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  • ludicrous gibs anyone?

    just something i did for fun last night. remembered some time ago i asked seven for custom gibs for each enemy, and seven replied the problem was that someone would have to make all the gib-models for all enemies. and last night i was sitting there thinking like 'wait, but i know how to work with blender now... why dont i give it a shot!' and so i for fun tried chopping up ruohis grunt model to make gibs of a leg and arm.

    didnt do any QC, for the pic i just made these gib-models replace gib1 and gib3
    the ribcage gib is from the 'black rayne studios' gib-pack


    i might perhaps go ahead and try and make gib-models like these for all enemies,
    if seven would be willing to implent custom gibs into the SMC if i make the gib-models
    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


    • Originally posted by talisa View Post
      Messy. I believe the custodian is not going to be happy when he sees this.


      • lol frost
        'clean-up on isle 4 please!'

        hope seven will be willing to implent being able to have custom gib-models for each monster if i make all the gib-models for him

        shouldnt be to hard, ive did those models in an hour or so. its just a matter of seperating the part you want of the model, stitch the open end close by using the merge tool, and then re-mapping the closed part of the model to use a different part of texture
        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


        • talisa,
          Awesome stuff! This would work great for my old wish for the models to "explode" when shot with SS or RL leaving body parts like in Serious Sam or Gears of War, etc.

          Keep up the great work and ambition!!


          • @ATTACUE
            Like I told you, stop posting stupid things here, PM me and I'll answer all your questions. Have a little self respect.

            Add his version on the first post??? Seriously??? He just spoiled the mod, and posted it claiming it's a "fix" what's so positive about it???????????????????????????
            MOD it! Start Point Remake Quake Scout's Journey Quaketastic WhiteDay Quake Terminus UQE


            • @gdiddy
              yush yush that was the idea, that when you gib an enemy the gibs scattered around actually look like parts of the enemy you killed rather then some generic gibs
              wouldnt that be awesome to have in quake?
              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


              • Originally posted by ATTACUE View Post
                At last!)) For Hgdagon. Perekompolyatsiya relinkom sources from the standard "lock4.wav" gives the following result - the sound to the standard, which means that if you use a third-party (external) audio packets, whether Mingrid, EpiQuake and others - Compatibility complete without a sound audible distortion. Soosel will not lie)) He checked and confirmed))
                ??? Why does everything work for me then? I never recompiled progs.dat but always had everything in it's place...

                Originally posted by ATTACUE View Post
                I am grateful and thank all those who took part in the development of SMC. I did not want to usurp the development! I just wanted to make a simplified version of the SMC without the "extra" in my opinion the functionality that could be of interest to others. posted here for that - all of a sudden someone else will need. Everything I do on this site - made ​​in good faith and in love for the very first computer game - Quake 1. 'm sorry I was not understood ...
                I repeat once more, claiming your version to be a "fixed" one is downright UNgratefull. Your "simplified version" simplifies nothing else but your ego. Your "removing the unnecessary extra" could be done by simply editing autoexec.cfg from since I can remember SMC....
                MOD it! Start Point Remake Quake Scout's Journey Quaketastic WhiteDay Quake Terminus UQE


                • NICE! TAILISA! First thing i did i qc was add gib 4-5-6 to my qc. right now i just have gib 123 doubled and renamed. i also love the black rain gibs it adds a lot its so cool when the spine go flying past you. there is also some free medical 3d models of organs and stuff ive seen on the net it would be cool to add them too. personally i think you can never have enuf gibs. if your willing to share your models i would love to use them. i also had a gib idea that i wanted to work on and send for consideration to be used in the smc.


                  • @Everybody else

                    I appologize. I was the first one who posted in russian; the guy kept saying he doesn't understand. But I didn't realize it was gonna turn into a "tradition". So.... solemn appologies
                    MOD it! Start Point Remake Quake Scout's Journey Quaketastic WhiteDay Quake Terminus UQE


                    • Originally posted by talisa View Post
                      ludicrous gibs anyone?

                      the ribcage gib is from the 'black rayne studios' gib-pack
                      And I'm sitting here thinking "where else have I seen this gib??"

