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Small Mod compilation

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  • Originally posted by splitterface View Post
    EDIT: bingo! i just found what caused the burning and sizzling gibs in lava&acid to not work

    apparently changing the cvar 'set kickgibs' to 0 makes the gibs not burn and sizzle anymore
    just tried checking all cvars one by one to see what couldve caused the problem and apparently the fact i had kickable gibs turned off causes them to not burn and sizzle....

    could you fix this seven? so the effects apply too when kickable gibs is turned off? cuz i personally dont like the kickable gibs and i dont wanna be forced to turn it on anyway to get the burning&sizzling effects when gibs land in lava&acid
    This sounds pretty logic to me, I too also turned off kickgibs because it was kinda annoying kicking gibs before me as I raged through the levels xD

    Good find mr splitt
    Souvenirs d'un autre monde


    • Hello,

      And we always complain about those big game distributors, that games are getting released with tons of bugs.
      And sometimes even cannot run without a "day-0" patch...

      Just take a look at the amount of new cvars in your autoexec, and I am only 1 person.

      Please excuse that I am not able to test all combinations/variations of the cvars.
      It is simply not possible for me....

      I am sorry.

      PS: bluntz, I have no idea what your gif is showing. What is your demand ?


      • Originally posted by Seven View Post

        And we always complain about those big game distributors, that games are getting released with tons of bugs.
        And sometimes even cannot run without a "day-0" patch...

        Just take a look at the amount of new cvars in your autoexec, and I am only 1 person.

        Please excuse that I am not able to test all combinations/variations of the cvars.
        It is simply not possible for me....

        I am sorry.
        Aw c'mon Seven, I'm sure Splitterface didn't mean it like that.
        You and others've done a fantastic job with this and by all means deserve much respect
        Souvenirs d'un autre monde


        • The bloody gib bits splatters stick a long time.
          Is there a cvar to change adhesiveness?
          Also I am looking for my other set of gibs models with the long bones and sharper rib cages.I have forgotten whitch pak they live in
          We could use some links to gib sets in here
          Thanks for everything Seven
          I never had so much fun trying to keep up!
          May be too intense for some viewers.
          Stress Relief Device
          ....BANG HEAD HERE....


          • Originally posted by Ghostbreed View Post
            I'm sure Splitterface didn't mean it like that.
            Hello Ghostbreed,

            No, it is just because I am unhappy with myself.
            Spending much time in playtesting and still couldnt find every bug.
            Of course I will fix this and also make the lava gibs a little darker, like gdiddy requested.

            Originally posted by bluntz View Post
            The bloody gib bits splatters stick a long time.
            Is there a cvar to change adhesiveness?
            The code says:
            self.nextthink = time + 1;
            So, yes I can reduce this time, but have to be careful to possible side-effects.
            There is no cvar for that.

            Originally posted by bluntz View Post
            Also I am looking for my other set of gibs models with the long bones and sharper rib cages.I have forgotten whitch pak they live in.
            We could use some links to gib sets in here
            Hello bluntz,
            Here are the ones you are looking for: click

            osjclatchford has released some nice skins for the original ID1 gib models too.
            Use the search button to find them.

            Best regards,


            • @seven
              hey thats ok, no worries! dont be so hard on yourself, you're doing an amazing job!
              and even developers of big companies often still oversee some small bugs

              im just glad you made all the wonderfull stuff you made for quake!
              without you we'd be missing an insane lot of awesome in our quake
              and its amazing at a how fast rate you add more stuff to the SMC
              what you do for the community is totally awesomes

              but i hope you can fix the bug soon, cuz its a shame the burning/sizzling gibs only work if kickgibs is turned on right now
              Last edited by talisa; 12-04-2011, 04:35 PM.
              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


              • Hotfix for "Quake - Small mod compilation" V3.6


                "Quake - Small mod compilation V3.6" has a bug:

                Gibs dont interact with slime and lava if auto_cvar "kickgibs" is set to "0".
                This is the fix for it.

                Other changes in this hotfix (requested by gdiddy62 and bluntz):
                1.) Made the gib skins darker, after they fall into lava. (before: 0.7 0.3 0.3) (now: 0.4 0.1 0.1)
                2.) Changed the flesh-splats behaviour on walls: Now they slide down immediately (they dont stuck for 1 second anymore).
                3.) Reduced the brightness/red color of the big standard (gibtype = 2) flesh-splats a little bit

                This is only the new "progs.dat" !!
                You need the "small mod compilation" V3.6 to run.

