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Small Mod compilation

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  • Just had another idea come to me after watching this clip:

    [ame= =1&list=PLF96FC4B06EE6CAE0]Doom First-Person Scene (HD) - YouTube[/ame]

    Look at app. 1:10 into the clip

    Is it possible to have small bits of gibs/blood come off of enemies when they are hit by shots? I am thinking of the SG/SSG/ Nailgun.

    Wouldn't it be cool to see bits and chunks come off when hitting the enemy??

    Just a thought.


    • Dear all,

      Regarding the gibs in lava:
      That is as far as I go. Further modifications (like turning them black) will not be done.

      The fade-away feature is still intact !
      That means they still vanish after the exact time, that you adjusted/set the cvar to.
      Doesnt matter if they are in lava or not. That was the most difficult part, and I will leave it as this.

      Regarding the debris of exploding boxes:
      I am glad that you like it now. It will also not be changed anymore.

      @ xolve

      The issue, that you describe is most propably due to usage of the shader key word:
      That moves the texture a little like a flag in the wind.
      The map is not designed for it. So there are glitches when you use such a shader.
      This has nothing to do with "small mod compilation".

      @ gdiddy

      The blood and "things" coming out of the monster idea is harder than you might think.
      There is no possibility to detect where a monster is hit, so you cannot spawn anything at this position.
      I know there is a very complex QC code available, that tries to do just this.
      But it has it limits.
      Quake 1 is not the game for this.

      Thank you ALL for your kind words and support.

      The fact that my wife and kids are away from home, makes it possible to spend so much time for Quake at the moment...

      All the best,

      PS: And dont forget, today is the first Sunday in Advent !
      So you should play games like this :

      Last edited by Seven; 11-27-2011, 02:56 PM.


      • Was what I was afraid of Seven. Was worth a shot to ask.

        Thanks for all of your work!


        • @Seven
          That moves the texture a little like a flag in the wind.
          The map is not designed for it. So there are glitches when you use such a shader.
          I use deformvertex shader in my custom maps because i use (for example) a giant brush to the water. ID maps have many brushes to the water, so the shader breaks the "union" beetwen liquid brushes

          You know about the impacts, Spike said:
          the fun part with csqc is getting blood splats to appear in the proper places, in places that match despite latency.
          So i think a work like that describe gdiddy62 is posible via CSQC. The big problem is the models of quake, they do not have hitboxes are just a box.
          With respect to the gibs in lava, I mean I already had a job done about it the gibs in lava burn and turn black and in the slime gibs are "fried" (in the two cases reduces fadetime). but I had some problems with the particles, then i would see what you did in qc to see how we incorporating them my codes.
          I think your children have influenced your taste in games. That speaks well of you
          I have an idea about the quake Christmas and if you have time I will send you a PM. in the southern hemisphere summer begins, Christmas spirit is very different from what you have, but as we celebrate Christmas
          the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



          • Originally posted by gdiddy62 View Post
            Just had another idea come to me after watching this clip:

            Doom First-Person Scene (HD) - YouTube

            Look at app. 1:10 into the clip

            Is it possible to have small bits of gibs/blood come off of enemies when they are hit by shots? I am thinking of the SG/SSG/ Nailgun.

            Wouldn't it be cool to see bits and chunks come off when hitting the enemy??

            Just a thought.
            The DOOM movie is some sort of gay!!


            • Originally posted by TR2N View Post
              The DOOM movie is some sort of gay!!
              that movie is pretty ugly
              the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



              • @TR2N+nahuel
                I agree the movie is pretty bad! I just used the clip as an example of my desire.
                How hard would it be with csqc to do the gibs/blood hit idea? We already have blood splatters in the "box" with darkplaces that has never bothered me as it doesn't have to be perfect. Is something like this still possible at all? If this can be done it would be awesome
                The acid bubbles from another thread would be great in the next SMC if possible!


                • Hello Nahuel,

                  I understood Spike´s words differently:
                  I think he means with "fun part", that it is almsot impossible.
                  Something like, you will get "mad" if you try...
                  But my english is same bad as yours

                  And I still dont believe, that even with CSQC it would be possible to detect an exact position where a monster is hit. Due to the simple box around the monster.
                  But of course you are a much better coder and maybe will find a way...

