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Small Mod compilation

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  • So, once I've modified the QC, do I put it directly into the Rogue folder, or is there some other subfolder that I'm not aware of that holds source code? Otherwise, I've set wrath_and_overlord_missile to 40, and for some reason, it doesn't change the damage value. I have cleared out all traces of the previous SMC (3 files: autoexec.cfg, effectinfo.txt, and the SMC pk3 file). My quake folder is very clean, as I don't have any conflicting PK3's or overlapping textures/models/etc. Furthermore, most cvars that I enable work perfectly, although there are some that never worked for me no matter what I did (such as set psycho, set shalrath_missile, and the latest one I found: set wrath_and_overlord_missile). With all that taken into account, I can't adjust the wrathball damage. What am I doing wrong?
    Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.


    • Hello Pringles Man,

      Do not worry. All cvars are working as they should. What you experience is the behaviour of the radiusdamage function of Quake. A missile or any ent that does only radiusdamage will always inflict much less damage than its initial value to the touching entity (see below).

      If a missile has 20 radiusdamage for example, it will inflict around 5 to 13 real damage to the touching entity. It is directly depending on the bounding box, like mentioned in above post. It will never add real 20 damage to the player for example.

      If you raise the damage value from 20 to 40, you can expect real damage of around 25 to 35 or so. What you should try (to find out if the cvar of the SMC works), to change the value to a really high value like "400" for example.
      If you will be gibbed when the wrath´s missile hits you, the cvar works
      So it will also work with your desired "40" damage value, it is just not so obvious as explained above.

      Same goes for the shalrath´s missile. I just tested both missiles with a very high value and it gibbed me at contact. Also enemies (except other wrath´s of course) get always mad at a wrath, when you change their missile radiusdamage to "40". So fortunately there is no bug in the SMC this time.

      Be aware that DP 64-bit builds is known to use its config from another folder: My Documents/My Games/Darkplaces. I am using XP, so I have only heard about this behaviour. I never played DP on a 64-bit machine. Please be sure to check this.
      To be sure, you can paste directly into your console:
      set wrath_and_overlord_missile 400
      and restart your map (not the engine, as these cvars will not be saved into configs) and you will be gibbed when the wrath missile hits you.

      Regarding the "psycho" cvar:
      It makes use of a DP built in and works well in XP. I have also got the feedback from Win7 64-bit users that it works. The effect is, that when picking the Quad for example, your screen changes its colors during quad-time. Some people liked it, so I kept it in the smc.

      Regarding the modified qc:
      No, you have to compile the modifed qc files first. You can use the included fteqccgui.exe (click on compile there). A new progs.dat will be compiled (in the folder above the qc files). Then you only need to paste it into the mod folder where you put the Rogue´s SMC .pk3 file to. DP´s priority is that a progs.dat directly inside the mods subfolder is higher than any other (so it will override the one inside SMC´s .pk3).

      Best wishes and good luck.


      • It works perfectly now-with sound and all. I've also copied the death explosion damage blast code from the normal wrath and buffed up the damage to 200. Thanks a lot for your help and advice.
        Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.


        • Originally posted by Legend View Post
          Is there a way to get this to work with dmsp2? I've been playing dmsp2 a bit lately again and was really hoping to play with the random monster replacements from smc, but I can't seem to get it to work.
          Hello Legend,

          I implemented the new custom monsters into the genius dmsp2 mod, as you requested.
          Here is a list of the additional things:
          - fight against new custom adjustable monsters
          - player footsteps and swim sounds
          - option to choose from different flame/fire types: particle, sprite or polygon
          - corrects nail position for nailguns
          - added a "kill all monsters" cheat to: impulse 205 (for emergency. If things gets too hectic/difficult)

          I hope you are having fun with it.


          Originally posted by Legend View Post
          I found your older standalone files for footsteps and nailgun position fix files. How do I get those to work in directq? The readme says they work in any engine, but I can't seem to get them to work in directq.
          Hello Legend,

          The texture detection in that mod is a dpextension, that is why it doesnt work in DirectQ.
          I now made a universal version of this mod, so that you can use it with DirectQ (or any other engine).

          I hope you are having fun with it.


          Hello talisa,

          Your request for a qc modification of the super lava nailgun and the fix for the files you send me yesterday. Compile it and it will work as desired:
          Attached Files


          • thanx a lot seven, for providing me with fix for my fast lava-SNG mod
            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


            • Thanks Seven. Very Cool. I'll give them both a go later tonight.
              Now if only a Quoth version of DMSP2 could come out.

              Will the nail gun fix work for the lava nailgun in doe?