                Full version V3.61 will be released together with Mission pack versions V3.61 soon !

                I am sorry for the inconvenience.

                Kind regards,

                I simply could not go to bed without this...
                Good night.


                • wewt, thanx lots seven for this fix!
                  glad you could fix it so soon
                  are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                  > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                  everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                  • Hey everyone! Good to be back to the Quake forums, I needed my fix of DooM and DooMworld, but now it's time for Quake again.

                    Basically, how do I install this mod? It says in the readme to add the .pk3 file into my ID1 folder in DarkPlaces but I see no .pk3 file, only a few folders, some screenshots and the like. Downloaded most recent version.

                    Second, how do I make my own .cfg file? And how exactly would I go about listing all the console commands in said .cfg? Thanks, I want to get the most out of this mod.

                    And finally, how would I go about the process of launching the mod? I suppose I could try loading it via DP's mod loading menu or whatever, but I'd like to make it a run command instead, I probably have to do something like -file blablabla.

                    Any help would be appreciated, I'd love to get this mod going; Oh! And a side note! I know DooM fresh-starts you with just the pistol and 50 bullets if you warp with IDCLEV, but how exactly does Quake's work? If I want to fresh start I need to start a new game THEN warp?

                    Again, I appreciate any help towards my questions. Thank you for your time.
                    Who would win: a death knight, or a gremlin with a double-barrel?

                    Steam profile:


                    • Originally posted by Toxic Scrag View Post
                      Basically, how do I install this mod? It says in the readme to add the .pk3 file into my ID1 folder in DarkPlaces but I see no .pk3 file, only a few folders, some screenshots and the like. Downloaded most recent version.
                      Hi Toxic, it's definitely in there, look for Quake_V3.6_small-mod-compilation_Seven.pk3

                      or find a better unzipping program like 7-zip if you can't find it.

                      Originally posted by Toxic Scrag View Post
                      Second, how do I make my own .cfg file? And how exactly would I go about listing all the console commands in said .cfg? Thanks, I want to get the most out of this mod.
                      Once you've changed some preferences in the options menu in darkplaces, it'll generate it's own config.cfg in ID1. Edit that, or add a autoexec.cfg file.

                      Originally posted by Toxic Scrag View Post
                      And finally, how would I go about the process of launching the mod? I suppose I could try loading it via DP's mod loading menu or whatever, but I'd like to make it a run command instead, I probably have to do something like -file blablabla.
                      It loads automagically if it's in the ID1 folder.
                      Read the readme's in the zip to get a clearer picture.

                      I can also suggest you start with a pre-made build - there are several - including my own one - in here:

                      Single Player - QuakeOne - Quake 1 Resurrection

                      Simplifies the process somewhat. You don't end up with the latest and greatest, because that changes constantly, but you get up and running.
                      Best of luck-
                      There is no Dana, only Zuul


                      • Thanks Xolve, got it all running. Problem was I load alot of pk3 files through ZDooM so it associated it as a ZDooM file.

                        And yeah, I've got a config.cfg file, but I'd rather make a fresh one out of a text document to put into ID1.

                        Now, how would I make that?

                        Say I wanted for one of the commands "debris", say I want that particular command enabled in the autoexec.cfg. Now, would I just put a space between each console command and do something like this?

                        Debris = 1

                        Blabla = 0

                        Wth = 1


                        Thanks for the help, much appreciated.
                        Who would win: a death knight, or a gremlin with a double-barrel?

                        Steam profile:


                        • Standard is (example):
                          set pushbackshot1 60
                          in autoexec.cfg
                          There is no Dana, only Zuul


                          • One space between each?
                            Who would win: a death knight, or a gremlin with a double-barrel?

                            Steam profile:


                            • Originally posted by Toxic Scrag View Post
                              One space between each?
                              Yeah -
                              btw, you need certain variables set in the autoexec for the SMC stuff to work.
                              Check out the 'example' autoexec.cfg in seven's zip.
                              Best to copy and paste from that then tweak.
                              There is no Dana, only Zuul


                              • Good work yet again Seven my friend
                                Souvenirs d'un autre monde

