Haha, yes - I worked with them quite a bit on that. The waypoints you have with the official release of Spirit1dm2 should be the same! They won't Rocketjump quite as much when you are playing a full load of bots, because they don't often have enough health + the RL to perform them. If you play 1vs1, they should Rocket Jump sometimes.

            I probably spent more time than I should getting the bots to use all kinds of shortcuts in all the maps of this release. If you follow them in spectator mode (using kascam) long enough, you will probably see them perform some human-like jumps and tricks in every map.


            • #7
              This is going to be added as a mode in Universal Server when time permits.

              It'll end up being called botsmode or something to that effect.

              I assume that this includes all of the pre-existing way point files like the ones Monster made?

              Thanks for all your fine work with this.
     - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

              So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Baker View Post
                I assume that this includes all of the pre-existing way point files like the ones Monster made?
                All of Monster's waypoints have been significantly updated and included with this pack, as well as every other waypoint I could possibly find. Improved waypoints consist of about half the pack, with the other half being brand new waypoints. As stated above, the improved waypoints are almost unrecognizable, due to my excessive tweaking of every map.

                If you compare All the pre-existing waypoints with the new ones (the size, the position of each individual waypoint, number of .way files, etc.) you would think that I created them all from scratch (which I practically did). Anyway, sorry for the long answer.
                Last edited by Lightning_Hunter; 01-29-2010, 04:29 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Baker View Post
                  This is going to be added as a mode in Universal Server when time permits.

                  It'll end up being called botsmode or something to that effect.

                  I assume that this includes all of the pre-existing way point files like the ones Monster made?

                  Thanks for all your fine work with this.
                  Hi Baker,
                  Do you mean something along the lines of a "vote-bots" option (overidable by the server admin) which would add/remove bots in game up to the max limit of players? i.e. If the limit is 8 players and you have 3 human players on board then perhaps 5 bots would be added? It could certainly help when times are quiet. Mind you god help those bots when Polarite joins (he has a thing for playing bots)

                  BTW Keep up the great work with the UV project by the way. As you can probably tell I'm salivating at the prospect of having a "one mod to rule them all" server with Painkeep, DMP and Regular FFA DM on it.


                  "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
                  WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

                  News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


                  • #10

                    There should be some kind of an achievement award given out to people here on this forum... or some sort of hall of fame page listing the person's name, achievement, file link, and date.

                    Hands down... I would nominate Lightning Hunter for an achievement award and/ or to be forever listed on a hall of fame page!

                    Way to go!!


                    • #11
                      Reopening thread ...

                      With crowbar.

                      [Note to self: Bug Sole about this weirdness.]
             - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                      So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                      • #12
                        VERSION 2 RELEASED!

                        The Frikbot Waypack has been updated to Version 2! This version adds support for about 110 additional maps, bringing the total amount of supported maps to nearly 500! Highlights in this release include support for many large 32-player maps, lots of great DM series such as APDM1-5, Dranzdm5-8, Impdm1-5, IKSPQ1-4, Naked1-7, rcdm1-10, skis1-5, soedm1-6, XL1DM1-7, and many more. Some of the newer maps released in the last year are also in this version, including Zaka's latest map, "Naughty". You can find 24-bit textures for this map in the first post. I updated a few older waypoints, and made all the filenames in this pack lowercase (someone mentioned this being an issue with a particular Quake engine in the last release). Visit the first post of this thread for updated download links and more information!

                        Can anyone host a mirror of the mappack for me? Thanks!
                        Last edited by Lightning_Hunter; 05-24-2011, 11:15 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Lightning_Hunter View Post
                          NOTE: I didn't want to upload any modified .BSP files in order to respect the mappers, so I included the ENT patch as an alternative. Basically, there are some maps that don't work right with the Frikbots unless you modify their ent files. If you don't run "ENT patches.bat", then 47 of the supported maps will have some major issues, or not work at all with the Frikbots. This is mostly due to mappers including waypoints for other bots in the .ent files, which screws up the Frikbots.
                          Thanks for all the hard work you and Monster have put into making waypoints and getting them in a single package.


                          1. Yes, thanks for not releasing modified .bsps -- modified bsps is bad in some many different ways.
                          2. We *REALLY* need widespread support for external ents in all the major NQ clients. It isn't hard to add. I'll write an engine coding tutorial for that tomorrow morning.

                          I imagine you already signed up for a Quake Expo booth, but if not it would be nice to see these presented during Quake Expo.
                 - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                          So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                          • #14
                            I imagine you already signed up for a Quake Expo booth, but if not it would be nice to see these presented during Quake Expo.
                            Uh, nope. Is it hard to do?


                            • #15
                              Not hard at all, just click Quake Expo 2011 and the instructions are on the page.
                     - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                              So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...

