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  • @seven
    ah that explains why the particles adjustments i made sometimes work and sometimes not depending on the angle of the ogre.
    i assumed the offset's were in relation to the ogre's rotation and not in relation to the world.

    great to hear though that you'll be adding an option to have the particle-effects positioned for TM's ogre


    cant wait for more updates! looking forward to seeing the carniverean monster, and the reiver will also be cool!

    the spider also climbing on ceilings is awesome, and its cool that he'll be able to jump you from the ceiling!

    crazy idea... but how about making the spider also able to scale walls?
    and maybe even make it able to traverse from ceiling to walls to floor?

    that would make the spider enemy even cooler and creepier imo,
    if it would be able to walk on all surface just like a real spider

    just imagine walking through a hallway and you are about to turn around and there's suddenly one of those critters on the wall right next to you?
    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


    • Inb4armagonbossbattleimprovementsuggestions : )

      No, seriously, I feel as though it's about time someone suggested an armagon revamp. I'll get it done sometime else when I'm less sleepy though lol.
      Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.


      • So here are my suggestions for the Armagon battle:

        1. Armagon can spawn gremlins around himself and around the arena.

        2. Armagon can spam grenades/proximity bombs/something else all over the place once his health drops below half.

        3. Armagon has an energy shield (slightly different from the enforcer) with its own health value that he can activate at random times. Basically recycled code with some small changes.

        4. If you get too close to him while his energy shield is active, you will be zapped with many short bursts of lightning like with the generator in hip2m5. I'm assuming this is basically recycled code too.

        5. There is a DP bug when Armagon dies that prevents you from seeing the explosions on his body. I hope this can be fixed : )

        6. I propose a new projectile for Armagon. Like the homing hellknight projectiles, but now fired in a longer, continuous stream (like a flamethrower or something) instead of in a wave. I assume there would be an ideal time for him to use it, but I'm not sure right now.

        Another slightly more personal request I have that might be interesting is for the spikemine to use tr_slightblood when it moves and blood_monster_gib when it explodes. Also, if you ever plan to make it explode into nails, can you make the nail model under a different name than spike.mdl or s_spike.mdl? I guess I'm asking this so it would be independent of what you shoot out of a gun. In SoA, I like using plague's nails, but I feel like those would look extremely weird if they came out of the spikemine. Especially as opposed to Rouhis'.

        If anybody else has their own suggestions relating to this, I would really want to see them, as I feel like the crappy Armagon battle is a serious problem.

        While I'm at it, I have a, quake-related suggestion regarding AI behavior. I found that it was weird how weak monsters would go kamikaze on bigger monsters. So I propose that there be a feature implemented where weaker monsters do not respond to the attacks of large monsters (so we don't have things like knights attacking shamblers).

        Another AI thing I would recommend improving is the fish behavior. How about if a player gets out of the water to kill them all, they try to get as deep and far away from him as they can instead of getting stuck at the top of the water pool?
        Last edited by Pringles Man; 06-03-2015, 06:36 PM.
        Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.


        • Hello,

          Last night cthulhu visited me in my restless dreams and told me an idea for the spider monster.

          He said: Spiders like to hang on their threads and wait for innocent prey.
          He ordered me to add this into my mod or he will eat me while I'm sleeping.

          I jumped out of the bed and tried my best ... and often failed.
          But in the end it worked.

          She can shoot and jump from ceiling towards the player as well as climbing down and up her thread as long as she feels safe up there.
          Especially in small maps with less wide open areas she can for sure suprise and shock the player who is not expecting monsters attacking from under the roof.
          She decides at map start wether she will jump and hang on ceiling or not. In this clip I set her to replace ALL monsters in a map (only for testing and demonstration purpose).

          I hope some of you will like it.
          If not, I will tell cthulhu and send him to your adress

          Viel Spass !

          PS: Pringles Man, at the moment I am working on the id1 version of the smc. As your ideas are mainly hipnotic related, we will have a detailed talk when I work on hipnotic again. Thank you for your understanding.


