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Small Mod compilation

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  • No no, slowly.
    Madgypsy, please read the linked post above to the DP thread.

    It is not a DP issue.
    The root cause is/was a buggy qbsp compiler that made the skies solid.
    And because they are solid, the pointcontents code in the projectiles touch functions doesnt work as intended. The models does not get removed. It is engine independent.

    Hello sock,

    The QC-fix for this is in the upcoming SMC V4.50, that is why the version you tested still shows this behaviour.
    If the compiler tool, that most mappers at Func use still produces solid skies, why nobody fixes this ?
    The fan-made-maps that I tested didnt have this issue, so I am sure that a qbsp compiler does exist, which is bugfree.
    I tested maybe 6 or 7 maps and all skies were not solid...
    ... strange.


    • I don't need to read slowly :/

      I read what sock wrote and replied.

      [presses submit before I say something really rude]


      • load up the map in glquake or something. noclip out of the map and look down.
        if the sky IS visible from above, the sky works properly and is non-solid. any engines or mods that still treat the sky as solid are buggy.
        If the sky IS NOT visible from above, then the qbsp is buggy and pointcontents on their own will not do the job (you can still use extensions as seven+sock both documented at some point).
        qbsp was meant to have been fixed between id's maps being compiled and the qbsp program being publically released, all third-party maps should fit the first (visible from above).
        Is the theory.

        (this is true with fte and I would assume glquake, but it is NOT true if you're testing it in DP, or have skyboxes enabled, or some other engine that has screenspace warping, as such engines/settings just draw sky everywhere. So if you do use some other engine, make sure sky doesn't appear in the void if you're underneath the map)
        Some Game Thing


        • Originally posted by Seven View Post
          No no, slowly.
          Madgypsy, please read the linked post above to the DP thread.

          It is not a DP issue.
          The root cause is/was a buggy qbsp compiler that made the skies solid.
          And because they are solid, the pointcontents code in the projectiles touch functions doesnt work as intended. The models does not get removed. It is engine independent.

          Hello sock,

          The QC-fix for this is in the upcoming SMC V4.50, that is why the version you tested still shows this behaviour.
          If the compiler tool, that most mappers at Func use still produces solid skies, why nobody fixes this ?
          The fan-made-maps that I tested didnt have this issue, so I am sure that a qbsp compiler does exist, which is bugfree.
          I tested maybe 6 or 7 maps and all skies were not solid...
          ... strange.
          why not use somehting like
          local float surfnum;
          local string s;
          surfnum = getsurfacenearpoint(world, self.origin - '0 0 1');

          if (surfnum >= 0)
          s = getsurfacetexture(world, surfnum);
          if (s == "sky1")
          the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



          • yeah, my qc fix works very nice
            just open weapons.qc and before every

            if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_SKY)
            add this

            local float surfnum;
            local string s;
            surfnum = getsurfacenearpoint(world, self.origin - '0 0 1');

            if (surfnum >= 0)
            s = getsurfacetexture(world, surfnum);
            if ((s == "sky1") || (s == "sky4"))
            ( I think 4 times, for grenades, rockets, nails and supernails touch functions)
            the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



            • I am totally confused, I re-compiled a map with hmap2 from LH's site and still get pointcontent problems. I was recommended the Bengt Jardrup compiler from func and I know if anyone new turns up they will get the same recommendation. It would be cool to get a compiler fix, but I will start a new thread and not derail the SMC thread anymore.

              @Seven, I was reading back through this thread when I found your code fix and thought that will fix my map problems too! I looked at your code and thought you might want something that does not rely on loads of string compares. I tried a couple of custom maps with your MOD and got the pointcontent problem. The code fix you have posted (thanks for that!) certainly works with specified skies, but I am not sure how much of the existing Quake map back catalog will be fine.


              • Is there a way to add a chainsaw to the small mod compilation, like the one in RemakeQuake, or would that be too much of a stretch for the progs file?


