Thanks for the response, Seven! I went back and looked through all the code changes I made (by comparing to the original SMC code in a compare text edtior). I found nothing that stood out in the way of self, owner, or other properties. Of course, I could have missed something and this could still be the issue. Whenever I added something to the mod, I was pretty careful to use the same language you used in your existing code.
I am starting to wonder if the bug is related to something with save games. I played through a larger singleplayer map in my compilation, and it seemed to be getting more bugged as I played. There were also invisible monsters toward the end of the level. I'm not sure what would cause that.
I noticed in this comment in all your new monster files before precache:
I noticed this comment months ago and duplicated what you did exactly by moving all the precache information to world.qc rather than the monster.qc file, such as this:
But I don't know if there is something else I missed with precache that is messing up save games. I'm just trying to brainstorm since I have not been able to consistently duplicate the bugs (they seem to be happening at random).
The corpse bug definitely appears when I fire a gun for the first time. It seems to replace rockets, nails, or ejecting casings. When the corpse disappears, the gun will fire another corpse. It's almost always a corpse with a painskin applied to it.
I am starting to wonder if the bug is related to something with save games. I played through a larger singleplayer map in my compilation, and it seemed to be getting more bugged as I played. There were also invisible monsters toward the end of the level. I'm not sure what would cause that.
I noticed in this comment in all your new monster files before precache:
// all files precached in worldspawn() due to savegame-bug
if ((world.model != "maps/start.bsp") || ((autocvar_wyvern_replace_wizard)||(autocvar_wyver n_replace_hknight)||(autocvar_wyvern_replace_demon )||(autocvar_wyvern_replace_ogre))) { precache_model ("progs/wyvern.mdl"); precache_model ("progs/h_wyvern.mdl"); precache_model ("progs/wyvflame.mdl"); precache_model ("progs/fball.mdl"); //precache_model ("progs/wyvern1.mdl"); //precache_model ("progs/h_wyvern1.mdl"); precache_sound ("wyvern/wyv_sight.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/wyv_sting.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/wyv_pain.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/growl3.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/growl2.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/growl1.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/flapup.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/flapdown.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/wyv_fire.wav"); precache_sound ("wyvern/wyv_death.wav"); precache_sound ("demon/dhit2.wav"); precache_sound ("wizard/hit.wav"); }
The corpse bug definitely appears when I fire a gun for the first time. It seems to replace rockets, nails, or ejecting casings. When the corpse disappears, the gun will fire another corpse. It's almost always a corpse with a painskin applied to it.