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Small Mod compilation

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  • Mugwump
    Nowhere... Seven hasn't logged in to QuakeOne in two months now, so don't expect an answer from him soon (I hope he's OK). He was so kind as to send me his shader-modified shotguns as examples but he didn't upload them publically because he believes in teaching people to do stuff themselves instead of just reaping the works of others. I can send them to you if you want, it's super easy once you have an example at hand and follow the method he explained in post #2806 in the same thread you linked, plus you'll be able to do it for any weapon you like.

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  • enderandrew
    Actually, looks like the 5.5 beta file is no longer on zippyshare. Are you planning on a public 5.53 beta?

    Originally posted by Seven View Post
    Hello gdiddy as well as everyone else who are using weapon packs with dpreflectcube shaders together with current darkplaces builds. I found the one I developed back then. I called it "stupid barrel idea" LOL

    This is how the shaders should look like. Example for shotgun:
    (assuming cubemaps and weapon skins are placed in the below mentioned folders. If not, adjust the paths accordingly)
    	dpreflectcube textures/cubemaps/shot
    		map textures/v_shot.tga
    		rgbgen lightingDiffuse
    Have fun,
    Your video is labeled "stupid barrel idea" except I don't think it looks stupid at all.

    The script you post mentions:

    dpreflectcube textures/cubemaps/shot

    I don't have a shotgun cubemap anywhere in any of the texture packs or mods I downloaded. Do I need cubemap files for the shotgun to pull off the effect shown?

    Where do I find a weapon pack with dpreflectcube shaders?
    Last edited by enderandrew; 01-06-2017, 02:40 AM.

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  • enderandrew
    Originally posted by Seven View Post
    3.00 - 3.30 min. Teleporter traveling effect #2 (Fast moving particle sparks)
    I'm assuming you'll have options for both teleporter effects given how many options this mod already has. If you're only picking one, I'd like to +1 for the 2nd teleporter effect personally.

    I saw in another thread a mention that there is a beta for 5.5 somewhere. Where can I find that?

    Edit: Found it on page 273
    Last edited by enderandrew; 01-05-2017, 11:48 AM.

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  • enderandrew
    Originally posted by talisa View Post
    make sure you have 'RT Dlights' enabled in the lighting options to see the flashlight
    That was it. I turned off all the RT lights troubleshooting something else but that has fixed it. Sorry, simple mistake on my part.

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  • talisa
    make sure you have 'RT Dlights' enabled in the lighting options to see the flashlight

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  • enderandrew
    The flashlight isn't working for me for some reason. I enabled it in smc_config.cfg and then bound a key to it in my config.cfg

    I get a message on screen that my Flashlight is On or Off as I hit the key, but I see no light effect.

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  • Mugwump
    I never had any tearing problem in DP with vsync on. My monitor is at 60Hz and my framerate capped at 60fps. Oddly enough, I do occasionally encounter some tearing in Quakespasm.

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  • Focalor
    Not sure if this applies to Q1 and DarkPlaces, but in Q2 it's preferable to have a frame rate of 120 if you're using a moniter with a 60hz refresh rate in order to eliminate all ugly "screen tearing" when looking around quickly. Any frame rate equal to or a multiple of your moniters refresh rate is optimal. For another example, if your moniter is running 70hz, you'd want a rate of 140fps (70 x 2 = 140). However, I dunno that DP has a setting to set the fps like Q2 clients do. If so, something to consider for buttery smooth performance.

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  • Mugwump
    I still have a 4/3 screen myself and I set my FOV at 100. I remember reading Seven's personal config once, he uses 96.5.

    Originally posted by Avalan View Post
    Deleting effectinfo.txt gave me a boost of about 20fps, but it also got rid of all the gore related effects.
    Instead of outright deleting effectinfo.txt, search for the blood effects section inside the file. You want to keep that. Gibs are directly following the blood section, so keep them too if you like and delete everything else.

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  • Focalor
    When Q1 came out, everyone had square CRT monitors, and a 90 degree fov was suitable. But these days, most folks use wider flatpanel monitors, and I'd assume you're one of those people judging from the dimensions of those screenshots. So a slightly wider than 90 fov would actually be more correct for that aspect ratio. You can also experiment with fov settings to make mouse aiming speed more fine tuned and comfortable. I still use an old standard ratio square LCD flat monitor, but I typically use an fov of 100 to 110 anyway just to help make aiming quick flick shots more snappy and accurate feeling.

    Also, if you're having sluggish game performance, you might wanna try disabling the realtime lighting and shadow effects of the client. It's huge performance killer on less than stellar video cards.
    Last edited by Focalor; 12-29-2016, 02:13 AM.

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  • Avalan
    I have no other mods, I also already disabled dust/snow/rain. Deleting effectinfo.txt gave me a boost of about 20fps, but it also got rid of all the gore related effects.

    No mods

    SMC compilation

    Seems the mod also forces wider fov.
    Last edited by Avalan; 12-28-2016, 03:03 PM.

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  • Mugwump
    That's odd. Maybe try disabling particle explosions and projectile trails? Also environmental effects like flying dust/embers.

    Are you using Pretty Water and HD textures? These can be performance hogs on slower systems.

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  • Avalan
    Thank you all for your replies! I managed to disable new monsters completely it seems, I also changed fire particles to sprites as suggested, but not one changed improved my fps. I don't know if this is normal, but this compilation literally halves my fps. In areas where I have 100fps without the mod, now I have 50 or even less. The game is unplayable for me when fps are lower than 60 (where most games I can play just fine until fps drop below 30).
    Last edited by Avalan; 12-28-2016, 01:53 PM.

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  • talisa
    the SMC also has lovely sprite-frames which also look great and have a much smaller impact on framerate due to being animated sprites

    you can use them by changing 'flamestyle' to 1

    the particle-flames can actually have a quite massive impact on performance if used in combination with DP-pretty_water
    cuz of the engine having to render each particle-flame twice due to reflections

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  • Mugwump
    The SMC config file is very easy, if a bit tedious, to edit yourself. Just open the .pk3, which is just a renamed .zip, with WinRAR or whatever archiver you use and double-click on smc_config.cfg inside to open the file in Notepad. You can then tweak every value to your liking and save it when you're done (WinRAR will update the archive with the modified file).

    You might wanna keep hydras in. They bring a very welcome variety in underwater areas and they're much more interesting to fight than rotfish. My hydras' replacement factor is set at 30% and it's perfect this way. I think this is the default setting?

    Also, I don't think particle flames have that big of an impact on framerate and they look much better than id's polygon flames.
    Last edited by Mugwump; 12-28-2016, 10:09 AM.

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