                • Dear all,

                  I am happy to release a new version of the "small mod compilation" today.

                  This version brings quite a lot of new and updated things, as well as many bugfixes.
                  I also made the step to adjust all engine related cvars to match the new Darkplaces builds from 2013.
                  Therefore I would like to recommend a new DP build, which is linked in the 1st post.

                  This new SMC version is a standalone version !
                  Please delete all your SMC files from previous version (also your autoexec.cfg).
                  You will find a NEW autoexec.cfg sample, which is reorganized, better sorted and cleaned up for your convenience and a better overview. Otherwise you will miss many of the new features cvars.

                  UPDATE 20130903

                  Quake version V4.50 Release

                  New Features:
                  - Random slight earthquakes
                  - "Ragdoll" for corpses
                  - Twitching corpses
                  - Optional new monster type: Warlord
                  - Optional new monster type: Hydra
                  - Optional interactive evil textures

                  Updated features:
                  - Updated cvars to match new DarkPlaces builds (20130301 and newer)
                  - Updated 'Starter Kit'
                  - Increased speed for map loading time
                  - Fixed Afrit gibs from floating in mid-air
                  - Both Afrit types (colors) have seperate particle effects now
                  - Fixed original Quake monster-count bug for swimming monsters
                  - Possibility to add animated/loop models via .ent file into maps
                  - New dog and New zombie´s appearance chance is now better adjustable
                  - Improved vengeance skull: skin-texture, particles and fixed sound bug (endless loop)
                  - Fixed custom megahealth models (heart & cross) from sinking into floor
                  - Spider replacement for shambler does now double damage
                  - Each monster corpse now spins in random direction when shot (before only counter-clockwise)
                  - Fixed Ancient ghost model (no longer stucks in walls/meshes)
                  - Fixed Nails stick in sky bug (due to solid skies in maps)
                  - several minor adjustments and cvar modifications

                  Please find updated links in 1st post.

                  I hope you have fun with this new release, as it was quite a tough nut to crack for me.

                  Best wishes,
                  Last edited by Seven; 10-20-2013, 03:30 PM. Reason: corrected typo (Thank you Jakub)


                  • hi seven,
                    it's gonna be a loooong day at work today. congratulations on completing this new version of BMC (formely knows as SMC).
                    feature list looks promising.. especially the "Increased loading time for maps". that's something i always wanted.
                    Last edited by jakub1; 09-04-2013, 05:35 AM.
                    my projects so far:

                    Travail retextured ___/___ Knave HD textures
                    Tronyn in high definiton ___/___Abyss of Pandemonium HD textures
                    Nehahra rtlights and other experiments


                    • as usual, here are dropbox mirrrors

                      ID1 SMC 4.50

                      DARKPLACES 20130709


                      cant wait to play around with the new features
                      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                      • A friend of mine just picked up quake and im gonna send him the link to this so he can see the smc thanks for making it all one dl it will make it a lot better for people who are going to dl for the first time!


                        • my personal first thoughts on new stuffs:

                          - Random slight earthquakes
                          expected it to be to heavy and disturbing and it to interrupt gameplay, but its so subtle it doesnt at all, and its actually kinda nice. i like it and am keeping it on

                          - "Ragdoll" for corpses
                          same like before: great! adds a lil extra fancyness to corpses without being to fancy and still fitting in the game

                          - Twitching corpses
                          seen it in kleshik and there i thought it looked just silly and rediculous, so i kept this feature disabled

                          - Optional new monster type: Warlord
                          still absolutely looooooove this new monster! the new projectile fits him a lot better then the standard grenade, it matches the monster perfectly!
                          EDIT: nvm about the skins, i was mistaking! it was the replacement knight that had more 4textures, not the hellknight

                          - Optional new monster type: Hydra
                          same as before: love love love the hydra too, absolutely awesome monster which imo fits perfectly into quake, and its great to have a more dangerous water-monster!
                          the fact their corpses float is great too, but perhaps you could decrease the bouyancy a bit, the corpses should slowly float up, right now they seem to shoot up to the surface to fast.

