Thanks for your help, webangel.
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Small Mod compilation
Yes, each time. Could I have ****ed something up in my config.cfg?
bind TAB "+showscores "
bind ENTER "+jump "
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu "
bind SPACE "+jump"
bind + "sizeup "
bind , "+moveleft "
bind - "sizedown "
bind . "+moveright "
bind / "impulse 10 "
bind 0 "impulse 0 "
bind 1 "impulse 1 "
bind 2 "impulse 2 "
bind 3 "impulse 3 "
bind 4 "impulse 4 "
bind 5 "impulse 5 "
bind 6 "impulse 6 "
bind 7 "impulse 7 "
bind 8 "impulse 8 "
bind = "sizeup "
bind BACKSLASH "+mlook "
bind BACKQUOTE "toggleconsole "
bind a "+moveleft"
bind c "+movedown "
bind d "+moveright"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode "
bind w "+forward"
bind z "+lookdown "
bind TILDE "toggleconsole "
bind UPARROW "+forward "
bind DOWNARROW "+back "
bind LEFTARROW "+left "
bind RIGHTARROW "+right "
bind ALT "+strafe "
bind CTRL "+attack "
bind SHIFT "+speed "
bind F1 "help "
bind F2 "menu_save "
bind F3 "menu_load "
bind F4 "menu_options "
bind F5 "menu_multiplayer "
bind F6 "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick "
bind F9 "echo Quickloading...; wait; load quick "
bind F10 "quit "
bind F11 "zoom_in "
bind F12 "screenshot "
bind INS "+klook "
bind DEL "+lookdown "
bind PGDN "+lookup "
bind END "centerview "
bind PAUSE "pause "
bind MOUSE1 "+attack "
bind MOUSE2 "+forward "
bind MOUSE3 "+mlook "
bind MWHEELUP "impulse 10"
bind MWHEELDOWN "impulse 12"
"_cl_color" "85.000000"
"_cl_name" "steph"
"bgmvolume" "1.000000"
"cl_backspeed" "200.000000"
"cl_forwardspeed" "200.000000"
"cl_particles_blood_alpha" "0.600000"
"cl_particles_explosions_shell" "1"
"cl_particles_quake" "1"
"cl_particles_quality" "7"
"cl_stainmaps" "1"
"gl_texture_anisotropy" "16"
"lookspring" "0.000000"
"lookstrafe" "0.000000"
"m_pitch" "0.022000"
"r_bloom" "1"
"r_glsl_offsetmapping" "1"
"r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale" "0.05"
"r_hdr" "1"
"r_lerpsprites" "1"
"r_shadow_realtime_world" "1"
"r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps" "0.400000"
"r_water" "1"
"r_wateralpha" "0.800000"
"sensitivity" "3.500000"
"vid_conheight" "360"
"vid_height" "1440"
"vid_samples" "2"
"vid_userefreshrate" "1"
"vid_vsync" "1"
"vid_width" "2560"
"viewsize" "110.000000"
"volume" "1.000000"
loving this mod compilation
the collection of stuff really adds to quake by adding some small features which make a huge change that enhances the gameplay and adds some small things which were absent in the original quake but are awesome.
they feel like they were supposed to be in quake but left out by the makers.
(which most likely isnt to far from the truth really)
after playing with the mod compilation i wouldnt wanna play without anymore, id miss the great flames, footsteps, cool death effects, gibbable corpses, nails in the walls after shooting around, and everything else included in this compilation.
and the rain and fog effects are amazing too and really add to the quake atmosphere
anyways, again, totally love this mod compilation, its amazing and adds some real cool things to quake.are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
> then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread
hey seven... i gots some problem which got to do with the rain/fog/snow files.
they're great, but using the .ent file for the start map of ID1 causes problems when trying to start a new game in the mission packs.
when i try starting a new game in either mission-pack my start point in suddenly somewhere completely different in those maps below the floor and i immediately fall down and have to use no-clip to get back in the map again
i understand this is caused by the fact that the start maps of both ID1 and both mission packs use the same file-name for the start-map.
but is there some way to fix this? beside the obvious which is adding weather .ent files specially for the start maps of those
would there be some quickfix for this problem or such?.are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
> then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread
Hello splitterface,
there is also an option 3)
put this line into the autoexec.cfg of your mod/campaign/addon:
sv_entpatch "0"
Usually mods/campaigns/addons dont have any .ent files included.
