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Small Mod compilation

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  • UPDATE 20140530

    Dear all,

    It took more than half a year to release a new version of the "small mod compilation" for the mission packs.
    In the meanwhile there have been so many new things and features developed for id1 Quake version, that it was really difficult to implement them all into mission packs.

    I am quite proud today that we seem to have a new stable/solid base (as I didnt receive bug reports) for the SMC with Ver. 4.80 and want to release the mission pack 2 now. A lot of things have been changed (this update was the most difficult until now for me).
    I also updated and re-matched the 'Starter Kit'´s from Quake and both mission packs now to make it as easy as possible for you (if you read the readme´s, which is unfortunately not very common).

    There is now also an optional Rogue "Weapon example pack" included. It brings 2 advantages:
    - a quick compilation to use with no issues if you want
    - make use of the powerup effects for Rogue weapons (side by side with id1 weapons)

    Updated links in 1st post

    Kind regards,


    Hello JDStoner and Gdiddy,

    The lack of interest in the community made it unnecessary to continue developing your mentioned things. Not every idea is good, I know. I understand it and want to concentrate on the things the community likes rather than work on useless things.
    My time gets more and more limited, so I decided to do different things.

    Hello Dutch,

    Creating particle effects is like playing chess. A minute to learn, a lifetime to master.
    You are a person who works hard on things and wants to completely dive into and fully understand them. That is a good property.
    Fortunately there are a lot of effects available to look into and learn things from and we have the DP-wiki to read descriptions about the syntax.
    So, there should be not many issues left. If so, we have several experienced effect makers here, who always are willing to help.

    Hello Krymzon 45,

    Thank you for your words. Did you notice, that there is a newer version than 4.72 available ? It was released around 1 month ago. Please look into 1st post of this thread. Installing V4.80 when you had V4.72 is even easier than updating from V3.80, so you should not have any issues.
    Regarding the statues with the tentacles:
    These are the most beautiful models (and matching perfectly Quake´s H. P. Lovecraft theme) from the dungeon game "Legend of Grimrock". I ported them for pesonal usage from the game into Quake. I once explained how to do it step by step here in this forum somewhere, if you want to do it as well. You most probably will find the small tut by using the search button and type "grimrock".

    Hello Talisa,

    Yes, I clearly remember the discusion and the idea of the tilted torches. I even discussed it at inside3d. An automagic implementation is a lot more difficult than you might think. Doing it manually needs only 1 value for each torch via .ent files, but it would take long, as there are a lot of torches in some maps... Very comparable to creating weather .ent files.
    So, this is something still on the ToDo list, besides several other features.

    Only the mighty Cthulhu knows when that will happen


    • @krymzon
      about HD replacements:
      me and seven made a complete list of everything available for mission-pack1
      first part here, second part here by seven and third part here by me

      scattered around quakeone you will find some other lists i made with links to stuff,
      but i will soon make a thread listing all replacement content there is for quake and both mission-packs


      hope you can implent it some time! i really liked those torches which had holders so they looked like they actually hung on the wall instead of floating

      also, awesum that you released new SMC 4.80 for rogue!
      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


      • Originally posted by Seven View Post
        Yes, I clearly remember the discusion and the idea of the tilted torches. I even discussed it at inside3d. An automagic implementation is a lot more difficult than you might think. Doing it manually needs only 1 value for each torch via .ent files, but it would take long, as there are a lot of torches in some maps... Very comparable to creating weather .ent files.
        So, this is something still on the ToDo list, besides several other features.

        Only the mighty Cthulhu knows when that will happen
        I can remember adding the window lightbeams via ent files.
        There are so much more torches. Doing this manually would be a pain in the ass.

        Thank you for your update Seven.


        • Thanks Seven.

          I just scrapped the whole EPSILON BUILD and made the game from the ground up by searching through these forums and I have to say it is amazingly better! I also downloaded the latest SMC you suggested earlier and it is working perfect and again great Job!
          Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


          • SMC is pure power.
            With all the talented artistry that went into it looks great right out of the box.
            However the potential that lies just under the skin is incredible.
            Browse the threads to see just a few of the features that are there to tweak away the fog, light, rays and other particle field effects never mind skins and monster tweaks.SMC is as bad as it wants to be,the real question is how bad is your GPU?You can humble even the best to its knees with all the quality stuff packed into it.
            SHIT OWNZ!!!!!
            Thank you for creating a no compromise white knuckle ride that still scares my kids!
            May be too intense for some viewers.
            Stress Relief Device
            ....BANG HEAD HERE....


            • Thanks Seven!! I am very glad you use even a little time for our beloved Quake!!


              • Textures...

                I know this isn't the proper thread for this question but maybe one of you can help me out. I have noticed in some of the youtube videos here the bump mapping is insanely nice and highly detailed. For instance the bricks in the walls appears to be pitted and has a lot of volume to it. On mine I get bump mapping but it is nothing like that. I basically just get the 3d look around the edge of the bricks and nothing else. How do I get the full detail like that? I apologize if this doesn't make any sense, It's the only way I can really describe it.
                Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                • I think I got it.

                  Never mind, I think the bump mapping that I was seeing is from the older builds which had different textures than the newest ones out.
                  Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                  • This is what I'm talking about.

                    I want to get more depth in the look.


                    Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                    • You want to make sure you have the QRP normals pak and the QRP texture paks of course,or if you are using other textures make sure you have or make normals for those.
                      If you want to turn on parallax mapping, you need to type two commands in quake's console:
                      "r_glsl_offsetmapping 1"
                      "r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping 1" (this one gives higher quality parallax mapping)
                      r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale is "0.04" ["0.04"] how deep the offset mapping effect is
                      May be too intense for some viewers.
                      Stress Relief Device
                      ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                      • Thanks Bluntz

                        I did just that and it all worked just the way I was wanting. Thanks for the info!
                        Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                        • Player Model bug...