                          also, why didnt you also make the corpses of the rotfish float? it seems a bit silly that the hydra floats up to surface when he dies but the rotfish doesnt

                          - Optional interactive evil textures
                          nice, but a huge shame you only included that lost soul like model, and not also that other skull which fits way more
                          thought that you got permission cuz you posted a picture of that other model a few days ago again here:
                          such a shame you didnt, cuz i dun really like the lost-soul like model much, it doesnt fit the wall-texture in the slighest and for me personally its reason to keep this feature disabled

                          - Both Afrit types (colors) have seperate particle effects now
                          nice looking effects, i like em!
                          EDIT: nvm particles do look different, they just looked kinda same at first sight, but looking at them again they do look different

                          and its also nice to be able to set how often the additional dog and zombie models replace the normal ones

                          also, thanx for the numerous fixes you included!


                          you've once more outdone yourself seven! each time you release a new version of the SMC i am amazed by the new features of each release,
                          and just when i think quake couldnt possibly get any more epic you implent more awesome features which make the game even more awesome and kick-ass then it already was
                          Last edited by talisa; 09-04-2013, 02:26 PM.
                          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                          • hi talisa,
                            there must be something wrong with your effectinfo. are you sure there is no other effectinfo hidden somewhere in quake directory? i'm asking because i've just tested seven's effectinfo and red and grey afrit use different particles for range attack. red afrit has more fire, grey has this smokeball with a little fire in it to make it more visible in the dark. if you see identical effect for both.. then something is definitely wrong.
                            i have my own effectinfo. you can test following particle settings for arfits.

                            red afrit
                            //for Afrit monster projectile - fireball
                            effect TR_AFRITSPIKE_RED
                            trailspacing 4
                            type smoke
                            tex 0 7
                            color 0xff0000 0xe3974f
                            size 1 4
                            sizeincrease 100
                            alpha 50 150 400
                            time 0.02 0.08
                            originjitter 2 2 2
                            velocityjitter 8 8 8
                            //airfriction -5
                            bounce 0
                            lightradius 80
                            lightcolor 0.7 0.2 0

                            grey afrit
                            //for Afrit monster projectile - smokeball :-)
                            effect TR_AFRITSPIKE_GREY
                            trailspacing 3
                            type alphastatic
                            tex 0 7
                            color 0x707070 0x000000
                            size 2 5
                            sizeincrease 10
                            alpha 70 150 400
                            originjitter 6 6 6
                            velocityjitter 8 8 8
                            gravity -0.08
                            bounce 0

                            //for Afrit monster projectile - little fire inside the smokeball
                            effect TR_AFRITSPIKE_GREY
                            trailspacing 4
                            type smoke
                            tex 0 7
                            color 0xEB0000 0xFFBF6B
                            size 2 5
                            sizeincrease 6
                            alpha 30 60 260
                            originjitter 3 3 3
                            velocityjitter 8 8 8
                            bounce 0
                            lightradius 65
                            lightradiusfade 300
                            lightshadow 0
                            lightcolor 1 0.3 0
                            my projects so far:

                            Travail retextured ___/___ Knave HD textures
                            Tronyn in high definiton ___/___Abyss of Pandemonium HD textures
                            Nehahra rtlights and other experiments


                            • @jakub
                              ah yes, i see it now, they are indeed different. the fact there was still flames in the projectile made them look the same at first sight, but i just played quake again and had both a red and a grey one firing at me at same time and the projectile-particles do indeed look different

                              expected the projectile of grey afrit to look more smokey, expected the particles to be sorta like a grey version of this:

                              although less heavy smoke of course
                              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                              • Just downlaoded and played briefly and I really am enjoying it! The earthquakes are nicely done and I am enjoying the new attacks from the warlord and afrits!
                                Very nicely done my friend!!
                                Keep the ideas coming..please!