              Is there a plasma gun fix out there that works universally for any engine as well?


              • @legend:
                sure there is, right here:

                ive made a QC-fix for rogue which includes the plasma-gun fix and the nail-position fix,
                which should work fine in any engine since it doesnt use anything which is DP-specific

                it also includes nail-pos fix for the lava-nailgun
                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                • Originally posted by Legend View Post
                  Thanks Seven. Very Cool. I'll give them both a go later tonight.
                  Now if only a Quoth version of DMSP2 could come out.
                  Hello Legend,

                  Quoth is not open source. Only a few people know why, and all the others are guessing ...
                  But it can be decompiled with a proffessional decompiler. So yes, you can use their custom monsters for dmsp2 as well.

                  Originally posted by Legend View Post
                  Will the nail gun fix work for the lava nailgun in doe?
                  Each mission pack has its own progs.dat. Your mentioned mission pack 2 uses original Quake 1.06 source and extends it to 1.09. These extensions are missin in the above linked downloads, as they are only for original Quake.
                  As you know there are 3 "small mod compilations". For Quake and both mission packs. So, either use them to play, or extract the necessary code lines and make your own small mod which only contains the things that you need/want.
                  I always include the source, as Quake is and should always be open source

                  Originally posted by Legend View Post
                  Is there a plasma gun fix out there that works universally for any engine as well?
                  A plasma gun fix for any engine ?!
                  LOL, only Darkplaces needs one (as usual) ...
                  This engine needs by far the most fixes and hacks to play Quake correctly. But that is not a secret.

                  So, do not worry about a plasma gun fix. Your favorite DirectQ as well as others will work just fine.

                  Kind regards and have fun with your new mods.


                  • I didn't realize that Quoth wasn't open source. I thought it was since the pack was made available for other's to use with new maps. And I thought mappers could make use of the quoth elements by basing it on the quoth progs.dat? How are people able to use the elements from quoth then? I'm just curious how it works.

                    Btw, how would I go about copying and pasting in the quake c files? I haven't had much luck understanding the tutorials. Or finding a compiler. I read that you can just use notepad, but it doesn't seem to open up the .qc files correctly.

                    I gave dmsp2 extended a try. very fun. the smc monster variations add a lot more tension without being too much like the shamblers and vore's would.

                    Does this support map cycles like frikbots does by chance?

                    Either way, thanks again for the nice work.

                    Also, It's fun, but slows done quite a bit for me on darkplaces. I'm assuming this can only be used with darkplcaes? Is there anyway to make it work with other engines?

                    You should add the link to the op so other's can easily find it as well.
                    Last edited by Legend; 06-19-2014, 10:19 PM.


                    • Dear all,

                      I was sitting down on the "wall-mounted / tilted torch" topic again.
                      And this time I managed to get the algorithm working. Fortunately no manual .ent file struggling is necessary to get the torches tilted into the right direction. It works in all maps.

                      In the end the struggle was worth it, as it is a nice addition I think, which brings a nice new touch and overall look into Quake.

                      In-game screenshots of 2 different models:

                      You can choose between models and adjust its angle to your likings via cvars.

                      You will also find my other ongoing work as BETA status in the Update, that I talked about the last couple of weeks. Noone knows what the future might bring...

                      I hope some people will find it useful.
                      Have fun with your Quake.



                      • SEVEN that so cool you got the torch to work. i thought for this was dead! im guessing you learned a lot on this one. thanks for not giving up


                        • Originally posted by Seven View Post
                          Hello Legend,

                          Quoth is not open source. Only a few people know why, and all the others are guessing ...
                          But it can be decompiled with a proffessional decompiler.
                          Hello Seven where can i get the "professional decompiler", is just curiosity
                          the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



                          • awesome to see you managed to get the automatically-rotated wall-torches to work after all

                            been hoping you'd return to the wall-mounted torches idea for ages.
                            its great to see you went back to it and managed to implent this feature ive wanted for so long <3
                            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                            • You amaze as always my friend!

                              Thank you!


                              • Thank you.

                                ... best thing is now you can also use all kind of oriented torches (like the type in below screen) with Ver. 4.83. Quake maps (except base types) really make use of a lot of torches.

                                And torches or flames in general are per se a reall eye catcher in all games. That is one reason for me loving dungeon games that much.
                                Games like these make my heart beat faster :

                                I am always thinking/trying to raise/add variations, to make gameplay more varied and interesting. Maybe some kind of randomness to add different torch models into a map ... ? I do not know if that would fit/work. Most probably a bad idea as it would destroy the order I guess.

                                Kind regards.

