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Small Mod compilation

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  • Hello webangel,

    Yes, I know

    There is nothing I can do about it.
    Fortunately it is a very very seldom situation.

    If you are curious, you can freeze the client after a ghost has vanished through a normal ceiling and is no longer visible.
    Then use noclip to follow him through the ceiling.
    You will find him right at the upper side of the ceiling

    That was my workaround for this issue.

    In 95% of all cases you will not see him (this bug) ! Thats the good thing
    But if the enemy dies beneath a "bridge" like you showed in your screen in R1M1 and a ghost is spawned, this will ALWAYS happen.

    But relax: after 4 seconds the ghost will remove itself.
    That was one reason I reduced his "life on earth" to 4 seconds.

    But hey, dont tell anyone

    Viele Grüße,


    • Originally posted by Seven View Post
      But relax: after 4 seconds the ghost will remove itself.
      That was one reason I reduced his "life on earth" to 4 seconds.
      Ah... itīs OK. Was only a hint. I can live with this


      • This shouldn't be called "small mod" compilation anymore... it brings a new whole experience to the game!

        Thanks Seven for all this great work.
        Sorry if my english isn't clear, is not my native languaje.


        • If you have kids, you will understand...

          Even if my oldest daughter will marry one day and get kids herself,
          she will always be my "small one".

          I know, it is not a good comparism though...


          • ^^^
            Hi Seven

            When I asked about shells, I was thinking shotgun shells only, they don't make sense for other weapons indeed. But don't really care about them, I don't even remember if I like them

            You could add single cvar to turn on/off/adjust death effects for all monsters at once ( or have I missed something in readmes ? )

            You could make special death effects rarer like 10-20% chance, but made them dealing more serious damage:
            - You could avoid crazy special effects overload, especially on higher difficulty levels. Quake is a game with certain minimalistic charm in its aesthetics, in current form this effects are killing it. It's not surprising or tense anymore if it happens all the time.
            - It could create more tense gameplay situations, like ending fight low on health, hoping scull wont spawn... holy shit run away and hope there is a health pack left behind.

            Anyway do what you feel like doing for fun, as long it's customizable we will always be grateful that you are sharing it with us. Thanks.
            Last edited by _Smith_; 08-04-2011, 08:38 AM.
            Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


            • The effects look splendid on my ID1. Now I'm playing MP1 (SoA), but I don't see the new effects , only the ones related to the weapons (snails stick in walls, nailposition) and the footsteps.

              What I'm doing wrong? I have to copy the .rar file in HIPNOTIC too?
              Sorry if my english isn't clear, is not my native languaje.


              • I think Seven is making the Small Mod Compilation for both Mission Packs too.. So stay tuned!
                200 aņos de mi querido PARAGUAY


                • But it seems that can work on mission packs too. Seven posted this screenshot a time ago:

                  I'm playing that level now, but I don't know how to implement the new fire effect on it.

                  EDIT: Sorry guys for post spam, but I download the wrong file My mistake.

                  Now it works
                  Last edited by Arioch; 08-05-2011, 09:43 PM.
                  Sorry if my english isn't clear, is not my native languaje.


                  • Hello,

                    Since the release of V3.0 for ID1, I didnt touch QC anymore.
                    I have no time at the moment.

                    My highest priority thing to do as soon as I have time again is:
                    Release V3.0 for Mission Packs


                    Setting "5" for monster cvars means:
                    25% chance for death animation 1
                    25% chance for death animation 2
                    25% chance for death animation 3
                    25% chance for NO death animation

                    I will include a value "6" in the upcoming mission pack + ID1 releases:
                    20% chance for death animation 1
                    20% chance for death animation 2
                    20% chance for death animation 3
                    40% chance for NO death animation

                    So the chance is 40% that NO animation is spawned.
                    I think this is a perfect balance.

                    If you enable "animation damage" you cannot simply play Quake as you did it before !
                    That changes your playing behaviour and you must play with more caution.
                    That was done on purpose.

                    Best regards,


                    • You misunderstood me, I wasn't complaining about damage. I was suggesting to increase it if you decide to lower spawn rate to preserve level of danger.

                      But I have better idea. Instead implementing 6th cvar value for all monsters add “spawn rate percentage multiplier” and “damage multiplier” cvars that will affect monsters set to default 5th value. This way everyone will be able to adjust with two values as he see fit, "0" multiplier values could turn effects or damage off so you woldn't need separate cvars for that, and "1" could be default.

                      Time for something new: I'll contribute

                      I saw inside3d tutorials ( from where you are also borrowing some stuff ) and spotted ogres accuracy improvement. Always hated how they can't hit you if you are on a different height level.