                  Regarding the gibs:
                  During my work time today, I was thinking about your words and had an idea.
                  Now we have 5 features:
                  - When gib falls into lava: it burns and changes its skin to "1"
                  - When gib falls into slime: it starts to etch and changes its skin to "2"
                  - When you kick/shoot gibs OUT of lava/slime, the particle effect stops, but skin stays.

                  If your gib model only has a skin "0" (= default), the skin will never change of course.

                  I tried to catch the etching effect in a clip.
                  [ame=]gibs in slime - YouTube[/ame]

                  Regarding christmas time:
                  Here in germany it starts getting cold.
                  But we are still far away from snow.
                  A snowy christmas is what most people wish.
                  Due to the fact that my family is far away (even call them is difficult),
                  I have no christmas feeling this year...

                  Best wishes my friend,


                  • Seven,
                    The gib effect in slime is nice indeed!
                    You are much more talented at coding than you give yourself credit for!!

                    I am lucky and have my family here around me so Christmas is always fun and heartfelt. I am sorry you do not have that. I hope you will have a Merry Christmas anyway!

                    Best wishes


                    • Hello Jeff,

                      Oh, fortunately they will come back before christmas,
                      So the warm feeling will come back as well
                      Thank you for your kind words.

                      Hello Nahuel,

                      I just had an idea regarding gib change, when in liquids:
                      Why not make it like in the "Vengeance of the deceased" effect ??
                      Normaly, nobody uses gib models with different skins.
                      The solution is simple (independent to the model and its skin texture):

                      Use this dpextension:
                      This will make the gibs reddish:
                      self.colormod = '5 1 1';
                      This will make the gibs greenish:
                      self.colormod = '1 5 1';
                      I will test it tomorrow.... and fine tune the colormod values.
                      Thank god we have the dpextensions features.

                      Good night to Argentinia.


                      • Originally posted by Seven View Post
                        Hello Nahuel,

                        I understood Spike´s words differently:
                        Sure, i have the worst english of the quake comunity but I learned a lot of qc Seven I am sure that even though your family is away you can surround yourself with friends, that would be best to celebrate Christmas. I have the luck to have my family nearby, but a very special person to me is far away. I do not know exactly what s the feeling Christmas, as a child waiting for gifts and enjoyed throwing firecrackers I think it's best to be happy in spite of everything, be somewhat discouraged is inevitable at this time of year, but is pretty useless, so be happy, sure you have many reasons for this. I think I'm sounding like a cheap self-help book in the wrong forum, so I'll talk about quake. I am thinking in a nice add-on for Twisted
                        Christmas I will add some maps, textures and other pretty features
                        Do you want help me?
                        the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



                        • Hello Nahuel,

                          I just replied 2 minutes before your post. LOL
                          (please see page before)
                          Had a new idea...

                          Now I have to go to bed. Hard working day awaits.

                          Regarding your question with "Twisted Christmas":
                          Had some plans for the next week. So will see if I have time.

                          Take care,


                          • Originally posted by Seven View Post
                            I tried to catch the etching effect in a clip.
                            gibs in slime - YouTube
                            That's cer-razy stuff
                            There is no Dana, only Zuul


                            • Recommendation for effectinfo.txt:

                              Change the alpha on the following:
                              effect TE_EXPLOSION // this is Jorix new white explosion smoke, alpha


                              0 32 2 // war ursprünglich 0 32 1 3.Wert: wie lange der Rauch


                              0 16 1

                              This makes the smoke more realistic, and less obtrusive in heavy firefights, particularly with multiple ogres where the opaqueness of the current smoke can make the whole scene a bit of big white puffy cloud :{
                              There is no Dana, only Zuul


                              • Originally posted by gdiddy62 View Post
                                Just had another idea come to me after watching this clip:

                                Doom First-Person Scene (HD) - YouTube

                                Look at app. 1:10 into the clip

                                Is it possible to have small bits of gibs/blood come off of enemies when they are hit by shots? I am thinking of the SG/SSG/ Nailgun.

                                Wouldn't it be cool to see bits and chunks come off when hitting the enemy??

                                Just a thought.

                                Hello Gdiddy62, here is a simple test of your idea
                                Test it
                                the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.