          • UPDATE 20150604

            Quake version V5.20 Full beta release
            (no more struggling with different files/downloads)

            New Features:
            - optional: Spider monster can now hang on ceilings (on threads), jumping or shooting towards player
            - optional: Head gibs always turn towards player for a creepy affect
            - optional: Ogre monster has additional particle effects for his chainsaw (for original and Tea Monster´s model)
            - optional: Random angled ammo and health boxes in all maps
            - optional: Customizable pain skins for all monsters
            - optional: 2 different flashlights to choose from (classic + cubemap)
            - optional: Shalrath can run frantically towards the player now
            - optional: Shalrath can jump and hang on ceilings (also when starting a map to suprise the player from above)
            - optional: Enforcer can use a powershield to protect himself from all projectiles
            - optional: When the Demon monster jumps, his body has an adjustable "motion blur" / "tail" effect.

            Updated features:
            - Spider skin can now also be set to "random skin" instead of replaced monster-type dependency
            - Repositioned several original and custom head gibs to look in the same direction
            - Extended the 'Starter Kit' to include more variations
            - Bugfix: "Evil face" monster improvement: dont get stuck anymore and has smarter AI now
            - Added new "Evil face" monster model.
            - Bugfix: "Water splash loop sound" fixed. Added splash particles to all entities.
            - Bugfix: When killing Shub Niggurath in the "end" map, the zoom-view feature got stuck
            - Bugfix: Warlord no longer bleeds when using his shield against lightning gun
            - BUGFIX: Warlord´s homing missile no longer gets stuck and has a smarter AI now
            - Re-adjusted several cvar default values to have a better game experience
            - Tarbabies original Quake bug: Get stuck on ledges and steps is now fixed
            - Fixed console overflow due to missing effect syntax (introduced in SMC v4.71)

            Please find updated Download link here.


            I included everything since V5.11 in one simple download for your convenience.

            Have fun.


            • Comment

              • Nice work on the spider!


                • do we need 5.00 and 5.11 to run this im starting fresh? nice work on all the new mods!


                  • Hello Josh,

                    I included everything since the release of V5.11 into this download.
                    The readme explains how to proceed in detail.

                    Please use the new smc_config.cfg from it as base now, as several things have changed.
                    If I ever will release a final version of V5.20 (which is becoming unlikely) it will be a standalone (you can delete v5.0 and v5.11 then).

                    I highly recommend everybody who uses the SMC to download this new update. It is no longer a beta (even though the naming still says it). It has important bugfixes and a smoother gameplay. If people dont like the new things, you can safely disable them as always.

                    Thank you and have a great weekend everybody.


                    • wow seven very cool update loving the pain skins and the spider got the drop on me a few times and some how i think i saw a orge burn to death that was way cool. personally i have mixed feeling about the head gib looking at you at first its cool but if you pass by it twice it dose the head turn thing to look at you. thankyou for your work on quake i hope you keep tinkering with it from time to time. enjoy the weekend


                      • I will make sure to download and test as soon as I can!!
                        Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.


                        • since that we now also have a fancy medieval armor available.....

                          could you perhaps extend the custom model+sounds feature from health to armor,
                          and add an option to use a different armor in base and in non-base levels?

                          so that we could have ruohis armor appear in base-maps,
                          and have makke's medieval armor appear in non-base maps
                          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                          • Originally posted by talisa View Post
                            since that we now also have a fancy medieval armor available.....

                            could you perhaps extend the custom model+sounds feature from health to armor,
                            and add an option to use a different armor in base and in non-base levels?

                            so that we could have ruohis armor appear in base-maps,
                            and have makke's medieval armor appear in non-base maps
                            That would be a really great feature, I was thinking the same thing: medieval armor in medieval maps, ruohis armor in base maps. Awesome.
                            Make Quake Great Again


                            • I actually use armor models based on mission pack: Rouhis for Quake, the unkown model for SoA, and the spiky model for DoE. It works great, although I have nothing against the feature you propose too : P
                              Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.


                              • Just tested with Drake and works fine, even if it's a bit strange if you play and industrial map like Sludge factory (uses Drake mod)
                                Make Quake Great Again