                      Currently I'm working on some gibs for my mappack, the models are done (not by me, though) I can't fine a fitting texture...

                      How do you achieve that gib 4,5, and 6????
                      MOD it! Start Point Remake Quake Scout's Journey Quaketastic WhiteDay Quake Terminus UQE


                      • where it sd gib 123 i copyed and pasted thows lines and changed it to 456 in the qc then i took a copy of gib 123 mdl and named it 456. i am the copy and past king lol!


                        • shazaam, another one to add to the mix

                          whipped up a torso gib for the grunt too
                          did that in like... 15minutes

                          check your pm, ive sent you the models
                          awaiting eagerly to hear from you and see your implentation
                          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                          • Originally posted by webangel View Post
                            any progress with your ported Afrit?
                            My Wizards feels so lonely...
                            Originally posted by talisa View Post
                            id love to know too if theres any progress on the afrit, cuz the afrit is an awesome enemy
                            and it would be great to have another skyborne enemy in quake!

                            oh one idea for the afrit... could you when you implent it perhaps also make an option that instead of replacing itll spawn next to a scrag instead, so itll be together with the scrag instead of replacing it
                            Hello both of you,

                            The Afrit is feeling very comfortable in Quake and it seems he likes the wizard a lot.
                            It comes out even better than I thought....
                            It shadows on the walls are rella really creepy.

                            A test is available for the ones who like to test the Afrit.
                            Please PM me if you are interested.

                            Originally posted by talisa View Post
                            ... if seven would be willing to implent custom gibs into the SMC if i make the gib-models
                            Originally posted by JDSTONER View Post
                            ... there is also some free medical 3d models of organs and stuff ive seen on the net it would be cool to add them too. personally i think you can never have enuf gibs.
                            Hello both of you,

                            Adding model specific gib is done very quickly, due to the way gibs are spawned in Quake.
                            Every gib and every head gib shares the same "spawn"-function (Throwhead and Throwgib). The Head-gib stays, while the other gibs fade away (when using the default settings).
                            You can add as much custom gibs as you want.
                            The SMC has a gib-multiplier for the original 3 gibs:
                            set gibsmultiplier x
                            "x" is the multiplier value (use 2 to have your gibs doubled. Use 4 to have them quadrippled and so on)

                            To add new/custom additional ones (example for the soldier):
                            1.) Give them unique names, like "soldier_leg.mdl"
                            2.) Add the line into army_die function (below the other 3 gib lines):
                            ThrowGib ("progs/soldier_leg.mdl",;
                            3.) Add as much as you want.

                            The biggest problem is, the huge amount of replacement skins and models.
                            And with it, the usage of the multiskin/multimodel feature.
                            This makes it almost impossible to have matching gibs for every replacement.

                            But of course, if you use your personal favorites, you can add them by yourself.
                            But adding them for every combination is almost impossible.
                            It would need such an amount of different cvars and their combinations, that it is not handable I guess...

                            But that does not mean, that you cannot make customs and use them for yourself
                            Making matching ones for the 'Starter Kit' would also be a good start, but when people use different ones, it would end up in chaos. LOL.

                            Thank you for your ideas and interest.

                            Originally posted by hgdagon View Post
                            I appologize. I was the first one who posted in russian; the guy kept saying he doesn't understand. But I didn't realize it was gonna turn into a "tradition". So.... solemn appologies
                            Hello hgdagon,

                            Never mind. There are always different people with different intentions.
                            I like your attitude. And it shows that you understood how the SMC works.

                            Kind regards,
                            Last edited by Seven; 05-13-2013, 02:18 PM.


                            • Originally posted by JDSTONER View Post
                              where it sd gib 123 i copyed and pasted thows lines and changed it to 456 in the qc then i took a copy of gib 123 mdl and named it 456. i am the copy and past king lol!
                              So, in order to have it I must campile a progs.dat to my mappack? I was hoping to get rid without it, but anyway..... If I compile it and, instead of copying gib 123 I put tottaly different models, will they work? I'm lame, I'm no coder....... yet...
                              MOD it! Start Point Remake Quake Scout's Journey Quaketastic WhiteDay Quake Terminus UQE


                              • i am no coader i am a copy paster but yea you get the idea

