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Small Mod compilation

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  • Hi Seven, thank you for the file. I have already started to adjust the settings. I want to have the game as faithful as possible. I just want some extra effects (using the ent files etc).

    Two problems I have in the moment. I can't find the setting for disabling the extra monsters. Also I am not able to add webangels light beams, because the file is somehow interfering with the SMC. My packages are some years old, I have a yellow light beam but the download listed on talisas list included a white one. So I have to start from scratch to build my personal faithful Quake again.

    Thank you for your continued support Seven! Your ideas and work you put in it is gorgeous!


    • Originally posted by TR2N View Post
      I can't find the setting for disabling the extra monsters.
      It's in the smc_config file. Look for a section about replacement monsters: you can set the proportion of new monsters that will replace the originals. Set each monster's value to 0 and tada, you get vanilla monsters only. I suggest you keep at least some hydras in: they're interesting to fight and bring very much welcome variety in underwater combat.
      ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
      ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


      • Originally posted by TR2N View Post
        Hi Seven, thank you for the file. I have already started to adjust the settings.
        Two problems I have in the moment. I can't find the setting for disabling the extra monsters.
        Hello TR2N,
        You just wrote that you downloaded the smc_config.cfg from my last post.
        Why you ask how to disable extra monsters ? That smc_config.cfg already disabled them all. Just as you requested.

        Originally posted by TR2N View Post
        I want to have the game as faithful as possible. I just want some extra effects
        There are many many of these kind of effects available in the SMC.
        From blood/gore extensions over fire/flames to lots of environmental effects. As well as powerups, trails, mist, explosions, liquid splashes, etc.
        You can enable/disable them all in that config file.

        Originally posted by TR2N View Post
        Also I am not able to add webangels light beams, because the file is somehow interfering with the SMC. My packages are some years old,
        The SMC has all the prerequisites you need. We developed that light beams together with Nahuel and her at that time.
        So, you should delete the progs.dat in that old version that you have. It will work automagically afterwards.
        Just be sure to use the .ent files from that download and not any else.
        Remember, you can only use 1 .ent file at a time. If you want to combine different .ent files you ca do it but you have to copy the blocks that you want manually.

        Originally posted by TR2N View Post
        I have to start from scratch to build my personal faithful Quake again.

        Thank you for your continued support Seven! Your ideas and work you put in it is gorgeous!
        That always helps to keep in shape, no ?
        But you do not really need to rebuild everything. The SMC is still base for all available extensions. Updating to v5.60 will be enough.
        Just be sure to delete all files from older versions.

        ALL replacements (such as textures, models, sound, etc.) are completely independent to the SMC.
        That is on purpose, as the SMC shall not interfere with your Quake setup and will work with all official maps as well as fan-made maps.

        Have fun with your Quake,


        • Hi, is it possible to install/put a new player model file in id1/hipnotic/rogue folder to use with the small mod compilation? If so, how?


          • l
            Originally posted by Frost R17 View Post
            Hi, is it possible to install/put a new player model file in id1/hipnotic/rogue folder to use with the small mod compilation? If so, how?

            the answer is this line in your

            set player_model 0 // Only works when cvar '3rd_person_visible_weapons' is disabled !!! 0= use player.mdl / h_player.mdl (=original Quake) 1= use player1.mdl / h_player1.mdl 2= use player2.mdl / h_player2.mdl 3= use player3.mdl / h_player3.mdl 4= use player4.mdl /
            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


            • I managed to get it working, thanks.


              • Is there an option to change different model variations for each quake monster?


                • Hello Frost R17,

                  You can use different monster models/skins at the same time in your Quake maps. Max. 4 variations at a time for each monster type.

                  Furthermore you can set different properties for each monster type.
                  Here are some examples (available for all monster types individually):
                  demon_size (uses random sizes of this monster type in a map)
                  demon_size_influenced_health (depending on its size the monster has increased health)
                  demon_size_influenced_attack (depending on its size the monster has increased attack)
                  monster_random_skin_color_alteration (randomly tints the skin of this monster type a little)

                  You also have the possibility to adjust the monsters AI depending on your played/used skill setting (easy/normal/hard/nm) via these cvars:
                  skill_adjusted_soldier_aiming (the higher skill you play, the better the grunts/soldiers can aim (harder to dodge))
                  skill_adjusted_hellknight_projectile_homing (the higher skill you play, the more hellknights projectile are able to home the player)
                  skill_adjusted_wizard_projectile_homing (the higher skill you play, the more wizards/scrags projectile are able to home the player)
                  skill_adjusted_monster_rangedattack_frequence (the higher skill you play, the faster ranged attack monster will fire at you)

                  Then you have these cvars to adjust all monsters basic ability at once:
                  monster_run_animation_speed_factor (adjust the running/moving speed of monsters)
                  monster_rangedattack_animation_speed_factor (adjust the firing speed of ranged attack monsters)
                  monster_skip_pain_animation_chance (monsters will go less often into pain animation)

                  Beside these, the SMC also includes and can use alternative models for some monsters with unique properties/animations like:

                  Kind regards,


                  • I see what you mean, thanks.
                    Last edited by Frost R17; 09-03-2017, 11:40 AM.


                    • I'm having some strange texture issues with the new release. The computers near the slip-gates in the intro area are just a plane white texture.


                      • thats un-related to the small mod compilation... thats an issue with using webangel's animated_reflecting_overload addon:

                        you can grab the updated shaders by seven here:
                        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                        • Hi Seven, I don't know the best place do message you, so I chose this one. I can't find "digs01 full Episode 9 maps with flames + impulse 12 + nails fixed.rar" anywhere on the forum. This was the only one I couldn't find from the list you posted here:



                          • I didn't realize you recompiled it so soon, I should visit here more often. Anyways, I have an issue with the darkplaces engine. Keeps telling me "sounds not precached, fix you code" whenever one of the custom sounds are played, such as footsteps. The blood also doesn't seam to work correctly and instead makes a.....well a "silhouette sculpture".


                            • I need help with this mod. I can see video clips and screens with rain and some spooky mist on the floor in the first map where the skill setting is. When I start Quake they are missing.
                              I read the mod instructions to open and edit the custom config file. I found this line: "cl_particles_rain" "1" near the top of the file. It says it enables rain in maps.
                              It is set to: 1 but the rain is not coming.

                              Everything else is working great so far!
                              Can someone help me? I use version 5.50 by the way. Do I need to update to 5.60 for the rain? if so, how?
                              Thanks in advance


                              • I found what I did wrong myself. You have to copy additional file for rain into maps folder. Its in the download subfolder.
                                It even adds rain and lightning sounds to the levels.

                                There are so many new things to discover with this mod. It makes the game much more intense and alive. Its amazing.
                                Thank you very much
                                I like!

