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Small Mod compilation

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  • Are these Trickle´s vwep models ? I guess so.
    They are perfect for multiplayer. Arent the player weapons hard to see in single player ?
    As the camera sticks at his back.
    ... I have to look at chase_active view now

    This is dedicated to a special person (I guess we all know who I mean):

    We miss you !


    • player with the gun is a good idea when you play 3rd person i have been playing that way once in a wile its a fun change... and maybe an option to trigger the name of the gun when you switch guns just like when you pick it up for the first time.

      but i stopped by to ask if there is a preferred model replacements i should be using that will line up with the particle effects better... my ring and quad is off a bit... if any one knows what best let me know

      Attached Files


      • @JD
        the effects line up perfectly with these models
        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


        • Originally posted by JDSTONER View Post
          ... but i stopped by to ask if there is a preferred model replacements i should be using that will line up with the particle effects better... my ring and quad is off a bit... if any one knows what best let me know
          Originally posted by talisa View Post
          the effects line up perfectly with these models

          Hello JDStoner,

          That is not the correct approach to the issue that you describe.

          One of the main task of the "small mod compilation" is to be compatible with as many maps and replacement content as possible.

          So, a better way to solve your described issue is:
          Pick one of the many many many existing replacement powerup models.
          The one you personally like best (if you want to use a replacement at all).

          Put your replacement content of choice into your Quake and see if its origin matches the effect.
          Be aware, that many replacements have different z (= height) positions.

          And while we are at it, please read this line in the main readme.txt of the SMC:
          Jakubs custom powerup effects matches not every replacement model (because some have a different XYZ coordinate), but this can be easily adjusted via the according "originoffset" keyword in the effectinfo.txt.
          You only need to edit 1 single value to lower or raise the effects origin.

          Use your text editors "search" function in the effectinfo.txt.
          In this case, you want to move the ring effect.

          You will find:
          originoffset 0 0 16.2
          Change it to:
          originoffset 0 0 5.5
          And it will match your rings position nicely.

          JDStoner´s skills are too strong to only use a different replacement (which he maybe doesnt like) due to this issue.

          PS: You will find a comment in the effectinfo.txt at this very position too, which describes the issue again. There are 2 different pre-defined effects for 2 different models available.
          PPS: JDStoner, Please send a short mail, if you are looking for some other replacements. There are a lot of really nice ones. I personaly also use replacements, but different ones...
          PPPS: If the neccessity is there, we can also create a cvar to move the effect origins. That is not a problem.


          • Although I now know how to use the effectinfo values to change things to suit models I use, which you Seven taught me, it might benefit you to have a cvar so that you don't answer the same questions over and over. If I had seen this quicker I could have helped.


            • my bad for asking something that i did not look up in the read me first i should have checked there first. effectinfo.txt is something i have not played with much i need to open it up and start playing with it and figer it out better you do so meny cool effects with it. thank you talisa for the link that was the kind or quick fix i was looking for last night. if i find i dont like the different model at least i know how to fix it up the right way thank you seven. i go back and forth on new models and skins a lot. personally i don't think i can give up my id1 shot guns ever! thankyou for all your help everyone


              • So you know I meant no disrespect here to anyone. I often asked questions, still do sometimes, before looking at readmes. My suggestion was to help Seven and everyone, which is the idea right..


                • Hello,

                  I am currently working on the implementation of a more *interesting* 3rd person view.
                  This has been mentioned by several people here.

                  This will give you the possibility to see your current weapon.
                  It is already well known in the multiplayer scene as vwep models.
                  But it is only 'really' supported by ezquake/nquake as far as I know.

                  Trickle´s vwep package could not be used due to missing death frames for example, so I went with Ruohis vwep package.

                  It really adds a lot to the "feeling" in-game.

                  Here are some shots in action:

                  Here are some shots after action :

                  Thak you very much Ruohis for your beautiful models !

                  Kind regards,


                  • great to see you showing interest in implenting Vweps after all seven!

                    had hoped for ages that one day you'd be willing to implent them,
                    its a dream come true to see you're actually addign Vweps to the SMC

                    cant wait to be able to use Vweps with the SMC <3
                    Last edited by talisa; 02-11-2014, 12:41 PM.
                    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                    • Looks great!
                      Fórum QuakeBrasil

                      Lots of Quake related stuff


                      • Wow!! Looks great!


                        • Actually this could also be a great standalone mod (if it doesn't exist already). 3rd person Quake done the right way - at long last! \o/
                          Authentic Models Pack
                          OriOn's ID1 Model Fixes for MP1+2
                          LIT/VIS files for Quake addons


                          • Hi Seven

                            I don't write / talk to you often but I do look at your posts / work for sure.

                            Just wanted to say a 3rd person view like you did is something I always wanted to do and been beging R00k to do so with Qrack w/o results.

                            I understand why but won't go in details this is not something most of people want / agree but imagine a newbie... he would have great help / fun playing that way it's... how did you say... a question of "feeling" hehe.


                            • @Mom

                              Yep, these things are for young (and the old skool players too) generation players who loves a good gfx. That way we keep q1 alive (and other old skool games too) ... So be happy


                              • Hello,

                                Thank you for your comments and feedback.

                                The code is done and it seems to run robust.
                                But there are some ideas left that I´d like to discuss.
                                The SMC likes to play with effects from time to time and makes use of dpextensions.

                                There is a cvar that enables additional effects for the visible weapons 3rd person view:

                                When picking the

                                Option 1 (original Quake):

                                Option 2 (visible semi-transparent player):
                                (so you can still see your weapon)

                                When picking the

                                Option 1 (player model tinted in blue):

                                Option 2 (Nahuel´s Quake3 effect):

                                When picking the

                                Option 1 (player model tinted in red):

                                Option 2 (particle-shield protecting the player):

                                When picking +
                                Player gets tinted blue + red = purple

                                The tinted player model can also be used for regular 3rd person view.
                                The pent-particles are quite slow and cannot catch up with the quick running player. It could be reduced to only appear when player stands still, which might be looking weird.

                                I dont know...
                                Last edited by Seven; 02-13-2014, 12:43 PM.

