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Small Mod compilation

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  • Mugwump
    Originally posted by talisa View Post
    the shambler (...) dont have eyes
    That's open to debate, and I personally do see very tiny eyes on the shambler's original texture, on the sides of the mouth.

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  • talisa
    fiends are capable of perfectly seeing in the dark,
    and several monsters like the shambler, spawn and shalrath dont have eyes,
    so it wouldnt make any kind of difference for those monsters wether its dark

    also, these monsters are chaotic, and they would instantly attack anything they would think they see or hear.
    so even just the players foot-steps would cause the monsters to attack, even if they cant see the player.

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  • enderandrew
    Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
    @shootable lights: For this to be of any use, it would also require some code modification to make the monsters stop seeing you when you're in the dark, like in Sock's In The Shadows mod. Otherwise the monsters would still see you while you would be blind.
    It is to the benefit of the player if monsters can't see you in the dark, but it also penalizes the player for sloppy shooting if you accidentally shoot lights and blind yourself.

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  • Mugwump
    @shootable lights: For this to be of any use, it would also require some code modification to make the monsters stop seeing you when you're in the dark, like in Sock's In The Shadows mod. Otherwise the monsters would still see you while you would be blind.

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  • talisa
    oh like that... i assumed it was bad grammar and he meant being able to throw a flare

    but yeah that can be done, but would require a custom lights that are scripted to be shootable.
    in quake the tech-light are just regular brushes with a lamp-texture on them,
    they are not objects like the exploding barrels.

    iirc i actually saw a vid of someone who scripted shootable tech-lights,
    but obviously it required custom maps with these shootable models placed into the map.

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  • Mugwump
    Originally posted by talisa View Post
    the SMC already has a flashlight (impulse 30)
    Andrew didn't ask for a flashlight but for the ability to shoot lights, as in "kill them permanently with a bullet". @Andrew It can be done using triggers in a map that's specifically designed for this purpose, but I don't think that's possible on a map that doesn't have this feature already built in.

    the SMC has the quick-melee attack with axe (impulse 20)
    The axe slashes and slightly pushes enemies back, but not like Duke's kick.

    it wouldnt make sense to be able to kick them around cuz of their massive size
    Because carrying 8 weapons and hundreds of ammo does? This is Ranger, the ultimate badass! Of course he can!

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  • talisa

    1- the SMC already has a flashlight (impulse 30)

    2- the SMC has the quick-melee attack with axe (impulse 20)


    regarding barrels:
    doom has small barrels.... but the exploding crates in quake are massive metal containers (twice the size of a man), which would be incredibly heavy.
    it wouldnt make sense to be able to kick them around cuz of their massive size which means they would be way to heavy to just be able to be pushed around.

    that would be like trying to kick a big block of concrete around... the only result of that would be painfull feet
    Last edited by talisa; 01-11-2017, 01:59 PM.

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  • enderandrew
    I have two ideas/suggestions for SMC:

    1 - The ability to shoot out a light.
    2 - A push-back melee attack (such as kick). I believe Brutal Doom does this with a rip of the boot attack from Duke Nukem 3D - Mighty Foot | Duke Nukem Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

    Being able to push an enemy out of your face has obvious benefits. SMC adds in mass values and enhanced physics for Quake, so SMC seems like a good place to implement a push-back kick.

    Brutal Doom also allows you to kick explosive barrels towards enemies with the kick. Then you can shoot it to blow it up in their face. I'd love to be able to do this in Quake.

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  • Mugwump
    Originally posted by Seven View Post
    If you convert TGA or PNG into JPG you will lose all alpha channels/pixels and therefore bugs that you encounter may occur.
    Furthermore, DP loads .tga faster than .png and .jpg, so there's really nothing to gain from the conversion (side note: you should know about this, it's in the readme). Supposedly .dds is faster than .tga, but apparently it doesn't work for every type of texture.
    Last edited by Mugwump; 01-11-2017, 12:15 PM.

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  • enderandrew
    So the problem was when I changed player.tga into a .dds file.

    I pulled the .dds file and replaced it with the original player.tga and now it is working as intended.

    I'm not sure why some textures work as .dds files, but others do not.

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  • Seven
    Hello enderandrew,

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    First off, let me say that I love this mod and it looks like @Seven consistently does great work across multiple mods/projects.
    Do not believe the hype. I am just Seven. Neither a good coder, nor a good modeler, texture or sound artist. I only scratched the surface of what is possible with advanced Quake engines.
    We have to thank the engine coders for all the new features they gave us. We are just users. They are the real heroes.

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    I initially downloaded Epsilon (which worked out of the box until I updated to the latest DP nightly build).
    The epsilon compilation uses outdated mods. DarkPlaces changed various features since that time and most mods have been modified/updated with each DarkPlaces change at
    The person who put together the epsilon compilation is not able to fix his own compilation, because he is not a modder. He is only a collector. Even now he blames engine bugs which have been fixed for quite some time. So lets not talk about epsilon in this thread.

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    I was encouraged to download mods individually and come together with my own install rather than using Epsilon.
    That is a good idea if you want to know and understand how things work. This way you will avoid bugs, use new mod versions and are able to have new features.
    Altogether with new Darkplaces builds and support of its new features together with new maps. So yes, a good idea.