                      I've implemented only z-axis aiming - player velocity adjustment is to much for a dumb ogre. Also I've improved distance adjustment code. With formula from the tutorial he could hit you with pin point accuracy from the other side of the map witch was too good, on the other hand if you rushed him he could keep shooting over you, if you where inside corridor he could overshoot corridors entrance. With my formula ( half an hour of trial and error testing ) he's better on medium distance but worse on really high distances and that suits id1 maps better.

                      I've also implemented z-axis aiming for zombies but without throwing angle distance adjustment – zombies are too dumb for that.

                      I hope you'll implement this in the next sm compilation. pk3 and source code in the *deleted link*

                      Just put zSM3.0_ogre_accuracy_addon.pk3 in id1\ , than shoot an ogre at the e1m2 beginning and see what will happen
                      Last edited by _Smith_; 08-11-2011, 11:29 PM.
                      Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


                      • Kinda missed a sight of bouncing shit heading your way down the corridor, so I gave an ogre 30% chance that he will forget to take distance into account, but still always aim in z-axis. *deleted link*

                        Seven: only OgreFireGrenade and ZombieFireGrenade functions are altered by this addon. Also can you tell how and where I can declare new cvar ?

                        Copypasting this from inside3d and adding three lines of code on my own is the closest thing to programming I've done since school projects 10 years ago...
                        Why I'm so happy about this ?
                        Last edited by _Smith_; 08-11-2011, 11:29 PM.
                        Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


                        • UPDATE 20110811


                          Version 3.1 is released.

                          New features:
                          - added particle muzzleflashes for both shotguns and nailguns (Selectable via cvar)

                          Updated features:
                          - Added 3 more random options for the monsters new death animations.
                          Reason: with a chance of 25% for each death animation, they spawned too often !
                          --> It became boring/annoying quickly.
                          Now you have 3 more cvar-values to choose from:
                          Value "6" gives a 20% chance, "7" gives 15% chance and "8" gives only 10% chance for each animation to spawn.
                          Default is "7" now (except for seldom monster shambler: "3". And shalrath: "6")

                          That was the weakest point of Version 3.0. Now gaming experience is much better.
                          You can choose value "8" if you want to see the death animations very seldomly.

                          Make sure to update the included effectinfo.txt and autoexec.cfg from the V3.1 pack into your ID1 folder ! (and read the new readmeīs as usual)

                          Updated Download Link in 1st post.

                          @ smith

                          If you look at the single features of this mod compilation, you will see itīs focus:
                          Enhance the visual gaming experience.
                          I will not include a gameplay-physics change, like the AI behaviour for example.

                          But I included the source code on purpose. For creative people like webangel or you who want to bring their own ideas into it (ontop of the existing ones).
                          So you can build up your own arrangement of features.
                          Please be careful, if you want to release it !

                          Kind regards,


                          • sorry for double post...

                            @ smith (again)

                            Curious as I am, I looked into your add_on code.

                            Unfortunately your zombie code doesnt work.
                            You didnt pay attention to the vector "st".
                            That is the difference to the ogreīs grenade.
                            The zombie "flesh-grenade" will very seldomly hit you, because it flies past your left shoulder.
                            Even if you stand still... try it

                            The ogre code works fine. Entar/DrLabman did a good job.

                            Regarding your question about the autocvars:
                            Please read in "dpextensions.qc" the function DP_QC_AUTOCVARS.
                            You will not have problems understanding it, because your english is much better than mine. I did not, so Spike helped me and explained it to me. He is a very kind and patient teacher and his knowledge has no limits.

                            Kind regards,


                            • There is one information worth mentioning in the opening post. If you add modification with altered progs.dat your old saves are no longer 100% compatible.

                              For example when I applied v2.85 on vanilla save I've received shotgun ammo boxes hanging on walls in place of flames in e1m2. When updated 2.85 → 3.0 elevator sound played in the loop everywhere on e1m3. Finaly when used my ogres update e1m3 crashed after a while, while e1m2 run without issues.

                              If you want to continue with old save and avoid issues, you should:
                              restart level through for example killing yourself asap,
                              than save, quit and restart game ( first step should be enough, but better be on safe side ),

                              This procedure got rid of all glitches and stability issues mentioned above in my case, but you can probably be 100% sure when you start new game.

                              My English is good ? you are kidding me... I cringe every time I see my grammar fuckups on this very forum, but I'm too lazy to fix it all

                              He wrote that one can use it with zombies, so I didn't pay attention just copypasted. Well they are hitting me like 80% of the time in place I've tested and I concentraded on testing ogres, this is why I've missed it. But there is an issue indeed, thanks for pointing this out.
                              Last edited by _Smith_; 08-11-2011, 04:41 PM.
                              Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


                              • Hey Seven.. Just installed your latest smc.. But I can't have the particle muzzleflashes working..
                                I'm not using any external effectinfo nor particlefont.. I've set "muzzleflash 1" on my autoexec.cfg too..
                                What am I doing wrong?
                                200 aņos de mi querido PARAGUAY