As long as you dont want to use .ent files for them, the line in the autoexec.cfg will do exactly what you want.
I posted this info here already.
Important info about this engine behaviour:
It is a blessing and a curse at the same time !
Imagine, if the engine would NOT use external replacement content from id1 folder.
And an .ent file is nothing but an external "replacement" file.
You would need to copy/duplicate all your external files for every mod/campaign/addon.
Or you would have to life with the "-game id1" command, which is not a good thing to do.
So we should be happy that this engine will always look for contents in id1 folder.
Ahhh, and while we are talking about this, please read this post, in case you use a replacement HUD for id1: click
The "issue" is identical to the .ent files.
And let me tell you a secret:
As soon as you will find the jewel "Nehahra", be sure to look into this link.
Nehahra is HIGHLY recommended ! (if you didnt play it yet)
It is one of the BEST campaign/addon out there !
If you look at the Nehahra dev team, you will know why...
Sorry, but I felt like mentioning this.
Best wishes,
PS: Follow this link for all available Quake maps/campaigns/addons in the world.
We cannot thank Spirit enough for hosting them all.
thanx seven, that fixed it
although i still get red fog in the start map of DoE though for some reason.
no problems anymore with SoA and no other problems anymore with DoE either, only the red fog.
and its not a big problem since it looks kinda nice, but how can i turn that red groundfog off for DoE?
btw seven, will you be making rain and fog and such for both MPs too? cuz that would rockLast edited by talisa; 10-15-2011, 05:51 PM..are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
> then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread
Hello splitterface,
Your questions would fit better into this thread.
If you read through it, you will find the answers.
Regarding your fog issue:
This is what LordHavoc wrote:
sv_entpatch is "1" ["1"] enables loading of .ent files to override entities in the bsp
Regarding your mission pack weather .ent files question:
I hope Roy Batty will stand to his words
I have no time for it anymore.
But wouldnt it be a good idea for you to make a contribution to this forum ?
It is not difficult splitterface.
Please read through the Tutorial thread:
Important is post #1 (of course) and starting from here onwards: click
Thank you.
Kind regards,
PS: For further discussion of this topic, please use the other thread.
Hey Seven,
Great mod you have there. Since I prefer playing without those death animations though, I was wondering if you were willing to release some kind of "light" version of your mod without any death animations and probably also without the changed gib stuff (kicking, exploding), I like the original behavior better. The rest wouldn't need to be touched since it's more subtle stuff which does not have such a big impact on your gameplay experience, but just makes the game look better. (I know that everything can also be deactivated with cvars, but maybe it'd be easier for some people like me if it just isn't included right away.)
Alternatively, maybe you could add an additional cvar to deactivate ANY monster death animation with one command (e.g. like "deathspawn") so you don't have to deactivate it for each monster separately. Possibly the same with gibs.
Hello NightFright,
First of all, setting the cvars in the autoexec.cfg is the best way to do it.
That is why I implemented a sample autoexec in the release.
Releasing a "light" version makes no sense, because you have the cvars to adjust everything you want.
Regarding your question:
The idea behind your question (expressed in QC language) is:
You want to change the default value of some cvars.
The answer is easy:
It is impossible to find the BEST default setting.
Some people will complain to turn them to "1", some will complain to turn them to "0".
The author always has a clear vision of what his mod shall look like.
And to make it user firendly and make it interesting for more people, he makes it adjustable (not fixed).
That was my target.
I explained it as good as I can in the readme.txt (even though many people dont read those)
I am glad that you like it though.
Even though it has the "wrong" default settings for you.
Thank you for your given post and feedback.
Best wishes,
I see. ^^ Well, it's not exactly hard to put every cvar for stuff you don't like to 0. I am basically using this because of the sounds, the improved torchlights and the amazing weather effects. These two things already make it pretty essential for me.Keep up the good work!
Last edited by NightFright; 10-21-2011, 10:18 AM.