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    I've been throwing some in a folder together, checking for conflicts, picking from textures/models that try to overwrite each other, converting some textures into DDS files where I can, and turning TGA files into PNG or JPG when I can't turn them into DDS files.

    This may be broken because of my install. I need to get back to a clean DP install and test with only SMC to verify it happens there as well, but I'm having an issue with player reflections.
    That is exactly what I think. Changing replacement content always has the risk to break things.
    Your described work chain has a great risk of breaking textures. Example: If you convert TGA or PNG into JPG you will lose all alpha channels/pixels and therefore bugs that you encounter may occur.

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    The player refection is really light and barely noticeable most of the time.
    It is not if you use original SMC with original replacement content. I recorded a youtube clip about this feature some time ago that shows how it looks like. Using impulse 20 (= instant melee attack) during action does not change the visuals:

    By the way, the value of how much you see reflections in reflecting surfaces, is set inside the shader, not the model or mod. Read more about it inside the DP pretty water, teleporter and lava downloads for example. There are many more examples floating around in this forum (incl. a tutorial how to use them).

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    However, the axe shows up much stronger if I enable the "quick melee attack" option, so the axe is always visible in my reflection even if I have another weapon out.

    The show player legs option really dominates the reflection if I turn the camera slightly down.
    To explain the issue you seem to have a little bit more in detail:
    The player model with dedicated weapon models, which is used in the SMC, has 3 textures per model: player body, carried weapon, weapon on his back.
    If the player body is more transparent compared to the other 2 textures, the player body texture itself has wrong transparency. All 3 textures are handled identically by the SMC, as it only uses/handles the model, not the model parts.
    Also, the player_legs model is hidden inside + behind the player model. So you will normally not see it in reflecting surfaces. The SMC also disables/hides it when not looking down.

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    Again, I'll try to replicate this with a base install plus SMC, but I can repackage my install basically in a .pk3 if someone wants to try and replicate it with what I have and help me troubleshoot it.
    You will see that everything works fine with original SMC and unchanged content.

    Originally posted by enderandrew View Post
    You are welcome.
    If you have additional questions, feel free to ask. This way also others may benefit from it if they might have similar questions in the future.

    Have fun with Quake,

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  • enderandrew
    First off, let me say that I love this mod and it looks like @Seven consistently does great work across multiple mods/projects.

    I initially downloaded Epsilon (which worked out of the box until I updated to the latest DP nightly build).

    I was encouraged to download mods individually and come together with my own install rather than using Epsilon.

    I've been throwing some in a folder together, checking for conflicts, picking from textures/models that try to overwrite each other, converting some textures into DDS files where I can, and turning TGA files into PNG or JPG when I can't turn them into DDS files.

    This may be broken because of my install. I need to get back to a clean DP install and test with only SMC to verify it happens there as well, but I'm having an issue with player reflections.

    The player refection is really light and barely noticeable most of the time. However, the axe shows up much stronger if I enable the "quick melee attack" option, so the axe is always visible in my reflection even if I have another weapon out.

    The show player legs option really dominates the reflection if I turn the camera slightly down. Here are some screenshots:

    Quake Player Reflection - Album on Imgur

    Again, I'll try to replicate this with a base install plus SMC, but I can repackage my install basically in a .pk3 if someone wants to try and replicate it with what I have and help me troubleshoot it.


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  • Seven
    Hello Avalan,

    This mod doesnt force wider fov or any other changes in your personal config.cfg. You seem to do something wrong when you encounter issues like this.



    For the people who are using the small mod compilation: You should definitely use v5.50 Beta3.
    This is the last publicly released version. It brings some nice new features and kills bugs from older versions. So far I didnt hear any new bugs or issues.

    This update also makes the improved underwater ambience possible as shown here if people are interested.

    Always read the readme´s, which answeres 90% of all questions for beginners or if you encounter strange behaviours. And if you have the time, browse through the smc download to find many additional content which you might want to try... There is a reason why it is so big.

    Have fun with your Quake,

    I suggest to use the torch model from this threat. They are better looking in my opinion and were released after the last SMC update, so they could not be included. Read the included readme to see how you switch them easily in your Quake.
    Keep in mind that you can adjust the torch tilt angle towards the wall as well as the distance towards the wall via smc_config.cfg to your personal liking. I suggest a slightly smaller tilt angle for the new torch.
    Last edited by Seven; 01-07-2017, 04:32 AM.

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  • Mugwump
    OK, I'll send you a PM tomorrow. I won't have time tonight, I'm going out.

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  • enderandrew
    Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
    Nowhere... Seven hasn't logged in to QuakeOne in two months now, so don't expect an answer from him soon (I hope he's OK). He was so kind as to send me his shader-modified shotguns as examples but he didn't upload them publically because he believes in teaching people to do stuff themselves instead of just reaping the works of others. I can send them to you if you want, it's super easy once you have an example at hand and follow the method he explained in post #2806 in the same thread you linked, plus you'll be able to do it for any weapon you like.
    I hope he is well, but just busy.

    The script example looks simple, but I assume you'd need the cubemap files to make it work. That would be great if you could pass them on.

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