Thank you all for your suggestions and feedback about the Beta.
Hmmm, didnt you read the included "Readme.txt" ? It was meant to be read 
Anyhow, many people think/know that Sitters use models from other games and put them into his model packs.
So, we do not know really who made the projectiles. Nevertheless I included Sitters licenses.
Proper crediting is very important for me.
Thank you Jakub.
Yes, the Warlord is my favorite monster now. I gave him lots of sounds too.
That shall make him more "real".
He also has many abilities, so you never know what he will do next
The dodging/blocking feature was very hard for me to do/code. But that makes him a lot more "clever". During this state his shield protects him from all non-explosive damage, cannot go into pain states and does not bleed.
The "twitching corpses" feature is what makes the corpses "move" a litte randomly.
It is independent to the "ragdoll" feature and can be turned off (as you just said).
It is a rather funny idea, like there is still a little bit life in the monsters.
Kleshik mod has this and I thought: "Why not..."
Maybe I should disable the "twitching" by default. It confuses more than it should. You are right.
I like the transforming from regular shape into this "hanging" shape. That is a clear sign for the player that he can now stop shooting 
When the hydra keeps her "straight" shape and only sinks down, it is a little bit unclear.
But you are maybe correct it looks strange. But hey, we are in water (and we are in Quake), so regular physics no longer counts
As you know, modifying animations and still keep them fluent is very difficult....
I now also included different grenade models for the warlord and in case you decided to use the "multigrenade" type, the mini-grenades now are smaller in size.
That makes them a little bit more realistic when thy pop out of the thrown grenade.
It always confused me in Rogue, that they all have the same size...
I plan to add one more thing:
Slight random earth-shatterings.
That makes the ambience more intense I think and gives a spooky feeling.
I will extend the regular earthquake behaviour to also affect nearby monsters.
So, when you are in a room with monsters, and the random shake appears, all monsters/player are affected and start to move a tiny little bit.
I am not clear about the affected radius yet. It should be big, as it is a level-wide shake...
Of course that shakes are very seldom and should not interupt the regular playing too much.
First tests feel pretty cool and has a "suprising" moment for the player.
Thank you again for your feedback,
Thank you all for your suggestions and feedback about the Beta.
Originally posted by Mirrorman95
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Anyhow, many people think/know that Sitters use models from other games and put them into his model packs.
So, we do not know really who made the projectiles. Nevertheless I included Sitters licenses.
Proper crediting is very important for me.
Originally posted by jakub1
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Yes, the Warlord is my favorite monster now. I gave him lots of sounds too.
That shall make him more "real".
He also has many abilities, so you never know what he will do next

The dodging/blocking feature was very hard for me to do/code. But that makes him a lot more "clever". During this state his shield protects him from all non-explosive damage, cannot go into pain states and does not bleed.
The "twitching corpses" feature is what makes the corpses "move" a litte randomly.
It is independent to the "ragdoll" feature and can be turned off (as you just said).
It is a rather funny idea, like there is still a little bit life in the monsters.

Kleshik mod has this and I thought: "Why not..."
Maybe I should disable the "twitching" by default. It confuses more than it should. You are right.
Originally posted by webangel
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When the hydra keeps her "straight" shape and only sinks down, it is a little bit unclear.
But you are maybe correct it looks strange. But hey, we are in water (and we are in Quake), so regular physics no longer counts

As you know, modifying animations and still keep them fluent is very difficult....
I now also included different grenade models for the warlord and in case you decided to use the "multigrenade" type, the mini-grenades now are smaller in size.
That makes them a little bit more realistic when thy pop out of the thrown grenade.
It always confused me in Rogue, that they all have the same size...
I plan to add one more thing:
Slight random earth-shatterings.
That makes the ambience more intense I think and gives a spooky feeling.
I will extend the regular earthquake behaviour to also affect nearby monsters.
So, when you are in a room with monsters, and the random shake appears, all monsters/player are affected and start to move a tiny little bit.
I am not clear about the affected radius yet. It should be big, as it is a level-wide shake...
Of course that shakes are very seldom and should not interupt the regular playing too much.
First tests feel pretty cool and has a "suprising" moment for the player.
Thank you again for your feedback,