                          Hey, I have downloaded the latest SMC and it's amazingly fun. The only problem that I am experiencing is when I have the see players legs activated whenever I turn it shows the body in the corner of the screen without a head and it's just a weird glitch is all I can say lol. Is this a problem you are aware of and if so how do I fix it? If you need screenshots or something I can do my best to get some if they are needed to better show what it is i'm talking about.
                          Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                          • Another thing...

                            Since I have been using the latest SMC I have had some jerky game play. For instance on the Slipgate Complex it takes a bit to load and as soon as it starts it is choppy while walking to the elevator. Now when I get in the elevator and hit the button to go down it literally pauses for like a second. Now the weird thing is if i die and restart it seems to play somewhat just fine. I also keep seeing a shader prompt in the upper left corner saying something about offsetmapping above 49. Could this just be a performance issue causing this or is it something else?
                            Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                            • Hello Krymzon 45,

                              Please consider to use the "edit" button.
                              If you have issues with your Quake and think it is because of the "small mod compilation", you should delete it at once and role back to the Epsilon build, as it might run smooth like butter then...
                              Just consider that the "small mod compilation" might not be the root cause for any offsetmapping or shader issue you experience. It is just a small qc mod. And mods can be deleted if you dont like them or think they ruin your performance. As well as advanced Quake engines.


                              • I ditched Epsilon.

                                I built the game from scratch with Darkplaces and all. I don't use the Epsilon build at all. I am currently running the game off a laptop which is not the highest spec computer by any means. The game seems to run just fine but it seems to really do it when I first start the game.

                                This is what my config is

                                bind TAB "+showscores"
                                bind ENTER "+jump"
                                bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
                                bind SPACE "+jump"
                                bind + "sizeup"
                                bind , "+moveleft"
                                bind - "sizedown"
                                bind . "+moveright"
                                bind / "impulse 10"
                                bind 0 "impulse 0"
                                bind 1 "impulse 1"
                                bind 2 "impulse 2"
                                bind 3 "impulse 3"
                                bind 4 "impulse 4"
                                bind 5 "impulse 5"
                                bind 6 "impulse 6"
                                bind 7 "impulse 7"
                                bind 8 "impulse 8"
                                bind = "sizeup"
                                bind BACKSLASH "+mlook"
                                bind BACKQUOTE "toggleconsole"
                                bind a "+moveleft"
                                bind c "+movedown"
                                bind d "+moveright"
                                bind s "+back"
                                bind t "messagemode"
                                bind w "+forward"
                                bind z "+lookdown"
                                bind TILDE "toggleconsole"
                                bind UPARROW "+forward"
                                bind DOWNARROW "+back"
                                bind LEFTARROW "+left"
                                bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
                                bind ALT "+strafe"
                                bind CTRL "+movedown"
                                bind SHIFT "+speed"
                                bind F1 "help"
                                bind F2 "menu_save"
                                bind F3 "menu_load"
                                bind F4 "menu_options"
                                bind F5 "menu_multiplayer"
                                bind F6 "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick"
                                bind F9 "echo Quickloading...; wait; load quick"
                                bind F10 "quit"
                                bind F11 "screenshot"
                                bind F12 "screenshot"
                                bind INS "+klook"
                                bind DEL "+lookdown"
                                bind PGDN "+lookup"
                                bind END "centerview"
                                bind PAUSE "pause"
                                bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
                                bind MOUSE2 "+forward"
                                bind MOUSE3 "+mlook"
                                bind MWHEELUP "impulse 10"
                                bind MWHEELDOWN "impulse 12"
                                "_cl_color" "49"
                                "_cl_name" "KRYMZON 45"
                                "_cl_rate" "65536"
                                "cl_backspeed" "200"
                                "cl_decals_time" "9999"
                                "cl_followmodel" "1"
                                "cl_forwardspeed" "200"
                                "cl_leanmodel" "1"
                                "cl_particles_quality" "4"
                                "cl_sidespeed" "250"
                                "cl_stainmaps" "1"
                                "crosshair" "1"
                                "gl_texture_anisotropy" "8"
                                "gl_texturecompression" "1"
                                "r_bloom" "1"
                                "r_coronas" "4"
                                "r_framedatasize" "2"
                                "r_glsl_offsetmapping" "30"
                                "r_hdr_scenebrightness" "1.187500"
                                "r_lerpsprites" "1"
                                "r_shadow_gloss" "2"
                                "r_shadow_realtime_dlight" "0"
                                "r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows" "0"
                                "r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps" "0.000000"
                                "r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows" "0"
                                "r_texture_dds_load" "1"
                                "r_water" "1"
                                "r_water_resolutionmultiplier" "0.4"
                                "r_waterscroll" "3.500000"
                                "sbar_alpha_bg" "0.7"
                                "sensitivity" "8"
                                "snd_speed" "44100"
                                "v_contrast" "1.375000"
                                "v_gamma" "1.062500"
                                "vid_conheight" "359"
                                "vid_height" "768"
                                "vid_refreshrate" "0"
                                "vid_samples" "4"
                                "vid_vsync" "1"
                                "vid_width" "1366"
                                "viewsize" "110"
                                "volume" "1"

                                In my id1 folder I have
                                Starter Kit - multiskin+multimodel ID1 monsters Seven V4.80

                                I can make a video later to show exactly what is going on if that would help.
                                Last edited by Krymzon 45; 06-02-2014, 11:20 AM.
                                Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!

